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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Lumberjacks don’t taste that good! I mean they are ok as the song says...
  2. jajagappa, you are a lovely man. Thanks for keeping us—the knights who do not say FB (or nee)—up to date!
  3. On the bright side, or not, if you allow magic in this game you may have another player!
  4. If I were to buy the PDF first from TDM, could I later buy the hardcover. Or must both be bought at the same time. Waiting patiently (the drool on my chin has nothing to do with my state of anxiety. It's is caused by other factors, honest) for your response.
  5. Actually as part of my edits, I give Austin instructions to not forget those critically important elements so if these matter to you Austin strives to include these.
  6. Not recommended. Some of us are not housetrained! Welcome anyway, common sense or not!
  7. That works F D WC (if I may call you that).
  8. After a few years sometimes I wonder, and then someone like you reminds me of what it is like out there. Cheers
  9. From what I have seen, I will have to answer yes to that query. Lucky you! Yep, it looked like you mighta appreciated that bit of spoileroo fu, and l have been given assistance before so why not pass it on? Cheers
  10. That eyeball above (after the first demarcation and the BIUandS) when editing or composing a post should give you (let’s try it)... YEP, WOIKED LAK A CHAHM! cheers
  11. Thanks once again Messrs. Whitaker and Nash, et al. for all the great work you have wrought. And thanks again for sharing it so affordably! Nice stuff!
  12. Oh, hey cool, thanks you for the reminder. I remember a lot of that incredible lore (and as you said, in its day it was pretty hot!) but totally forget where it had come from. Just burrowed into my mind like a boggle or a krarshtide and took roost I supposed. But yes, this opened up a whole new level of Glorantha for me (much as CoP had). Quite concise, quite great! Can not disagree with Darius, but there is HQing and there is HQing. To Ma and Pa Harmast and Sora for instance, well they quest all the time. Let me ask Ma Sora ta eksplane herself... “Questin’ eh? Weell all da time, ya ken. Once at birthin’ tha animals, lands sakes... oncet at tha time o’ tha plantin’ and tha Harvest, and yet once agin for tha better part o’ Sacred Time... and let me tell ya, none can quest as loudly or more joyous than ol’ Pa Harmast when he gets down to tha Gray Dog Inn on tha old Ale Road...<spits and squints> ya get me? Some say HeroQuesting by the folk who make up the better part of the Tula is what keeps the world afloat! The common folk. I quite agree with them, so I prefer my Glorantha seasoning to be be quite magical. To each their own.
  13. Fantastic, thanks MOB or to whoever put this together!
  14. No, I am not sure but I think the CC has only cults (make sense, neh?) while TP has everything. I mean everything.
  15. While borderlands is a hoot to play and run, and Trollpak is fantastic Griffin Mountain is the gold standard for an easy to start sandbox. There is none better.
  16. Too emphasize this point there are only 6 pages of conversion on starting on page 432... Yep handwave this! The horror, the horror!
  17. No need to panic. Again, I have infinite copies, and I am sure the others have them as well. I have no way of keeping them in an easily distributable format, but I can not speak for the others. Still PM me, and I will be happy to shoot you a copy. Can’t imagine this could cause any problems.
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