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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Tatou also had some great articles and adventures Item Number Year Country Medium Contents Tatou #9 1992 FR Print Pendragon by Christophe Begey Tatou #10 1992 FR Print Chevalerie et Sorcellerie dans la Bretagne Légendaire by Christophe Begey Le Chevalier au Faucon by Christophe Begey Tatou #11 1993 FR Print Dans la Forêt de Morgane by Pierre Henri Pevel Tatou #12 1993 FR Print Fleur de Sang by Philippe Dohr Tatou #13 1993 FR Print La Guérison dans Pendragon by Pierre Henri Pevel Le Roi Toujours Mourant by Pierre Henri Pevel Tatou #14 1993 FR Print La Dernière Flèche by Pierre Henri Pevel Tatou #15 1993 FR Print Le Chevalier à la Teste Tranchée by Pierre Henri Pevel Tatou #16 1993 FR Print Les Cerfs Blancs by Thierry Arnould Les Animaux Mythiques by Thierry Arnould Tatou #17 1994 FR Print L'Héraldique by Pierre Léonard La Vengeance du Bâtard by Pierre Léonard Tatou #20 1994 FR Print Les Ecuyers by Mark Morrison La Cour d'Oberon by Thierry Arnould Le Roi des Gnomes by Thierry Arnould Tatou #23 1995 FR Print Le Sorcier du Cheshire by Thierry Arnould Tatou #24 1995 FR Print Vengeances by Thierry Arnould
  2. Where are you getting these from? It's not clear if you are the artist...
  3. Yes, it's real until the spell ends. No. You'd have been wiped out by either gobblers (real) or illusionary iron dwarf terminators that are free to the GM with gunpowder illusions.
  4. Welcome aboard! Yes. Usually it's only one adventure a season, as adventurers only get a limited time off from their occupation to adventure. If the adventure more, they are penalised at the end of the year. As there is one one seasonal holy day for adventurers, it also means that they have rune points to adventure with. A much richer system with a Sacred time catch up. That's up to you. In your game you can do what you like. Overall my players haven't encountered any problem with seasonal experience rolls. No.
  5. Firstly use the Red Book of Magic as any updated spells will be in future updates to the Core Rules. It would have the full stats of a Greatsword as the intention is to make an illusion of one that would act as such. If it only had 1 hp it wouldn't be a great illusion. I would suggest stacking it with a point of Illusory Sight so it looks good (fine finish, jewelled hilt, glints in the Sun, etc)
  6. Scotty

    Enchant lead

    It's covered in the Red Book of Magic, pages 46 & 47, Enchant (metal) briefly, has the same ENC and hardness as bronze, does +2 damage with crushing weapons only Yes. See Weapons and Equipment, the Armor chapter starting page 77. No, it's just heavier.
  7. This is a clarification that will go into a new printing of the core rules (whenever that is). See Illusory Substance in the Q&A
  8. This is updated from a few years ago, just to refresh the "Old Hands" and to welcome in the new. Glorantha has a had a lot of material published for it, both in print and on the internet in the last 40 years. For newcomers, this can be daunting, not only do you have to navigate all current and out of date setting information, you also have to learn how the Glorantha community aka the Tribe works. We are all here because we love Glorantha but sometimes we love it a little too hard. Sometimes the way the setting gets talked about is pretty unwelcoming to new members. We at Chaosium want to make sure Glorantha is accessible to everyone and hope you want to see it grow and thrive as well. What helps new people? Keep it RQG focused. Ask yourself if a new player actually needs to know this to play before hitting post. If it’s not in the Starter Set, Core Rules, Bestiary or GM Screen Pack the answer is almost always no. The old stuff might have been great, but new players don’t have it, so it’s not helpful to tell them about it. Don’t argue semantics. If it is not a direct answer to something they asked, it probably is not helpful to post. Keep deep lore out of newbie threads. If you can’t say it in one paragraph it’s not appropriate for a new user post. Deep lore threads are awesome places to learn, but only when you are ready for them. Help new members by linking to existing deep lore posts with “Here is some more information if you are interested.” Have more in depth info to add? Make a new thread and link to it. Remind your fellow experienced members to continue the conversation there. Likewise keep references to older editions of the game out of newbie threads. If the question is about RQ2 (classic) that's fine as we still publish it. Keep it upbeat. This is a game and should be fun. General negativity brings the whole Tribe down. When in doubt remember MGF on page 6! Say hi! Being the new kid can be lonely and everyone wants to feel welcome. ____ The biggest take away here is to keep your answers simple. If you have more to say put it in its own dedicated deep lore thread. The big essay responses really drive new members away. It’s the responsibility of all Tribe members to make sure this is an inviting place. Let’s work together to keep Glorantha around for another 40+ years by helping new people fall in love with it just like we did. ____ A few other notes for other threads: Look at the OP (original post), while it's great to chat, as threads get longer, they often wander further from the OP. Long threads are often difficult to follow and more difficult to get involved with. They often start to repeat themselves. Consider starting a new thread with a new or related title. Consider tagging your posts, tagging helps members find what they are interested in. Putting all your replies in one post often produces a Wall of Text. Individual replies are often easier to read and follow. Please don't use images or youtube clips that are not directly relevant to the OP. They lengthen the threads and everyone has to scroll further. If you've any questions? The mods are here to help!
  9. See also the Hallucinate Q&A.
  10. After 13 pages of meandering, it's time to bring this thread to a close. I've split the last page into a new thread with an open title.
  11. This is an at your table call, I would: Ignore the POW vs POW and roll for location and damage (life is too short to mess around with small stuff). Alternatively imagine the POW of the animator, pick a number or roll something like 14+1D6 POW and use that for all of them. or as you said, no effect.
  12. Other chat moved to a new thread: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/15400-mines-quarries-in-we/
  13. This is an at your table call. At my table when a Humakt initiate using Fireblade, wanted to use Truesword, I said the Truesword supplants the Fireblade as Humakt is a sword-wielding death god (even if he does teach Fireblade). His godly deathness, trumps the fire aspect of spirit magic. If for example, a Yelm initiate using Fireblade on a spear wanted to cast truespear as well, I'd say sure Yelm is the premier fire god. Note that this has now been superseded: No. True (weapon) doubles the weapon’s normal damage (RBM 100), Fireblade replaces the normal damage done by the weapon (RBM 114). The (weapon) would either just not work or more likely would knockdown the Fireblade.
  14. You might want to check the Q&A for Fireblade.
  15. Heler is one of the great Water Gods and is associated with that Rune. He is the son of son of Sramake the Primal Ocean, and much of his mythology is that of a water god. Swim Is important for the followers of a Water god. Dance is a cultural skill, see RQG, page 60, everyone dances at rituals. In the last write up for the Sartar Companion (2010) There are just two mentions of Heler dancing, one being rain dances. That's covered by the Worship (Heler) skill, which can of course be augmented by dance. If a player wants to swap out swim for dance for their adventurer, I'd let them.
  16. They are on the Well of Daliath under the Facebook section. If you want the Heroquest material use Jeff Facebook Heroquest (or something more specific) in the search bar.
  17. @Erol of Backford Can I clarify which RQ system you are using, so the thread can be tagged as such. This will prevent any future confusion.
  18. Yes GMs can always use their own rulings at their table. You could rule that the cats teeth break reducing the AP and even damage. However I'd alway advise going with the story (cat misses and crashes into parrying shield and takes some damage) vs applying the full rules which may not make complete sense in this situation. The rules cannot cover every situation. I always fall back to this being a fantasy RPG in a fictional setting vs trying to simulate the real world, MGF (page 6) trumps most minutiae.
  19. Yes So using a failed bite attack of a saber-toothed cat vs a successful medium shield parry The cat's head is 3pts of armor and 7 hit points (RQB page 159). Vostor's large shield damage is 1D6+1D4. Rolls 3 and 2 for 5. Cat's head armour absorbs 3, but 2 go through to the head. The cat has crashed straight into Vostor's shield. No.
  20. As has been mentioned look at the Q&A. Other than that, as the spirit starts to become visible in the round before it can attack, other adventurers may have the opportunity to attack it if they can see it (it's becoming visible, so scan, luck (POW x5) spirit lore, etc.). In the following round it's visible to those that look. Then they can use spells or weapons that can affect the spirit. These work on their normal strike rank. Spirit combat happens on SR12. This is all spirit combat. Multiple attacks are always situational, and the GM should state who can and can't attack the spirit. Remember, an adventurer enveloped in an ethereal spirit is just as much a target as the spirit itself. The MGF rules on page 6, should be your go to here. There's no casting into melee rules (IIRC). This all covered by statements of intent - "If I can see the spirit attacking Bert, I cast disruption at it, otherwise I cast it at the troll"
  21. From the upcoming Cults of Glorantha: and have a look at Weapons & Equipment, Sorcery Training, page 118.
  22. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/maps-of-glorantha/
  23. Maybe. As it's a fictional magic system, It could work in any number of fictional ways.
  24. Yes, although it’s a tad slower as it’s through as intermediary.
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