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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I will have the podcasts if anyone wants a copy (no mylar protection and not immanently collectable, sorry) and I think the site is being repurposed and may have the files as well. Sorry, I do not have that info.
  2. Having a stupid question if you wish to assert you are with us is a great idea... but usually only the lunars espouse it in the manner you did! You have all you need, I started with RQ 2 core rules, cults of prax and griffin mountain, it was all I needed to start. Sure, that will work! Depending on your skill and comfort level they are all compatible to a greater or lesser degree. Hell, I have run CoC (another fine BRP game) modules in Glorantha! Currently running a classic game with RQG rules. I still struggle to convince one of my players to relax, he is more than powerful enough to be in the game what with the 1000 odd ability percentiles one gets in modern character generation, but beyond that it seems to be okay. So to what extent can you use "classic" material at the table... I am using it 100%! I give a couple of extra spells and RPs and runes. To tell you the truth I do not even use passions as presented RAW for the NPCs. I use them as guides. Currently running Rainbow Mounds! Finished Munchrooms recently. I do intend to run the 2nd Apple Lane from HQ with the current party (you have been warned guys and gals! No peeking). Jeff Richard suggests that you do not need very many stats and that running RQ as a story with much handwavium for the NPCs would be fine. Considering how rules light HQ is, this is good! David Scott even has some notes on how to very quickly stat up a non-stated HQ adventurer that I (or someone else?) could find for you. Usually not a great deal... Keep on with the stupid questions if you wish to be part of the community. Oh and good luck with the game. Don’t sweat the petty things (and even more important, don’t pet the sweaty things)!
  3. Hmm, to start thank you all for subscribing and downloading and listening to Wind Words. You gals and guys rock! A big thanks to all who sent us their thoughts and feedback and of course, thanks to the beta testers. Our guests and contestants, well, you are all fantastic! All of you! And of course, thanks to Chaosium for making great games and inspiring even more things all set in the wonderful world created by Greg Stafford for us to podcast about. Sadly and with heavy hearts, we will be saying goodby to Wind Words. Again, thanks to all mentioned above and all who I have missed. Cheers! PS @Trifletraxor, could you leave this thread open for a week or two so folk can say anything on their minds and then put on the padlocks and call this done like dinner?
  4. One of my favourite jobs to edit, as well. Great tale , great game! ...and DUCKS! @Runeblogger, are you going to buy a copy too? How long do I have to buy this before the price rise Nick?
  5. Bakshi and Leonard Nimoy come to mind when I see blasphemy and the name of that worthy author in the same chapter, never mind sentence!
  6. Aw svsensson, the eleven-first Birthday was one of my favourite parts!
  7. I said on a different social media (discord) that I had plowed through the series (minus appendices) over a three day bout of influenza (ah, simpler times and simpler illnesses) in my mid-twenties. By that time, I had read it since my thirteenth year at least once a year. I have slowed and have no idea how many times I had cracked the spine to read, "This book is largely concerned with Hobbits, and from its pages a reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history.” Hell, that would be enough, before long... I would be back in the Shire with the much changed Hobbits bringing some of the foreign ways home with them. A few adventures to tell around the fires as they grew older... until that sad day that Nine-Fingered Frodo... Nope, that would be spoilers. Love it!
  8. Now Ali, I would have thought you to be more tolerant than that!
  9. Yep, literature to slit your wrists by.
  10. There is Austin Conrad’s Jonstown Compendium contribution, Treasures of Glorantha which is a tip of the hat to Plunder.
  11. Is that so, I came to D&D in the eighties so.. I suppose that would make sense.
  12. I think we can blame D&D for that specific subject. Think I mentioned that early on, and I still say go for it. You paid for the game, it’s yours!
  13. Don’t forget the Great Sword Wielding Great Trolls from the TrollPak days!
  14. They were, I assume, not Gloranthan. Of course, If you want them use RQ 2 stats... You may have to fiddle with HP and cost but that should be easy.
  15. Who are ya calling a coward, c’mon, I’ll take ya on with one wing tied behind my back! C’mon, I dare ya! Put ‘em up!
  16. Gave Subcults a read and grabbed the above quote from RQ RiG page 282...So we know you would have access to some spells, skills or powers, but not which. I suppose you could, if you did not want to take the question to Scotty (not sure why, but), make up your own requirements and spells , skills and powers using MGF and precedent from other subcults as your guiding principle.
  17. Just read Odayla and I see what you mean, now why would they not put that in the Orlanth section as well. Especially seeing as subcults usually have special rules... I am afraid that your best option is to take this odd situation to Scotty as a Rune Question. ETA
  18. I am afraid you have it wrong Caras, Odayla is an associated cult, not a subcult. That means that Odayla provides his ally’s cult Orlanth use of Bear’s Strength (only) to an Orlanthi Sub Cult... Orlanthi Thunderous. ETA and you get access to Odayla’s spirt magics as well as a member of associated Orlanth Thunderous. As to he second part of your question.... I would not think so. You must be a Rune Priest to belong to Orlanth Thunderous, so I would think that would prevent an Adventurous initiate from accessing those spells.
  19. I have fond memories of the sword fight twixt the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inogo Montoya, but combined with Dave Morris’s comment (below) it takes on a whole new life, Thank you for pointing this out! Dave Morris from Cut and Thrust
  20. You tell it lordabdul, I am a 50+ guy who has loved books for a loooooooong time. But I will only get a few books for RQ and then more than likely rely on pdfs for all of your reasons and one more. I have been an ecofreak as far back as I can recall so if I must slay Ardryami I won’t do it on a whim. Cheers
  21. Okay, sold, I will put this in queue... Thanks for mentioning it! ETA holy s#!t, that’s a helluva log!
  22. My, my. You have a citation for that, it is one hell of a statement. Assuming correct, I like it a lot! Smacks of our world but it is so good I think I can for overlook my terra-phobia when dealing in matters of the Lozenge for a little while! Then again, I can think of a number foul priests behaving in a very earth-like manner in the canonical works... Using the office as a tool and barely doing the minimum necessary to fulfill the office. Why could not a very foul, despicable and scurrilous chief take money for one office sans the responsibility all while paying homage to another god entirely (and taking their money as well, of course!)?
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