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Everything posted by g33k

  1. You are right! I totally missed that! Apologies to the OP.
  2. Honestly, I'd be reluctant to tread too readily on the Shamanic toes; I'd avoid Discorporation, and similarly Shaman-centric things. If you want to be a Rune-Lord-Shaman, do it the hard way!
  3. I think you have these 2 reversed. Borderlands is where the exiled Lunar Duke Raus of Ronefort hires the PC's as troubleshooters / etc, mercenaries to do missions. They have room to grow into accepted parts of the Rone stead, or keep their independence and move on. 8 missions, IIRC. Griffin Mountain is a wilderness sandbox with a very few urban/fort sites; those sites CAN become focal points, but the bulk of the content is the wilderness & the tribes etc thereof... Snakepipe Hollow is a standalone (and very deadly) dungeon... ish... thing-y (with wilderness, yes). Entirely separate from Ronefort/Raus.
  4. Yes, and MP's regenerate fully each day... at 1/24 per hour, and/or whatever fraction best approximates that.
  5. I think most fantasy RPG's have the idea of limited-resource magic and common / frequent-use magic. Like... potions and scrolls, in D&D. You know your PC can get more, but not this adventure... what they have in this dungeon is what they have... when they're out, they're out. OTOH, some classes have Cantrips that they can spam at-will (ranged-combat Warlocks with Eldritch Blast, I'm looking at you). Not limited to magic, either; maybe in CP2020 your weapons-dealer could only get you 3 LAW rockets, and when you've fired them they're gone; sure, you con probably get some more, eventually... but not this mission. Etc. I don't think this is a hard concept for most gamers. I don't quite understand the advice you were given.
  6. Not if I I mean my Trollkin Ninja squad I mean somebody steals it first! More seriously... Damn, I didn't think Chaosium could make me regret missing GenCon any more (than they already had). I really gotta stop underestimating those people.
  7. Honestly, I build the campaign -- at least, the advanced parts -- based upon the characters. If you've envisioned a Sartar/Lunar conflict campaign, but get PC's who are Yelornan & Esrolian... your campaign can still fit, but it's a bit forced for those PC's. I understand you want to sell the game, get player buy-in, before asking them to do the long character-generation process... so you won't have PC's available to build a campaign from, to tell the players what the campaign will be like, so they will build PC's... Catch-22...? Tell them that their PC's will be part of their communities, part of their Cults. In some places, they might be going on cattle-raids (or defending against, pursuing the rustlers). In other places, they might be caravan-guards... or caravan-raiders. They are likely to gain the notice of clan-chiefs and priests fairly quickly, get chosen for important missions for Clan or Cult. Before long, they may be being asked what THEY think are the important missions for Clan & Cult... and then asked to fulfill them.
  8. Oooooo ... Shiiiiny ! (is this a proof/review copy, or just one of a large shipment that are mere moments away from being generally available for sale?)
  9. Yeah. Postpone Sorcery, but DO feature Spirit magic & Rune magic; they aren't hard, and bring lots of color!
  10. If you just want to force majeur them out of your way, then you need overwheming power on both the Middle World and the Otherworld (sounds like Heroquest material, for all but the newest/smallest shrines)... Maybe you can bargain with an even bigger spirit, or some godling to wipe out the wyter for you?
  11. g33k

    Red Robin ?

    Back in 1980 (ish,+/- 1yr) I played my 1st RQ game in Glorantha. The GM had us in a Cult I have never heard of since... "Red Robin" a very thieves-guild-y sort of group. Our PC's never advanced far enough for us to learn if it was a local Hero Cult, or some sub-cult of a larger cult I'd recognize today, or a fake-name hiding Krarsht, or what ... Anyone else know if this is (or ever was) canonical, or even fan--published? And if so the source? Or just his invention...
  12. My working description is: not really QUITE pseudo-bronze-age (not the way D&D is usually pseudo-medieval! (at least by default)) but mostly closer to Bronze Age than to anything else but with LOTS of that "else" heavily mythical (and magical too).
  13. We are all us. We are all the Canon Cult.
  14. I suspect that any scenarios Chaosium provides will indeed be drawn from (or get added to) the Cult of Chaos, for general 'Con/Demo use. Unless of course it's an early-draft version of something being planned/playtested for direct to publication use! But if a GM is using their own material, it'd be up to that GM whether it ever becomes more widely available.
  15. ... one presumes a preponderance of Left Legs.
  16. waitwaitwait... You are saying that Chaosium should... hit the R:OAD?
  17. There's some interesting implications there... Of course plants/greenery follow the "paths" of Ronance, if those are river-ways! But also, it makes him a boatman rather than a charioteer, which doesn't match with the legends/iconography. And many of the altars/etc (that Ronance's ways connect) have & had nothing to do with river-ways. So that simplest of riverway ideas doesn't IMHO work ... HOWEVER... There is also the story of Waha wrestling with the rivers, esp. the Wicked Writher. Maybe Waha's feat is/was a Survival variant of the earlier acts of Ronance, who "tamed" the rivers to carry him anywhere, not just their normal channels...
  18. First off, remember that Everyone's Glorantha Varies. If you and your group are having fun, you are Officially Doing It Right. 😎 Here is my own take, FWIW... I think it's the Esrolians who have that "Minoan" aspect, rather than Sartar. Sartar has some Celt, yes (but alas, it's the less-familiar "Halstatt" culture from central Europe). At least as big, IMHO/AFAIK, are Thracian & Scythian influences (Google Image Search is your friend!). But the all the "cattle stuff" in Sartar... pure Irish Celt! Both of them share some elements of early-Vedic India, as well! For the Lunars, I think the Roman comparison is minor -- you're on the right track with Persians & other "Imperial Middle-Eastern" forces, taking lesser bits of Greco/Roman elements. I always describe Prax as roughly equal proportions of Plains & Southwest native-American tribes (after horses arrive, but of course not-Horses in Prax!) + pre-Islamic Bedouin + Hun/Mongol tribes + All_those_weird_Praxian_Beasts + Post-apocalyptic survivalism. Don't forget the Sun Dome'rs, very Sparta (also mostly VERY patriarchal!).
  19. I suddenly envision a "refined" Storm Bull. Drinks tea over beer, insists on a just-so "tea ceremony" (stylized & formal) prep, etc. OCD levels of refinement, and Orlanth Save Us All if everything isn't p-e-r-f-e-c-t . And, of course... everything usually isn't perfect. Orlanth Save Us All
  20. Lunars v. Dara Happans is IMO pretty easy; a few other bits of Lunar multiculturalism likewise. But many parts are confusing to me, too. Dara Happa - ancient Solar empire, patriarchal. Often tends rigid/reactionary. Lunars - new empire, lightly / flexibly matriarchal. DH probably feels a bit... emasculated (at least some of them).
  21. Since it has been mentioned in-thread: YES, Chaosium has said they intend to produce a "starter set" for RQ. There isn't AFAIK a huge amount of further detail available, nor any ETA (too far out, ETA would be too speculative). But I think their top-notch CoC7 Starter Set gives us a fair bit of hope, and at least some hints about what the RQG-SS might be like...
  22. I'd consider the old "Cults of Prax" with the sidebar fiction "Travels of Biturian Varosh". The Cults of Prax book is distinctly old-school, looking almost like a wargame rulebook in organization. The sidebars are wonderful! And even the oldschool text has valuable perspectives that enlighten both the crunch & the fiction.
  23. This would be a different thing than what they did for RQ2. Re-doing magic item rules, summoning rules, is a much bigger change than RQClassic got. I'm not saying they "can't" or "won't" do this, just that you're describing something different from "RQ2's 'RQClassic' treatment, but applied to RQ3."
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