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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. No. From the upcoming Cults of Glorantha: Yes. From the upcoming Cults of Glorantha: Yes. As the Healing Arts are taught to initiates for free, sincerity is more important. Yes, Divination is used instead.
  2. You might also like to post in #LFG over at the Chaosium Discord: https://discord.gg/4kZPYU7A
  3. That's for spotting this. I'll fix it asap.
  4. Added (some were accidently missed). Also the bookmarked version of the REd Book of Magic is up.
  5. Depending on the creature, big teeth could be impale or slash, big Claws would likely slash, they might impale if specifically mentioned they do so
  6. Okay, there is a simple setup, one adventurer & NPC. PM me your email address and I will invite you to the game. Due to the potential for abuse in this particular setup, please do not invite anyone to the game. If anyone appears that I don't recognise, I will shut the game down. It's not my intention to actually add anything to this. Feel free to add your own macros and adventurers. This is an experiment.
  7. I will set up a dedicated Roll20 game where people can play with macros and other features. It will be separate from the other test game mentioned here as that is specific for testing character sheet modifications. I will post the link here, as I see people joining I will make them GMs.
  8. I've renamed this topic for clarity.
  9. Try logging in with your email address not username. I have sent you a direct message.
  10. Never trust a list made by one of your players. You are likely right.
  11. Remember that Bless Champion can only be cast on a member of one of Ernalda‘s husband protectors. Each homeland has only one husband protector except Esrolia that has most of them. You're not going to get a range of husband protector rune magic except there. Here's what can be considered defensive or can be used defensively, although your GM may decide otherwise: Common Rune Magic Command (cult spirit) Find Enemy Soul Sight Spirit Block Ernalda Rune Magic Absorption Charisma Command Snake Command Swine Associate Cult Rune Magic Babeester Gor - Earth Shield. Three Bean Circus - Peace (although unlikely as 1-use and High Priestesses only) Husband-Protectors Argan Argar - Create Shadow (Esrolia only) Orlanth Adventurous - Shield Storm Bull - Impede Chaos (Esrolia & Prax only) Yelmalio - Catseye See RBM page 10 & 78, Absorption is compatible with Shield. It does not say it isn't. Bless Champion says target, and as such would cover a fully armed and armoured target at the time the ritual took place. It's up to the GM to decide if they want to limit the effect of the spell in their games. Yes If they've been running longer than their normal duration they end. They do not act as though they have just been cast.
  12. All of the links you posted have check as working. Was there another issue? On a completely unrelated note: Your name seems too much of a coincidence...
  13. Thanks for pointing out the error. It looks like the original was kept by the software after being retitled. It's been deleted.
  14. Please note that I've updated this page to reflect its source - Sartar Kingdom of Heroes (2009). It's one of a small number of pages and docs I'm updating so their sources aren't ambiguous.
  15. Welcome @ArtsyAlraune , if you've any questions - ask away. To allay your skittishness you might like to read :
  16. Following this up in case there was a copy/paste error. Both entries are identical, but it did flag a different typo: RGB, page 89 RBM, page 25
  17. Just a reminder about posting files, making stuff to refer to in your games and distributing it to your players is fine, but as soon as you put it on a public server such as this or a public discord server: Please read our fan material policy : https://www.chaosium.com/fan-material-policy/ Copyright and trademark laws protect our property, and mean that people are generally prohibited from using our logos, images, or other trademarks or copyrighted content without our consent. This Fan Material Policy grants you permission to use some of our intellectual property under certain circumstances. Please include the fan policy statement Please acknowledge other people's work if it contains such From Chaosium publications: You may occasionally quote small sections of text, as long as you make clear where the text is from. By “small sections” we mean up to a sentence or two. so please don't post whole pages of material.
  18. You might find this helpful: Plunder items & More Plunder items
  19. There's a small bit in this article: https://universitas.uni.edu/archive/spring06/carolrobinson.htm
  20. This is correct. Max weapon plus max db twice Note I set the mace to D4 damage so I could see it against the other rolls: This would appear to be the case, I would expect 4+6+6. Note however this error will have little effect on the game as a 1H mace would actually do 8+6+1D6, so 15-20 not 20 damage, with no armour protection. The target is likely to be dead or incapacitated anyway.
  21. Scotty


    This is corrected in the upcoming gods book: and to further clarify: Odayla Associate cults: FOUNDCHILD Members of both cults participate together in the same Great Hunt ceremonies and the cults are often combined.
  22. Without going into details I don't have. I'd suggest that Pavis is a subcult of Flintnail and vice-versa. And that's certainly a valid suggestion. Exactly.
  23. Look at Sora Goodseller in the GM Screen pack, page 28. She's a Priestess of Issaries, and Initiate of Yelmalio. So how did this happen? Issaries and Yelmalio aren't associated cults. Issaries is Friendly to Yemalio and Yelmalio is Neutral to Issaries. Friendly Cults (F) Even without formal arrangements these groups find each other supportive and agreeable. Meetings are likely to be pleasant. Neutral Cults (N) Such cults act according to present circumstance. Trouble may occur, but the spark must be deliberate, not caused by minor squabbles. Looks good to me so far. Neither steps on each others toes in any way. No weird geases saying never trust a merchant, etc. So they are compatible for Membership in Multiple Cults, page 275. Can she become a Yelmalio God Talker now - No! Neither are associate cults of each other, page 278, God Talkers, may even be Rune Priests or Rune Lords of a closely associated god. So let's imagine she's an initiate of Chalana Arroy instead. They are both Lightbringers and so closely associated (and associated cults). As long as she follows the restrictions on both cults, she's fine and can become a god talker of Chalana Arroy and be a priestess of Issaries. But she spents 9/10 her time being an Issaries priestess and 1/10 as a Chalana Arroy God Talker. As for tithing - page 278, God-talkers must spend 1/10 of their time at the temple or on temple business. They must give 50% of their income to the temple. A God-talker who is also a Rune Priest of another cult must give 9/10 of their income to their primary cult, and then 1/2 of whatever is left to their secondary cult. Can she become a priestess of Chalana Arroy - No. Priests must spend 9/10 of their time at the temple, or on temple business. She's already spending 9/10 of her time as an issaries priestess. Being a priest is a full time job. Overall the Priest / God talker combo will depend on the individual cults involved, there is no one size fits all answer here. Ultimately using 100% of the adventurers time and tithing 95% of their resources, may or may not cause obstacles (this may not be a problem for example with Sora as Issaries Priests aren't supported by their temple). For your group Orlanth / Elmal looks like a good combo, Elmal is an associate cult with Orlanth, and replaces the Yelmalio geas Never speak to or help Orlanth worshipers in any way with a re-roll. Lhankor Mhy / Elmal is possible as Lhankor Mhy priest / Elmal initiate. Lhankor Mhy and Elmal aren't associates, so they can't become a God Talker. Yinkin / Orlanth is a fantastic combo as Yinkin is Orlanth's half brother (and is an associate cult), and it even says on page 310, Yinkin initiates can join the Orlanth cult merely by sacrificing 1 point of POW to Orlanth. So you don't even need to pass an examiners test! Those are how the rules work, but as usual If you want to rule that it's different in your games, go for it. It's all covered by MGF (page 6). --- I've added this to the Rune Priest section of the Rune Cults Q&A page, it's a great question.
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