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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Shiningbrow


    The problem with that is that I, personally, think it's pretty inaccurate. It's not really the length that's doing the damage. Thickness obviously plays a big part, and whether you're stabby-stabby, or slashy-slashy (and, against what? Straight flesh? Armours? etc). While thickness will be incorporated into the weight category, the current RQG rules are giving swords an ENC of only 2 or 3. Compare Rapier to Shortsword.... one is twice the size of the other, the same ENC... and the same damage. (besides which, dagger is 1D4+2 😜 Why does a dagger do more damage than a shortsword on average? Don't know!)
  2. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier... Similar to the Expanded Presence for Shamans to have more Spirit Magic spells than their CHA would normally allow, how about a HQA that allows for more Rune spells (+3D6?) than normally allowed? In that way, we really do start to see more heroic adventurers and their attachment to their gods?
  3. I just want to say - again - that the "outrage" wasn't over the mistakes. It was that these mistakes were effectively denied with the YGMV comment Mistakes are fine. Mistakes happen. Ignoring or denying them isn't ok. As for revising them... perhaps, perhaps not. The work has already been done. All it would take is about 10 mins to fix for any further printing in some future when they're being done. With all that said - I'm letting it go now.
  4. I don't believe Ogres automatically register as chaotic. The Bestiary says they can join any Rune cult, and that might even include Stormbull... however, that's then sort of contradicted by the "other chaotic creatures will recognise ogres by their aura" (which is itself weird... shouldn't that require a type of mystical vision?) Lastly, Stormbullies aren't exactly the most popular people to have a round a tula. They tend to be quite aggressive (even psychotic), and would normally be kept apart from the everyday humdrum of life (and that is canon!) Besides which, Sense Chaos is only effective to 15m. In the past when I played a Stormbully, we required the attempt to be conscious and focussed - ie, you had to intentionally concentrate on sensing - not just a passive sensation when Chaos came near. (by, YGMV...)
  5. Shiningbrow


    IIRC, some (most??) names that we use today for the various weapon categories by size are a relatively modern invention. Such as 'broadsword' and 'shortsword'. Otherwise, they had a specific name that would be almost meaningless to us, unless you were into that sort of thing. The book uses a couple of those names though...
  6. Thanks for the depth of answer!! So - would facing with bronze add 1 or 2 points? And Iron? I do appreciate the possible slippery slope, and this is RQ not Harnmaster etc, so we don't really want to get into too much detail.. but I do mention iron in particular as it's often given to Rune Lords (particularly of warrior cults). And so, would make sense to have stats for it. We're also missing information regarding quality of workmanship (something I did appreciate in MRQ (iirc), and slightly kept with RQ6). Others have mentioned that the Parry spirit magic spell should also add to a shield's HP, the same way that the various combat spells add damage as well as skill %...
  7. Good link. I was thinking at least of adding the metal to the central boss and the rim, though... Or even just a thin plating over wood. Full metal shields could be wielded by those with high STR (and probably DEX), especially with the magics available. Thus, the question(s) still remain.
  8. I don't think I'm being "more than a little" harsh. Harsh - yes. More than what was deserved given the response - no. I do agree with you that the discrepancies are fairly minor, and they won't make much difference to most (if any) people in the long run. I do, however, think that the official response (if such it was) was inappropriate and insulting. There were clearly mistakes made - the sheets weren't checked (yes, it happens - that's not a big deal). But, the way I read it, It comes across as "No, we're not wrong... it's just different". Given they're supposed to be representative of character creation, it really doesn't help. In doing the YGMV, they're effectively saying you're wrong... And I find that unfair, and thus, insulting. I'm a teacher. I tell my students that mistakes are fine. They're supposed to be making mistakes... but accept then, learn from them, and move on. Don't deny them or try to put the 'blame' for them elsewhere! I'm sure you have. I have no problems with the pregens having whatever stats they choose to give them... as long as it's clearly indicated that they are different from what the character creations rules should give them! If they're meant as examples of that chargen - it's not good, and that should be admitted to. Yep! That's exactly the sort of thing I would have liked to have seen written!
  9. I'm going to say what I think many readers are probably thinking - that's a really bad idea (not updating the pregens officially), and not a really poor official response from Chaosium. The Pre-gens are supposed to be representative of how character creation can end up - giving potential players ideas. They're supposed to be indicative of the culmination of all the possible permutations of the character generation process. To have what is obviously so many mistakes (clearly, these weren't properly and carefully checked) - and then handwave it away with "YGMV" - is actually a bit insulting. I suggest at least acknowledge the errors (ie apologise to the community!), and thank @PhilHibbs for the work put in (not merely "the enthusiasm") for the time, patience and effort that gamers/players/GMs expect the writers to have done originally. RE: updating the pregens officially - ummm, Phil seems to have already done that for you! All someone needs to do is copy it to whichever files are used for the printed materials... @PhilHibbs I haven't said this before - but thanks!
  10. In the RGQ main book, it says that shields are made of hide, wicker or wood... But, what's the deal with metal shields? I'm sure there were bronze shields in use. And then, obviously, for the richer and more powerful, what about iron? What sort of stats would we be looking at?
  11. Oh yeah, I remember that now! (Been a looooongggg time since I looked at that book!) Yes, the different names does make it much more realistic. I recall the same thing with the naming of spells - instead of everyone having Bladesharp, there should be Humakt's Blessing, Orlanth's Strong Arm, etc etc...
  12. Thanks for the debrief. My Glorantha History Lore is still only about 30%, and I didn't fully read the writeups, so some of those points were missed by me. (Kili and Tauriel). But then, people also complained about the lack of Tom Bombadil... Personally, I would think that was too "kid's stuff" (as written) for the movie. But, he could still have been there.
  13. I wanna go back home.... 😭😭😭 (well, ok, the other 'back home'). Good read!
  14. Sorry, I thought you were referring to Godtime... (so I was a bit confused). Ok, after that, I get what you mean! So, you're basically suggesting that the force that keeps the Compromise in place is the same force that would 'empower' a geas? Hmmm..... I'll have to dwell on that!
  15. Orlanth had to kill Yelm? And had to go to the Underworld to rescue him? Chaos had to come into the world, and the Great Compromise was always going to happen, with no way to change it? Orlanth - "no-one can make you do anything... well, except for Fate, of course... well, ok, really, everything you do is because you're being made to... so just forget what I said at the beginning there, hmmmm ok?"
  16. Using the logic implied by 1, it should mean that various other gods' blood would have similarly relevant properties. Humakt's blood provides effects on damage spells, Orlanth's blood with Mobility or Co-ordination, Yelmalio's for Firearrow, Fireblade, Light and Lightwall.... etc etc. As for the Power Enchancing mentioned above - In the world of Glorantha, I'd imagine an 8pt would be fetching a good 5000L (or more)... far above regular pricing for other similarly powered crystals.
  17. I found that silly in the original RQ, and in the current. Basically, what's so special about a healing spell such that it gets its own crystal? Or the spell so different from all others (other than usefulness in to PCs)? I remember those being introduced somewhere... Doesn't really make sense to me, game world-wise. Crystals are the blood of gods. I don't think gods have their blood separate between spirit and sorcery... (same goes above for the healing focussing crystal... unless they're specifically from a Fertility Rune god ro something like that..)
  18. I get that idea for Irish geas (and planet Earth geas in general), but for Glorantha?? I don't think that fits with My Glorantha variety
  19. I find it disappointing that all of MRQ was relegated as irrelevant Definitely MRQII was better! I liked Second Age Glorantha stuff... nice addition to the storyline. I also preferred the Attribute + Attribute to the current X-Y = 5% stuff for categories. More natural. (but, obviously, much higher starting... I'd do Attribute -10.. so 14 would be +4. Book quality was actually pretty good! I liked a lot of the imagery. MSE sorcery was the powerhouse it was supposed to be, but.... The use of Runes annoyed me! (it still does in RQG for sorcery) I liked that Runes could be a tangible thing... but they were far too commonplace! And, as you exampled, having a Rune in your pocket stolen meant you couldn't cast any of those spells... nope!!! Don't like that whole concept at all! I missed all the hoo-ha when it all went down due to life circumstances. Ironically enough, it was when I spent my time in Melbourne!
  20. That would be true... Except for Species Maximum. By "POWerful" I was also referring to Rune Points, Inscriptions (if sorcerer), matrices, etc.. gotta spend that POW somewhere. (unless you go and chat with a couple of the big guys to grant you that higher POW species maximum... slowly but surely...
  21. :Summon Species" has "+ [Rune or Runes]". "Neutralize Rune" has "+[Rune]" . So, two counter examples to the argument. But, yes, it would look nicer. Yes, I would want to make it harder by not allowing any rune to stand in for everything. The Magic Rune stands in for all magic. If we look at Rune Magic, you need to cast using the Rune of the deity associated with the spell. Most times, not an issue, because most initiates will have a high rating for their deity. But, if you take an Associated cult's Rune Spell, then you need to cast using a Rune of that cult. I don't consider it a "use up"... it's an important Rune in its own right, and has important applications. If you want access to those applications, master the Rune! These are the Magic relevant spells, and the Magic Rune is very appropriate. I think it's been designed this way. Most things in RQ require making sacrifices (a "you can't have it all" approach). Make those choices! I'd actually suggest, if you could effectively twin Fertility into the matrix, it could regenerate MPs on its own! (How? I have no idea... If that were given, I'd think Fertility would be one of the first sorcerers would get their hands on!)
  22. I believe it's been confirmed that Sorcery will get a good look in in the GoG with regards the various cults that strongly use them, and the GMG when it happens. Chaosium are aware that at the moment it's lacking meat, and that a lot of people want to see more.
  23. It's only 1D8, and it specifically says "doubles the strength", meaning you do actually have to put in as many points as you want doubled (maximum, usually, of 8). Yes, very powerful... but also incredibly rare to any worthwhile degree. The fact that sorcerers can just inscribe anyway is a pretty powerful ability on its own, seems to suggest Chaosium is willing to allow high-powered sorcerers in the game. I don't think it should in any way affect duration or range... but that's just my take. After all, those attributes don't change for Spirit Magic spells. (and, 'strength' is pretty much going to be interpreted as 'intensity'). ETA: "Balance"?? What's that? 😛
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