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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. Something like that, I might be convinced to allow half skill value plus category bonuses. I also state that the common 1h hafted weapons, in this case axe, mace, and hammer, are the same skill; though I might impose a penalty for the first fight or two. 2h spearmen can use a quarterstaff, etc. SDLeary
  2. I don't think cyberware makes you crazy, but I think certain cyberware can certainly ease you along that path. 'Warez that enhance you physical prowess (cue Simon in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...), that increase your strength, or ability to withstand physical punishment, that allow you to crush someones skull in your bare hand or to withstand the round of a high powered rifle fired a point blank range, are especially corrupting. They subtlety change your thought, create a conflict of Self. "Am I human anymore? If not, what have I become? Am I a monster? I seem more than human. Why should I conform to the will of puny humans?", etc. This mindset can lead to increasing Violence Others, such as cerebral jacks, ocular implants, and raw data storage are pretty safe... when QA has done their job, and the bean counters have not substituted parts out of spec to save a few pennies. Jolts to your processing center can cause anomalies over time. Data bleed might blur your memories and the data you are moving. Paralysis and amnesia might induce a feeling of Helplessness. Mechanically, I do not see the existing SAN system, or variations of it, as sufficient for a cyberpunk game, as most of them are X then Y. In my vision of cyberpunk, due to corrupting influences and varying traumatic stimuli, you have to take a more varied view of things. You can simply bolt on UA's Madness Meter system, but this really does feel bolted on, not as elegant as the general BRP subsystem. I have been toying with the idea that the UA categories are, for lack of a better term, saving throws. Each with its own %. The higher you are in that category, the more resistant you are to its influences, but at the cost of being more jaded, perhaps reaching sociopathic levels (willingness to resort to violence at the drop of a pin, living the life of a hermit, etc.). My problem is in implementing the "failed" notches. On the other hand, perhaps cyberware simply modifies a SAN roll when a certain type of stimulus arises. SDLeary
  3. Interesting. I hadn't noticed that before. I'm not sure of the real answer, but I would postulate that it has something to do with the cumbersome nature of actually swinging/thrusting with two weapons. I would think this would be especially true if the weapons were not balanced the same. Think of sword in one hand, and an axe/mace/warhammer in the other. Balance is totally different, how they connect (surface area) is different, etc. SDLeary
  4. This sounds an awful lot like Ringworlds Root/Branch skill system. While I personally liked it, it was somewhat cumbersome, especially where knowledge skills are concerned. Also, IIRC, the skill category value did nothing for the skill, simply providing a maximum value before specialization was needed. SDLeary
  5. Hmmmm.... Yes, agree to disagree. You see, if we are going to take natural ability or use familiarity into consideration, then I would suggest that a Farmer should be damn good with a flail, as its a common tool on a farm to thresh the grain. He has used it, kept it in his hand, knows how to swing and connect so that the head doesn't bounce back and do him harm. SDLeary
  6. They were worn over padded garments primarily to prevent chafing iirc; one example of this is representations of Roman Legionaries wearing a "scarf" around their necks, presumably to prevent the armor rubbing their necks (this occurs more in representations of Legionaries with Segmentata more that Hamata). Later, as concussive weapons began to rise to the for, the padding probably got thicker to try and compensate. Ultimately though, we don't know. I'm not aware of any actual specimens that have survived from the ancient world, and few from the medieval world for comparison. SDLeary
  7. It appears to me as if he is saying that in order for everyone to have fun, you shouldn't let the knowledge of the player eclipse that of the character in the game world. Role playing is always the goal, but with the skills of the character being the borders of knowledge. SDLeary
  8. I could be convinced to allow 3 pts. To me chain is a special issue though because it is SO flexible. It is really only designed to prevent you from being cut or poked, and thus bleeding all over the place. As far as there being no more arm, thats another place I would mitigate with a mace, or probably any other concussive weapon. The injury would be a severe compound fracture, probably an open fracture, thus bleeding involved. Not to the same degree as a bladed weapon though, probably amounting to one point/turn. SDLeary
  9. Thats when you pause, then and there or at the beginning of the following session, and have the GM discuss it with the players. It could result in a new house rule, or simply a one off decision if its not expected that the situation will occur again. But it allows all players to know whats going on, the concern that the GM, a player, or players have, and what the ruling there on out will be. SDLeary
  10. [devils advocate] But doesn't the actual rules system matter? I mean, if the game is utilizing something to represent the smarts of a character, shouldn't that matter? Most games model physical characteristics of a character, and those matter, right? Now the GM can make exceptions, and they should clearly state the reasons for an exceptions. They also need to remember the exceptions so that if a similar situation comes up later with another player, so that player doesn't feel left out. But you don't simply ignore the basic modeling/rules of a game, unless the GM has stated ahead of time that they are house ruling X, or they pause to discuss the situation and imposing a new house rule with players. [/devils advocate] SDLeary
  11. This is why I like the RQ3 method. A Wizard should only advance in wizardly skills if he is using wizardly skills. If he is in combat defending himself with a weapon, then he should advance in that weapon. If he is using first aid or medicine or "human lore" or something to treat an injured or ill character, he should advance in said skill. Thats why its called an "experience roll". If the GM allows Research while riding through the wilderness, then the time should be figured out or guesstimated (perhaps with an appropriate penalty for environment), rolls made, and advancement then allowed. I'm not opposed to allowing the players assigning advancement at times, but certainly not on a wholesale basis. I would suggest something along the lines of normal "experience" during actual play/useage of skills, along with something like Pendragon's Winter Phase. During this phase though the player would have to assign the points to a skill that was appropriate to their profession and/or physical situation (hold up in a cabin in the wilderness for winter, thus survival, hunting, stewardship, etc.). SDLeary
  12. Well, in RQ3/BGB, I would have allowed this, but deemed it Research, and imposed the time limit for improvement rolls on the character. Considering it was the same lock, may even have only given one improvement roll. Clearly the GM should not allow checks in such a situation. SDLeary
  13. This is somewhat debated. A simple mace (pre flange and/or spike) is really really good against flexible non-padded armors, and less effective against rigid. Re-adoption of the mace (1st Crusade -ish?), used against an opponent predominately armored in flexible chain probably did re-start the arms race (weapon vs. protection). I tend to go a little further than RQ3. Half armor value vs. flexible, save for chain. Chain only counts the 2 points of the assumed padding. I note when a player says they aren't using padding. SDLeary
  14. It "would still be" rune magic though... Dragon, Man, Plant, etc. SDLeary
  15. Come now. If we want evocative we should insist on something along the lines of the Calendar or Coligny! Complete on a sheet of brass with peg holes to mark day, night, and whether the day is auspicious! SDLeary And @Triff, can we bring back the old smilies please... so so much better for snark and irony!
  16. That looks purdy, but also very crunchy. Do I see both lethal and non-lethal damage tracks? SDLeary
  17. Silly question. Why are the Runes a sorcerer has to choose from not tied to the Runes the player chooses during character creation? I imagine that it has something to do with the Western mindset. If they DO choose a rune from character creation, is there any benefit? It seems to me that if Damalstan was strong in The Forc... Fire from birth, he should gain some advantages if he chooses that as his path of study in the magical arts. SDLeary
  18. True, it wasn't Gloranthan, but it certainly wasn't as horrible as most seem to point to. At least it never was in any of the games I was in. Even in the Gloranthan campaigns I was in, the Sorcerers were always top notch in terms of effectiveness. SDLeary
  19. So you spend the time, and make your roll and BAM, you know the Rune or the Technique? No percentages on either to deal with? OK, this satisfies the "you know it or you don't" statement (paraphrasing, not going back in the thread to get the exact wording). What threw me off was you also used the term Mastering, as if it was something additional that had to be done. So, are there any differences for lower casts? Can a Soldier/Warrior still cast magic related to warfare? A farmer spells to enhance his yield? Etc. And if so, how are they limited, other than class strictures, from learning other stuff? Do they "know" enough general theory to use rituals? Is everything they do a ritual (using time as a cast limiter makes some sense). Or are they going to be using "lower magic" as I believe I read in one of the other threads? SDLeary
  20. OK, I'll bite. How does the sorcerer either understand Techniques or not (I'm assuming that knowledge of Runes is based on the Rune tree we saw before). Also, if they are not skills, how does one "master" a Technique, especially if they "understand" it or not? FreeINT to memorize spells, but no Grimoires. Sounds like a contradiction of what you have already laid down for Malkionism. If Grimoires exist, how would you mechanically integrate them into what you have just presented us? Does someone simply have to be able to read the text, magical or otherwise? If this is the case, can anyone who can read the text cast a spell out of a Grimoire? Are Grimoires simply repositories of spells that the magician has to memorize? I'm with others. On first blush this sounds either like Advanced Sorcery, or a streamlined RQ3 sorcery, and NOT an RQ/BRP adaption of what is presented in HQ. SDLeary
  21. Actually, I was able to find that sheet in the downloads section. Its listed as "RuneQuest CS rev2", uploaded in 2008. SDLeary
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