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Tizun Thane

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Everything posted by Tizun Thane

  1. I like your houserules, except I think you should keep the bonus for the winner, for the competition between players. Maybe with a threshold as I suggested elsewhere? Nice to be noticed ^^ My own houserules can be found here :
  2. As Morien said, don't underestimate the old stuff. Blood & Lust. Good Adventures (for the Romance period mostly). Good advices from Greg Stafford. A Good description of Anglia. A must have. 9/10 Spectre King (3e version, not the Tales of the Spectre Kings). The first edition is the best indeed. Good adventures. A good book. 8/10. Savages Mountains. Good Sourcebook for Cambria with many good adventures. 8/10 Tales of Mystic Tournaments. Good old adventures, the Grey Knight especially. 8/10 Saxons! A good sourcebook about Saxons. Just ignore the rules. 7/10 Tales of Chivalry&Romance. Nice adventures for the Romance era. 7/10 Tales of Magic& Miracles. The less good of all the adventure compendium. Still useful. 6/10 Perilous Forest. I like it a lot, but the half of it is in the GPC now. 6/10 Beyond the Wall. Good Sourcebook, except I don't like their take on Picts. Still useful. 6/10 Pagan Shores. I really want to like it. I just don't. 4/10 Tales of the Spectre Kings. 2/10 if you have the Spectre King (for the white horse adventure). 7/10 if you don't. Land of Giants. Useful if you want to play a viking campaign with KAP rules (8/10 in this case). Otherwise, useless 1/10.
  3. Ok. My take on Merlin: He really is the son of a devil and of a virgin, a mixture of both good and evil. He is not the archdruid. He is not a pagan either. He is an agent of God, working for the Greater Good, but a very ambiguous one. He is the son of the sevil after all ^^ His Greater Good is the Grail Quest, a mystical event of the greatest importance, about the Redemption of all Mankind. He is a dirty bastard, ready to everything for the greater good. After 523 (?), he is imprisoned in a "tower of wind", the "Esplumoir" by the Lady of the Lake. But a bit like a jedi, it's his way to becoming more powerful for the greater good. BTW, he is not the hidden architect of the Brexit ^^
  4. That's what I do, and it's working just fine ^^ The Grail Christianity is a weird syncretic religion, just as Morien said.
  5. I did not know about the custom in Anjou or Artois. Good stuff 😆
  6. My answer from discord: The sexuality of noble women in the Middle Ages is always tricky to handle. Basically, she should always say no to everyone, except her husband. So why a lady would throw herself to a knight, as the card said? 1) She was seduced. Her family should press for a wedding, or may consider she was raped. 2) She wants to marry the knight (because she is in love, beacause it's a good catch, she wants to escape her family, etc.) 3) She is unhappy in her mariage. Maybe she is looking for bit of fun, maybe she is in love, maybe she is plotting against her husband, maybe she wants revenge against him, maybe it's just a game between them, etc. Anyway, it's a big insult for the husband (revenge?) 4) She is a courtesan in disguise, paid by someone else. Maybe it's a trap? Maybe not? The GM should always have a plan. For any lusty knight, the easiest road is always to bed with a woman (married or not) with no connection (Commoners, low-ranking nobles, etc)
  7. Good Idea. This NPK had a strong "Greg Stafford" vibe anyway ^^ Or, there is no heiress at all. Only the Red City to fight for. I played this adventure in the Wuerensis county, and it worked very well. Be careful with the possible end, but why not after all.
  8. Ok. Do you have the sauvage mountains book? Because, if I remember correctly, the kingdom of king Garan is not west of Powys, but east of Merionnyd. As i said, it's a nitpick.
  9. One roll (with modifiers). You fight a different foe each round (to simulate the tides of Battle ^^) Yes. They are still vassals to the count. For the royal court, it's a different matter. They could be escorting the count if he is there, and you are inclined to. If they are low-rankings knights, they will not be in the spotlight, but they can still hear rumors, interract with some people, etc. As a GM, you don't have to play each court. If you feel there is not much to do, you can gloss over easily.
  10. Your maps are gorgeous ^^ I love it! They are very close to the map in poster I had with the third (french) edition. A very few nitpicks: - Roestoc is Elmete, not Lambor. In fact, you should probably stick with the mythical kingdom of Roestoc, and forgot the historical Elmete (That's what I do actually) - What is this mysterious kingdom of Trane in Sugales/Powys? I am intrigued... ^^
  11. In all sources I know of, many kings are sworn to king Arthur. So, he is already, de facto, a king of kings. Calling him High King is just a way to formalize that.
  12. First, I read your 550 year, and it was fantastic ^^ I really love it. Your map is beautiful as well, even if it is a bit different from the official one in Blood & Lust? The Grail Quest is tough. My thoughts of the best way to handle it in your campaign: Read the Grail Quest in Malory. Know that your players won't probably succeed. They are probably not worthy enough, and it's ok. However, one of your PK, Aston, could make it with enough dedication. So... Throw the Grail Quest at your players, then make them suffer. They won't succeed at much, they will lose (Horses, wounds, disease) in a senseless quest. Of course, it's a temptation to give up. Then, let them learn that Anglia is in flames. There is a new uprising, worst than ever. Will they abandon their quest to save their homeland? To save their properties? At the end, who is the lord of the land is of no consequence from a spiritual view.
  13. Oh yeah. For the tournament phase, there are many great scenarios published . But for the Grail Quest however ...😢
  14. Honestly, I'm hungry for more "crunch" about Grail Quest and Twilight. Others books look fine, but I NEED this one.
  15. Good questions. Logically, they should reroll (loyalty is a personal connection). In game, I would let them the choice, as Morien said (^^). The savvy regent should invite all of the vassals to swear allegeance as soon as possible to the young count and to herself (if the regent is the countess). But your loyalty is for Robert, not countess Ellen (she is just the regent). OF course, you could have unruly vassals who claim their loyalty to the count, but not to the Regent.
  16. The old d&d trick ^^ As Morien said. Each figther gains loot according to his status (Player Knight could have a x2 part if they are officers). 1/3 of the total is for the lord. You said it was a crushing victory so, there was from 25% to 50 % of loss (dead, badly wound, prisonners) and the rest fled. The defeated spearmen are worthless. For each defeated knight, it's about 10 £ of loot (it's more if you count everything, but consider some horses were killed or ran away in the battle). 20 knights x 10 x25%(or 50% if you are generous) = 50 £ of loot. The part of the lord is 1/3, so 16 £ more or less. And you have to sell it. Remember that even if they are commanders, it's not their money, but the lord's money.
  17. To be honest, I never understood this specific question. When you are playing a game about super-heroes, you play a super-hero. When you are playing a game about cops, you are playing... cops. Not criminals. Not civilians. cops. You get my point. KAP is a game about knights during arthurian's times. There is no room for a cunning thief, a bard, a barbarian for the frozen wastes, a wizard and only one knight. It is not a D&D game (happily).
  18. Sure, but I am not sure everyone in this forum understands what you are saying ^^ Yes, Gawaine was trashed by the narrative, in the post-Vulgate, and therefore in Malory. It's my take. My "Gauvain" is a mix between the "sun of chivalry" found in Chrétien de Troyes, very courteous and brave, and the "Gauvain" in the Vulgate. Still a good guy, but overshadowed by Lancelot, the new guy. Gawaine became soon after the second best. So even if Lancelot and him respect each other, Gawaine knows deep done that he is not "THE" best, with a hint of jealousy. His rage against in Lancelot at the end is also fueled partly by his jealousy. Of course, in my GPC, Gawaine is clean of the most foul accusations made against him. I used the story found in the Vulgate. He came very young at the court of his uncle, against the wishes of his own father.
  19. IMHO, there is no adventure per se anymore. You could keep the unused parts of the adventure (the good ones) for other parts of the GPC. If the younger brother have his senses, he would negotiate and bend the knee to keeping his lands. Maybe the countess of Rydychan wants his head, and your players have to negociate. Maybe the brother wants to betray her to avenge his brothers and take the county...
  20. Poor guy. Best romance ever ^^ The tournament was well done, and I love how you managed to portray Aggravain as a vilain. Did you players enjoy their journey into the wastelands, or did it was a missed opportunity? Funny. When I played the Grey Knight, I used the same trick (the intel given by the paramour of a PK)
  21. I don't think an archery tournament is a good idea for knights in KAP. However, if you want rules. 1) 3 unopposed rolls in bow (^^). A success, 1 point, a crit 3 points, a failure 0, and a fumble -1 (did you hit someone?). You must have 3 points at least to go to the finale. 2) Final. 3 opposed rolls against all finalists (as chosen by the GM). If equality occurs, go for an extra round.
  22. No. Not during Uther's reign. Nobles are not commoners. You don't sell your lands. During the Anarchy, everything is possible, but usually, it's cheaper to take the land by force. During the last years of the reign of Arthur (Tournament Era, I believe), it's rare but possible. In the third edition, the cost of a simple manor (ie 10 £ in the modern rules) was 50 £, if I remember correctly.
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