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Everything posted by g33k

  1. g33k

    map source

    FWIW... The only map style I recognize by name is Wm Church's. Look on the bright side: look at all the great Gloranthan map-makers whose obscurity you share!
  2. It was -- as you suggested -- a hypothetical. An idea I had, after noticing that 1-week time to learn a spell, vs. an almost-instant result of spirit-combat. How could it take a week to be... I dunno, able to do? ... something you learned -- in mere moments -- how to do? We have (so far as I have been able to determine) no "real world examples" of reliable/repeatable spirit-magic spells. Not learning them, not casting them. So a spell-casting focus may not be the same as a real-world focus. In particular, my idea calls for the spell-casting process to be a swift series of mental transformations; a series of foci, that are encapsulated into the one item/image/whatever. It is made such that it "leads the mind" through the process. But it's just an idea. One I think works, it fits the world as-described. But if Chaosium has a different idea, I'm happy for that, too.
  3. ... or the same. I mean... "Pyaray" is kinda remarkably Cthulhoid... tentacled giant underwater, destined to come up at the end times... In the theme of the "blind men and the elephant," maybe the Moorcockian Mythos and the Lovecraft Mythos are just two views of the SAME mythos, hmmm?
  4. Bladesharp isn't quite parallel, IMHO; and splitting for extra attacks is different from dodging-then-dodging-again-then-again-and-again... I'd skill-bump before splitting (n.b. that may cross the 100% level and be the only reason you CAN skill-split!) but then I'd add the Bladesharp damage-bonus to every hit (as you say, every hit with that magically-sharp sword is extra-cuttingly-painful).
  5. I am inclined to take the harsher stance, here. Halve the skill, successive Dodge's at -20% per, taken from that halved skill. Because if you are laying on the ground, surrounded by people wanting to hit you with readied weapons... you are about to get hit. A lot. Evenif you try to roll away.
  6. One thing I would suspect takes a while is producing the focus. I envision it as a long meditation, then you mark a certain line or swoop to be tattoo'ed, or make one stroke of the whittling-knife... then you meditate for a while to get the exact NEXT mark, etc. It's not this blazing image of certainty that needs to get out, so you scrawl it quickly and boomDONE... It's a brain-bending Otherworld sigil that needs to be perfectly represented in order that you should have your brain bent in just the right way, reliable even in the heat of battle, or the fog of just-woken confusion, or the unfocused agony of a brand new gut-wound.
  7. g33k


    OK, here's one of the very oldest in the RQ line, from the most-ancient days... How do you pronounce "Glornatha" ???
  8. I go back to my "rule of common-sense" -- if a rule is unclear, make the assumption that seems most common-sensical. I don't have the rulebook d/l'ed to this device, so I can't check the RAW; but in the absence of anything clear I'd probably put a x0.5 (1/2) penalty on the Dodge: it's not that you cannot roll/scramble away... but you aren't nearly as nimble as when you're on your feet! YGMV.
  9. Some updates? There is a new book coming that I don't see... "Pegasus Plateau," very-short adventures, combats, "situations," locations, etc. Intended to be drop-in content for, e.g. "an hour of play after a full session of char-gen," or "need a substantive NPC here, quick," or the like. I'm unclear if the "Dragon Pass Campaign" is still a campaign, or if there's another DP "adventures" book happening. I understand it to be a collection of adventures written by many different authors, not a linked "campaign" per se. Or is the "Adventures" book and the "Campaign" book different things??? Gods' War is AFAIK available now. The Quickstart is available in PDF & hardcopy (but may need to be PoD'ed?) Gods of Glorantha & Gods of Chaos are (as I understand it) now about 70 long-form cults coming as "Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha" -- likely Vol's I & II. Borderlands & RQ Companion are still on your list of "will come" PDF's, but Chaosium has the PDF's available now!
  10. LARPs are too dangerous there! If the polar bears don't eat you, the moose trample you. (I understand the Finns subcontract with Santa to keep the Reindeer Problem controlled, but the FatMan took one look at Canadian Moose and Nope'd right out).
  11. I really liked the rule -- (I think it was "official" in RQ3?) but we played it as a HR in RQ2 -- that standing-off with a much-longer weapon prevented the short-weapon wielder (Shorty) from attacking at all. Shorty needed to "close" first -- make a successful, unparried attack; this didn't hit their foe, but drove the foe's weapon out of line and let Shorty get inside the foe's reach. Then the converse applied -- Shorty could get all stabby-slashy, and the long-weapon wielder couldn't bring their weapon to bear until/unless they in turn made a successful, unparried attack against Shorty, that would do no damage, but re-establish the longer range. IIRC, we said 2 weapons had to have a SR difference of at least 2 points (maybe 3?) for this "stand-off" effect to apply; otherwise, we just gave the longer/reach weapon the traditional SR advantage.
  12. I think I recall a prior thread noting the possibility (at least in theory) for mixing Rune-Theism / Sorcery / Shamanism (any 2, or all 3!) in one character.. I would need to re-visit the rules, but don't think that's overly munchkinous... Sorcerors' use of Spirit Magic detracts from their Sorcery, and I'd have to take a long, hard, and highly-suspicious look at each Shamanic Ability before I said "sure, yeah, that works for Sorcerors too!"
  13. Yeah, and I was a little bemused to realize when you add up ALL THE PUBLISHED ADVENTURES for RQG ... you end up with 50% Cattle Raids! Which, you know... may be Chaosium telling us something about Sartarite's and cows...
  14. I think the "Cattle Raid" scenario from the GM Screen Pack is different from Broken Tower in the Quickstart...
  15. This point is key to your argument, but IIRC isn't addressed in the RAW. I suggest that, instead of making THIS assumption, you assume a rarity of sprits knowing higher-MP variants (and difficulty of finding them) that closely matches the cost differential. In other words, make the assumption that has the rules be sensible, instead of the assumption that has the rules seem broken...
  16. The material is (c)'ed, not OGL. I am guessing somebody could approach Chaosium and work out a license. I presume it would just be small supplements, the NPCs & different spells & such, not republishing the whole works with RQG'ified NPCs &c....
  17. Really? The GM's Guide / Campaign Guide / whatever is that far downstream? 😢 I mean... it is what it is, and I'm sure they are no more eager to delay that release than I am to see it delayed. But... sadface !!! Possibly relevant for right now, not "sometime... soon... we hope..." The myth-rich Glorantha Sourcebook. No game-mechanics, so equally applicable to RQG, HQG, 13G, HarnG, StorytellerG, HomebrewG, etc... The massive, encyclopedic Guide to Glorantha, two oversized volumes roughly equivalent to 4 normal volumes. Also pure setting, zero mechanics. Also recall that all of the RuneQuest Classic and Gloranthan Classics lines up-convert VERY easily to the new RQG editions... And though they have the "wrong" mechanics: HeroQuest Glorantha aka HQG. Many feel the "fluff" in this book is some of the best Gloranthan intro ever. Coming Storm / Eleven Lights, HQG campaign but easily upgraded to RQG; some consider it the best-ever Glorantha campaign. Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes and Sartar Companion, more HW/HQ goodness. Last5 but not least, consult this link: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4064-upcoming-glorantha-publications/
  18. Wolves are smart. If a pack-member dies and the pack hasn't even really closed with their prey, they are gonna re-classify whatever they were hunting as "not-prey" right away. Unless exceptional (starving & desperate, unlikely to survive without a kill) circumstances apply.
  19. Don't forget sheer speed. His mount can get him further, faster, than un-mounted. And while magic can do that too, a Zebra costs nothing from his Rune Pool or MPs...
  20. They WANT you to think it's just their stature. Actually, the Undertable has a mythic link to the Underworld and to Death itself... And what do many Durulz have but a Death Rune affinity! The SIZ certainly doesn't hurt, but it's not the key...
  21. As Far As I Know / If I Recall Correctly ) to an Attack of Opportunity in PathFinder / (d&d)3.x (Attack of Opportunity being a specific thing with non-trivial tactical rules (and IMHO some very-silly mechanical consequences) in the D&D3 family of rules, which includes PF).
  22. I'd put it on their sheet so they will know; it doesn't steal autonomy/agency to give them the option!!! One thing you might do, early on, is narrate some mechanics that your NPC's do, explicitly citing Runic Inspiration, or a Passion, etc, as an Augment to a given roll; "you attempt to intimidate him, but the Orlanth uses his Air Rune's proud nature (rolls) to Augment his Loyalty:Family (rolls) and scoffs at your threat." Including any bad roll, "oh damn! He's gonna take a -20 to his skill!"
  23. I think it is. It follows a common-sensical assessment. Implemented into game mechanics, it works out similar (but not identical afaik/iirc) to an AoO in PF/3.x .... if you are fighting my ally and I try to move by you... You and I become Engaged. If I just try for the move-by as a MOV action, you get that free attack on me (like an AoO) as I have effectively done the "just turn and run" thing. If I slow down, take care, go on-guard, it gets less AoO-ish! If you strike at me, I parry-and-dodge (NOT a free attack) ... this follows the normal combat rules and it is your attack for the round (and you don't get that attack against my ally!). I still get to Disengage (i.e. I do still get by you (unless you drop me with an attack!)), but whether you attack or not, doing it carefully takes me the whole round, I lose momentum on a charge/rush, etc; but not much like an AoO. === My feeling about the RQ rules is to always try a practical / common-sensical interpretation first, and if necessary presume an awkwardly-written rule rather than one that violates common sense; only if I cannot see ANY way to presume the authors meant that interpretation do I begin trying to torque game-reality into some non-sensical understanding. YGMV.
  24. I think "Engaged" is a bit more common-sensical and less mechanical... In reach of one another's melee attacks, aware of one another, in a ready-to-attack-or-defend posture. That's pretty much it. The mechanical consequence is giving the foe a free attack if you just turn-and-run, or needing an active disengagement to do it safely.
  25. Oh, a JURY is it? Not just insane, but /criminally/ insane? The things Bill does to those poor rules... Absolutely barbaric!
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