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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I'd suggest localisation. A god can feel the worship and respond from anywhere, whereas a spirit can't. (Of course, that does depend on how you play your spirit cults). (And thus, I'd be fine with the introduction of rules pertaining to limiting the power of Rune Spells outside of the entities domain. However, I recognise the complications).
  2. I would argue it's a dishonorable act, and they'd lose % in their Honour passion, making it difficult to attain the rank of Sword ... Even if that enemy is Chaotic (presuming that said chaos doesn't have other combat options). I think a question should be asked.... How low can.a Humakti's Honour go down to before they get excommunicated?
  3. That round handle looking thing is,a pretty obvious physical Chaotic Feature... Additional limb.
  4. Only if you played it that way originally. It still all depends on how you view what Rune Spells are. If they're just spells, and thus the difference between Rune, Spirit and Sorcery is negligible (except for how to acquire and cast), then sure - feel free to mix and match to your heart's content. However, if Rune Spells are your personal connection to that particular deity, and the act of casting is calling upon that deity to come to the middle world and extend its power, then combining Extension with other spells from other Rune pools doesn't make sense. And thus, your different heads can't really put their heads together... My personal take on that is that it feels more Gloranthan for the former latter* view - your god actually manifests in some small way when you cast your Rune Spells... (but maybe not enough to know who is using that RP) (thx @Dragon)
  5. Along with others, I don't see a problem with multiple cults within the same pantheon, and in fact I'd expect it even among NPCs. I'd be fairly surprised if the Babeester Gor wasn't at least a Lay Member of Ernalda, especially since I suspect that many take up the axe after having been a quiet Ernalda initiate for years, until something breaks. Asrelians would also be members of Ernalda, as would many Grain Goddesses. Yinkin & Orlanth. Elmal & Orlanth. Humakt & Orlanth. For that matter, Orlanth & Ernalda... I wouldn't go with any "prime" if just at Initiate level, although a Devotion/Loyalty Opposed check would make sense in your example. However, after Initiate level, whichever is the higher rank would be the primary deity, and should be followed first (e.g., both cults need a task done urgently, or two (or more) opposing commands). That sounds like MGF 😃
  6. I largely agree with @JRE's post above. It's the character calling for the godly intervention, not the player. This, there can't be any calls for DI prior to the results being felt (in the instant death cases above. Obviously, if you know you're going to die, it's another thing... Maybe that's something to consider? **) No time travel! However, I think that death may not be as instantaneous as that. We already know, for example, that decapitated heads still have intelligence, sight, and can move their eyes and lips. So, I'd suggest "not dead" sufficient for the DI to not be a Resurrection but a Heal Body. ** if you see that greatsword about to go through your eye (Crit, Hit Location 20), the GM could precedece with the description, and give them a chance to DI before knowing the actual numbers. At that point, the character would know they're about to die.
  7. But remember that this is still Standard of Living... Not profit. The money the starting character begins with is the accumulated savings from years of doing their Manage Household (just as the coin other occupations will have saved up). If the adventurer blows all that spare cash on stuff (spells, matrices, etc) before going adventuring, they shouldn't be expecting to get that money back again for quite a while! Certaintly not from the following year's income... A good roll (special) and they will get an extra 18L from (if lucky) only a single hide. The 200L average from the 5 hides needs to cover all household attendants, gifts and celebrations, offerings, maintenance, etc etc. Again, it's not profit to spend wherever you feel like it. It's a nett 0 income (on average). So, in one way, it's completely irrelevant which occupation you are (after character creation).. Because unless your adventurers bring in some cash, everyone is on a nett 0 (or less) income. (Merchants may be an exception)
  8. Actually, apparently so! Very cosmopolitan!! Allowed those here conquered to have their own religion. Had administrators appointed from different groups. Education and effective administration was important.
  9. I'm thinking... It will depend on what you consider "civilised". Kyger Litor priestesses can become shamans, so absolutely in any troll hall. While Orlanthi have Kolati shamans, the winds tend not to blow inside big towns and cities, so they prefer their other places. Nochet? Lots of ancestor worship going on there, so there should be a few. I strongly suspect that the issue of this comes down to imposing our world views on theirs. And do, I don't see a great problem having shamans housed in nice comfortable buildings (unless they generally summon nature - or animal or plant - spirits).
  10. Chingis Khan had his (Mongolian) shamans with him when he had his hordes invade everywhere, such as taking over much of China.
  11. Personally, I wouldn't go there as a requirement for successful HQing. The Fire rune is a good example, is it represents fire, sun, sky, and at a macro level, heat, warmth and light. There are many gods that have this Rune for these various aspects. So, just having a high affinity, for me, is insufficient (and misleading). They help to define a.person's character, rather than an allegiance. Cult Lore, Devotion and Worship would be the go to ones for me... With the occasional Augment in stressful periods (and when very specifically required/appropriate).
  12. Drawing on RL examples, there have been many anthropologists and sociologists who have had their own personal beliefs, yet participated in the rites and rituals of other cultures, without sharing that full belief. With the GLs, I suggest that they were fully aware that they're working with something - but perhaps not precisely what the locals think it is. Certainly they couldn't have seen them as the big, mighty and powerful beings their worshippers do (it they wouldn't have played with them so much).
  13. Very true! We need a 6-volume work of Sub-cults of Glorantha!
  14. Spoiler - Eraninna Chan (head Axe Maiden of the Colymar Earth Temple) has a Love (Family) at 90%, and a Death Rune at 95%. As you were suggesting, I think on the personal level, it will depend on the other Runic Affinities (because they largely explain the persona). Earth is *generally* associated with Fertility (but can also be destructive), so as you said, if there's a high Earth Rune in the person's personality, then it will mollify the Death. Throw in above 50% in Harmony, and they're little pussycats.... until enraged. (And, although Babs has that nasty reputation, firstly I suspect it's intentionally cultivated, and more of a stereotype than a genuine trait (useful!), and secondly - Mabs* is much scarier! That Disorder Rune makes her (and her followers) somewhat unhinged.) I am a little surprised that Babs doesn't have an Honour passion, given her hatred of oathbreakers. (Maran Gor)
  15. I would say - it depends completely on whether the person is aware of the myth. In RQ terms, do they have a Cult Lore rating in the cult/god of the myth. Also, remember that every myth has at least 2 sides - the main protagonist and any antagonists. Eg, Yelm & Orlanth. They have their own versions of what happened on the Hill of Gold, which in some ways are contradictory. So, do they need to believe in the other version to get something out of it? Also, look at the Godlearners - they certainly didn't "believe" in the deities that they were exploring (except perhaps as inferior spirits). Yet, they were able to plunder immense treasures.
  16. I disagree with this. Typical Yelmite males wouldn't appreciate. Orlanthis would be fine.
  17. Shiningbrow


    Ummmm.... Yes??? She is the goddess of wealth...
  18. Because you can end up in.the situation of having a Stormbull Counter-Chaos being extended by a Thed Extension. (Ok, I didn't check the rules for Counter-Chaos, but the general principle is what I'm getting at). As said above, a Rune Spell is invoking a piece of the god and it's power. It's not sorcery ("a spell is a spell is a spell").
  19. I have further questions ... Firstly, regarding Spirit spell matrices (and by extension - HA! - Truestone)... is there some part of the spirit that's actually trapped in the matrix? After all, we've been told that Spirit magic spells now mean that a part of the spirit integrates a bit of itself in those who learn their spells (hence the need for CHA to cast them...). Secondly, what do the community members get from effectively initiating themselves to the wyter? The people hand over their POW and MPs, but what do they get from the spirit? Is there a connection made that can be called upon? Obviously, they can be the recipient's of the wyter's spells, but what about other connections? Eg, could they call for help and get the wyter's attention (within range)? Would it give them a plus to community based skills, like na augment? Presumably, if the wyter casts a Warding, then all members of the community can cross it freely...
  20. Personally, I see it as the young noble's first forays into the role of responsibility and leadership. 5 hides isn't a huge amount of land, but also not so big as to cause an issue if everything goes badly. So, if they can manage those 5 hides effectively, then they can show the family/clan/tribe that they can handle more responsibility (e.g., be a Thane of a Lane....) BTW, the 200L generated is only big by comparison to other, less privileged occupations and statuses. Compared with real wealth (temples & rulers), it's not really that much. ETA - that 200L standard of living probably shouldn't only be seen as benefiting the young noble themselves alone, but also as part of the gifts and hospitality that should be expected to be given to others.
  21. I'd make it a choice... You can either dance around your opponent's defences (-parry %) for a fairly standard (100% attack), or just push through them for a higher chance of special & crit, targetting the person and ignoring their defences.
  22. Ummm, why? And f it's a cult skill, then they wouldn't need to care about LM at all. And that certainly is unlikely to be justified in troll lands, where LM wouldn't even be heard of. (Unless you want to go with some idea of "any reading or writing is and act of worship, and therefore technically a Lay Member... But I don't buy it)
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