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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. The only people that are going to pay attention to kids are other kids... so if the opposition has children, there is the valid opposition. The opposition children will probably have the same issue trying to make the adults in their group take them seriously though. The only others that will take kids seriously will be those that are on the receiving end of their antics... think Home Alone. SDLeary
  2. Animism -> Theism is a road that has many stops (combinations) along it, a progression. Wizardry (Gloranthan Sorcery*) is a humanist practice/aqusition and expansion of those methods that fits within the social and faith structures of The West and is diaspora. SDLeary * A Sorcerer is really that enemy magician over in the other valley that binds spirits and ancestors rather than negotiating with or revering them, the one who treats with Broos and sends evil spirits against the good folk of your Clan
  3. Perhaps even have that cadre of Ernaldans protected by displaced Elmali... that way you can tie things up in one package! πŸ™‚ SDLeary
  4. Tis a bit off. While I meet the weight requirement here, there is no way I'm size 18, considering so many more larger than I. The progression is nice though; perhaps I'll fiddle with that a bit. As for relation to weight/height, I'd just take what the average is for that weight, and extrapolate up and down a bit, but perhaps not with as much overlap as there currently is in the related tables. SDLeary
  5. And, don't forget, there is a fan conversion out there that may make some things fit better for a fantasy game. PendragonPass! SDLeary
  6. That would be an option, though if this project went forward, it would be good to have a couple of non-Gloranthan supplements, as what's presented in the core rules is a basic Earth-type early Medieval setting. Besides, BRP has Mythic Iceland on the way... one of these years. SDLeary
  7. I like that list. I would, however, add Vikings and Land of Ninja (argh the 80's title). They were some of the best cultural supplements of the time. As for the project itself, we would want to gather errata as well, and make sure it was properly integrated into the text. While we know where errata for the main book is, mostly (in the back of the softcover), I'm not sure if there are lists for the other titles that are available. SDLeary
  8. Then, of course, there is the eternal Montery Jack! SDLeary
  9. I don't see where you are getting the +4 in the damage (a crit?). You get +2 STR for Air being primary, or +1 STR for being secondary. Potentially SIZ could be in there too, for a total of +3 to the calculations for damage bonus. This might take you up from no bonus to +1d4, or from +1d4 to +1d6. So it appears on a normal hit on a target with between 7 and 9 HP, not there. A special, yes if dice roll well. A crit (if that is what your calculation shows) then possible with a decent die roll. On a character with between 10-12 HP, you would be one point short if you rolled perfectly. I wouldn't rule it severed, but maimed, and people do die (rarely) from being punched in the nose. Note that this could also have happened under RQ2 or RQ3 (though slightly less likely). SDLeary
  10. I think you might need to find a Hoolar! Had one form/set wind into a sword for me once. As for Mostali and Adamant? in my Glorantha... YES! SDLeary
  11. Yes... complete with Slarge Broo, Dinosaur Broo, other various nasties that crawl out of the desert. SDLeary
  12. Much is probably not canon, but there are some interesting details and bits in the Campaign Log from Sandy Petersen's campaign from the early '80s. SDLeary P.S. I thought it was in the files section here, but I can't seem to find it now. The link is to the PDF hosted on the author's page.
  13. I would suggest Less Lethal Damage. A skill crit with fists, feet, or a truncheon (or other less lethal weapons) can still take someone out permanently. As for normal LL Damage, you could match the inflicted damage against the Location HP by opposed roll or Resistance Table: If the roll overcomes the location, a stun effect If the roll criticals the the location then a KO (an actual KO, someone keeling over in pain, joint lock...) Or other effects that you might come up with SDLeary
  14. Yeah, most HEMA folks work with Longswords. Which makes me wonder how it would have gone if they were facing off against people well versed in 2H Spear, and Spear and Shield. SDLeary
  15. @Barak Shathur It was further back than I thought. Here it is: SDLeary
  16. Show on a Saxon graveyard find in Wendover, Buckinghamshire. 141 burials, 138? graves. Lots of spears, seax, and one sword. Rings, broaches, beads, glassware, pottery, and buckets. SDLeary
  17. For Spear vs Sword, and variations with and without shields, check out YouTube. Either Lindybeige or Scholagladiatoria did a video looking at this. In fact, I seem to remember the vids and a discussion down in Alistor’s. It might be buried a couple of years back. SDLeary
  18. Perhaps? I've aged much as I have considered this. πŸ™‚ Sometimes I go one way, sometimes the other. For NPCs, if I want "Ultra Realism", then I would apply to all equally. Something a bit more "Cinematic", Heroic HP for PCs, and regular for opponents who are not Captains or the Boss, who would also have Heroic HP. A bit more down the hole into "Comic" territory, Mook type rules where they are removed from play after a single hit, with higher caliber foes with regular HP and Heroic HP. Monsters are a bit tougher to give a single answer, as the conception of the monster can vary dramatically depending on vision of the world. Is a dragon the large hulking beast of Game Of Thrones; or are they the size of a Komodo Dragon with wings, as is oft depicted fighting St. George? If the former, I might go the other direction and say that short of a critical hit, there isn't much you can do without large siege weaponry. If your concept of a dragon is the True Dragons of Glorantha, then not even those will do more than tickle it at best. So for Monsters, think about it a lot. If they are supposed to be the culmination of the adventure or campaign, I would go with Heroic HP, unless they are so powerful that it could cause a TPK. Then, I might take them down a notch. SDLeary
  19. Using Heroic HP. Raises Core thresholds (Chest, Abdomen) just enough to mitigate things a bit, while leaving limbs and head vulnerable. Similar. I took your quote to state that you were also still tracking the location points as well. Here, they are just values to be exceeded, with multiples of that value causing progressively more serious results. Only point track involved here is General HP. SDLeary
  20. Not for using localized HP, but for modifying the system for better results: Use Heroic Hit Points (SIZ+CON) Figure location HP as normal Use resulting values as Major Wound threshold values for said location and: Any wound under the value in a single blow is a regular wound, no major effects, but it still hurts like hell. Any wound at or over the value in a single blow is a Major Wound; suggested to follow guidance from BRP:UGE p.133 "Damage Equal to or More Than the Location's Hit Points" Any wound double the value or above in a single blow is a Critical Wound; suggested to follow "Damage Equals or Exceeds Double the Locations Hit Points" Any. wound triple the value or above in a single blow is a Mortal Wound; limbs are irrevocably maimed or severed. Head, chest, or abdomen shots result in death Note that you are still reducing Total HP for these wounds, so you can still die from a thousand cuts. SDLeary
  21. In the broadest sense, yes they are the same thing. However there are differences. An Arming Doublet is specifically designed to be a base layer for a type of armor, primarily designed to pad against chafing of the armor itself, but also able to absorb some force that armor might allow through. In the case of later doublets, also have tassels or buckles to attach voiders, or actually have voiders sewn onto, to cover gaps in the armor. In the case of not being able to fully arm, a doublet can give some minimal protection. A Gambeson (the way most think about them) was designed primarily as an outer garment, often though not always reaching the knees. There is some evidence that it was worn under armor, starting in the 12c, but has also been used on its own from about the 10c. and is believed to have been used on its own long before that. Some sources state that a Gambeson had padding that made the garment two thumbs thick, and fairly rigid. Not something you really want to wear under armor that will restrict things further. At least in England, the Gambeson was replaced by the Buff Coat. SDLeary P.S. – An interesting but lengthily discussion over at MyArmoury HERE. P.P.S. – And the obligatory (questionable?) quote from Wikipedia.
  22. Odd, English is my native language, and I’ve always read it as skill 7 with three levels of mastery. perhaps, if changed it could be 7M^3 (sorry, on a phone right now, but that should be a superscript). SDLeary
  23. Padding was only 1 or 2 points. So outer flexible armor (I would really restrict this to Maille, scale is much more resilient in this case) plus padding, halved with clubs, maces, etc. AFA a gambeson, now that's a much heavier padded garment; many more layers, more padding in between. Much heftier than an arming doublet/aketon. SDLeary
  24. Dodge was really designed to allow Thieves (dnd style) to exist in RQ3, and give them something of a chance. Today, I might still allow Dodge, but it would be more along the lines of things that were house ruled into existence in the early 2Ks, modified a bit more. Dodge – Generally only used by those who have no other option. They are unarmed or underarmed, fighting against or simply trying to not be killed by armed opponent(s). Chance to Dodge is equal to DEX x5. If fighting multiple opponents, it is not diminished, but used equally against all. While Dodging, the character may not attack. Being encumbered reduces chance (1/2 enc as penalty?). Results as follows: Critical – You have managed to get out of the way completely, avoided all damage, and placed yourself in an extremely superior position. You may either disengage completely all current opponents, or if you choose, make an attack (riposte) at +20% immediately Special – You have avoided the blow from your current opponent completely. Normal – Avoided the blow, mostly. Damage reduced to weapon add. Failure – You've been hit, but managed to turn at just the right moment, only take 1/2 damage Fumble – You've taken the full brunt of the blow Sounds generous, but in reality, being able to dodge through a normal BRP combat is unrealistic. If the player can roll the dice that way, then the character was fated to make it out. If I'm allowing this in a hyper-real setting, then I might still be convinced to allow it, but eliminate the listed result for Critical, and shift all remaining results up one success level; or perhaps reduce the DEX multiple to x4 or x3, or some such. SDLeary
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