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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I'd consider the old "Cults of Prax" with the sidebar fiction "Travels of Biturian Varosh". The Cults of Prax book is distinctly old-school, looking almost like a wargame rulebook in organization. The sidebars are wonderful! And even the oldschool text has valuable perspectives that enlighten both the crunch & the fiction.
  2. This would be a different thing than what they did for RQ2. Re-doing magic item rules, summoning rules, is a much bigger change than RQClassic got. I'm not saying they "can't" or "won't" do this, just that you're describing something different from "RQ2's 'RQClassic' treatment, but applied to RQ3."
  3. Chaosium has previously stated that they saw a RQ3 version of the "RQ2 --> RQClassic" Kickstarter as a possible project. That KS saw the incorporation of all known RQ2 errata & such, though AFAIK no "revision" or alteration of any rules. It included some useful/interesting early-Chaosium "clarifications" & "commentary" & so forth, as published in columns, Back In The Day. I don't know that they STILL see that RQ3 project as an option, nor whether the project would be run via KS or some other way.
  4. Lots of us have wandered the point; thread drift happens! I don'r think you were the first, or the worst; and I'm no innocent either! But given the OP was Chaosium and the point of the threat was "welcome all," I felt it necessary to spoil the jokes. 😛
  5. Sorry. Shall I put an antispoiler warning on it... 'HAZARD grognards: DO NOT READ!" ???
  6. And to cycle this 'round to the "welcoming to all" notion: Gloranthan Dwarves (called Mostali (followers of Mostal)) use weird forms of magic that often look anachronistic/technological, including very gun-like artifacts under the auspices if a "cannon cult". Dwarven guns/cannons are one of the (many) secrets that Dwarves won't share, up to and including killing outsiders who learn the secrets of making/operating them. Last but not least, Mostali are so devoted to their build/repair vision and the "world-machine" that they see corpses and similarly non-useful folk as ready to be "recycled" (into something useful). Because.in-jokes, while funny, are often less "welcoming."
  7. I think perhaps a "link," yes. An association, a familiarity. Not an identity -- they are not the same! But the "spirit" of a think is certainly linked to the thing -- the Wild, the Hunt, these impact (and are impacted by) Spirit actions. Lion-spirits are hunters, etc.
  8. Of course, we Modern Major-Generals all understand that none of that stuff should be taken as guidance anymore; if it isn't in the GtG, or the GS, or the RQG RAW... then no, it isn't something we should presume is correct. Greg himself -- everything pre-MoonDesign -- has been Gregged. Somwhere, there's a Grand Shaman ROFLMAO'ing.
  9. Also, if you're not committed to using itch.io, be aware of the Miskatonic Repository on DTRPG. https://www.chaosium.com/blog/the-miskatonic-repository-is-live/ But yeah... I'd be very very wary of actually including content from other publications... querying Chaosium directly is the way to go!
  10. Titled "Wick'ed Fun" (poor John. I imagine he's seen all this about 1000 times by now...)
  11. Hmmm... I hadn't realized. Ok... I guess that I officially don' wanna touch tha' wi' ma 10' pole... Sorry to hear this issue has been such a flashpoint!
  12. None of which options are exactly subtle or mysterious, eh? I mean, everyone knows that Chaosium these days NEVER has to face differing time zones, so maybe the issue was just too complex for them to solve. Or maybe there were other considerations. ... nah.
  13. Oh, I think we very much do know: the Compromise is part of the patch that keeps Chaos from pouring into the world and unmaking it utterly.
  14. I think most Orlanthi do keep Ernalda's lesson in their back pocket; not their go-to strategy, but available: "There is always another way."
  15. There is an awful lot to like in this notion! There are differences in some of the domain-specific knowledges of "warfare" vs "firefighting" of course, but also a lot of similarities. I might crossover by doing an Augment with "Manage Household" (which also covers farms & large estates), or "Bureaucracy" if it covered the city on fire, and of course a Lore for the city in question. Above all, though -- Battle skill augmenting (or augmented by) the Fire rune! === I might also suggest creating a "Firefighting" skill (mostly for NPCs), modeled very-directly upon "Battle," and invoke the cut-in-half "Similar Skills" rule.
  16. Yeah, but the "Black Moon" phase means less Imperial Lunar magic to face! If you want to include that, I'd go a touch less in media res, give them a bit of travel, in Crescent-Going and/or Dying Moon nights (so their actual raid happens on Black Moon). Honestly, I'd add the whole "eerie red moon" and Lunar Moon Cycles later. We can't fit ALL of Glorantha into one short intro scenario...
  17. Edit -- thought I already did this, but the note I wrote ain't here... Warning to folks new to Glorantha: some of what follows is a deep dive into the minutia of Glorantha and the history of the evolution of the setting. It points into some dark&dusty crevices of teh IntarWebz, and is of minimal use or interest, except to the most devoted delvers into said minutia. You may face extreme boredom, confusion, SAN checks... all at the same time. https://www.glorantha.com/docs/some-gods/ (scroll down) https://www.glorantha.com/forums/topic/earth-witch-and-windstop/ I recall another page dealing with Kolat & Serdrodosa, & IIRC one other Shamanic tradition... but I cannot find that doc now. 😞 There is this hint... an old digest-list mail from Greg, with several now-dead links to content on Glorantha.com ... https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/WorldofGlorantha/2009/7169.html In that mailing, he links to 3 documents on Glorantha.com; none of the links are live, but I can find 2 of them, I think: there is a "Kolat" and (as linked above) a Some-Gods. He also links to a "Serdrodosa" doc, but I cannot find that one. If the doc still exists, I fear it is un-linked from the website... There are a LOT of hits via the "Library of Lhankor Mhy" master index of old content... https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/swish-wrap.cgi?query=serdrodosa&submit=Search!&metaname=swishdefault&sort=swishrank Most appear to be tangential, and/or concern material that no longer exists (in any way that I am finding online); but there is a LOT or e-archaeology to be dug into in that search above... Also annoying signs of alternate spellings, not just "Sedrodosa" but also "Sedrosa" and maybe others...
  18. Hey Jeff, and I guess @Trifletraxor ... What about marking-up the list of publications here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/2274-glorantha-publications/ with maybe something like: (A) Solid Canon (B) Largely Canonical, may be non-canonical in specific minor ways (C) Has some specific Canon contents, but is overall less-canonical I was thinking that -- if Jeff keeps repeating this list to us screaming fans (and to a presumably-increasing list of authors, especially if the RQ-repository goes up on DTRPG) -- it might be worthwhile to sticky it atop the forum; and lo! here is a ready-made list, already stickied!
  19. Does such a thing exist? Something akin to RQG's Broken Tower? An adventure, a collection of pre-gen PC's, the minimal rules needed for these PC's to do this adventure... All under one cover.
  20. I began writing a response, then I realized it was too simplistic. So I backburner'ed it to come to later... and Jeff seems to have read my mind, written my response, edited it to be more succinct and pithy. Eerie, that. TYVM, Jeff! Is the going rate for gamers' writing still 5c per word? I'll send $1.45 to your Patreon, shall I?
  21. That's ... getting into some pretty obscure lore, there! I mean... no hits on Glorantha.com OR on glorantha.wiki.com. I do not recall that /EVER/ happening to me before. (yes, yes... Google does find me a few hits. But still.) A-HA! Missed an "r" That's "Serdrodosa," which is a much-more-findable witch.
  22. Yeah; if they recognized that mytho-catch-22, then they realized they got to live the myth, right there.
  23. My issue -- and the reason I like to keep pretty close to "canon" -- is that I like to use as much of Chaosium's new content as I reasonably can; and I like to use it with as little work as I reasonably can. I don't want the new stuff to conflict too harshly with where my campaign and my players have gone. Now, my "reasonable" may be someone else's "impractically onerous" and their "hard NOPE." Equally, my limits of "reasonable" may be foolishly restrictive & restricted to someone else. But sticking close to "canon" has its own advantages for many non-published folk... even if not for you.
  24. Yes. Once upon a time, there was ONLY "people" in the Garden (two-legged or four-legged), no beasts. An "Alter Creature" that Awakens a beast under the Compact returns them to Personhood. A spirit possessing a body is wholly different. It's still a spirit.
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