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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I suppose some tables may play the notion of "B. Gor combines the worst traits of Humakt X Storm Bull, but with tits & axes & radical misanthropic feminism" . That's fine at those tables if those players like that. I hope nobody takes THAT as "canon" ! That said, "canon" states that she's a death-goddess called "the avenging daughter" with Axe Trance & Berserker among her Rune Magic & "Hate(Oathbreaker) 90%" as a qualifying Rune-level Skill. The official illlo shows her with taloned hands and feet, wearing skulls for a kirtle and necklace, and dual-wielding axes with fresh bloody heads & hands as adornments... very Kali-vibe! A happy-fluffy goddess she is NOT. YGMV. IMG, the Babeester Gori are willing to do that whole "Berserker Thang" if needs be, but generally are much more into practical matters -- retribution not only to punish the evil-doers but also to frighten & prevent others from doing evil, because... well... it ain't gonna end well for folks who make those choices. The "Battle" skill (more Athena than Ares) is equally as important as hating oathbreakers.
  2. IMG, most BG's prefer a "punishment fits the crime" approach, and don't always decapitate. They find other axe-work can be even more of a deterrent for certain crimes, if you get my drift... I add "Seal Wound" as a commonly used BG spell in those cases; indeed, the Goddess /insists/ !
  3. g33k

    A Rubble Ruin!

    TYVM ! Always enjoy your stuff. I expect to make good use of this, and other bits!
  4. g33k

    New here

    Also, if you're playing RQG -- and liking it, mostly -- but decide you also really like "luck points" (or any other bits of Mythras, just making an example of that one)... simply add them into your RQG game! You may want to bump the opposition a bit, or not, to suit tastes at the table... All the different flavors & variants & subsystems of BRP play well together, with only minor adjustments. Similarly -- but more substantively -- RQG rules for Runes could be added into Mythras... "MythRQG" ?
  5. g33k

    New here

    Hi, and welcome! I see folks playing in Glorantha using Mythras; you likely want to look at the "Notes from Pavis" blog, it has a LOT of good content for this. I also see Mythras players who conclude that the new RQG content is just sooooo darned good for Glorantha that they'll play RQG for Glorantha and Mythras for everything else. And I see some hybridizers, using substantial portions of each game to play in their own Glorantha, upholding a long and glorious "FrankenBRP" tradition. Go with whichever most appeals to you and your table. Honestly... there are no bad choices here! Legend & Mythras adventures should be pretty easy to convert to RQG, but note the Mythras "Luck Points" give a survival buffer that doesn't exist in the Chaosium ruleset. For RQG-native content, you can grab the Quickstart (it's a free PFF), and there's a lot of stuff in the "GM Screen Pack" (only available in PDF right now, but it should be in Chaosium fulfillment centers "soon"). Also, a vast suite of RQ2 content is easily converted!
  6. Hi! I guess this is close enough; though honestly I see most folk just jumping in...
  7. Unfortunately, the same term (stacking) is also often used when it IS about increasing the spell-effect, e.g. "How many MP's are you stacking onto that Heal Wound spell?" This may or may not be a "correct" usage, but I have seen it used that way here & elsewhere, heard it played that way at different tables. At least it's not D&D's "Level" -- character level, spell level, level of the dungeon... gah!
  8. Mostly, yes. Rune Magic has some per-spell complications/exceptions on MP use... MP's are used for SOME of the Rune Magic, but not all; and when used, not always identically. For example: Sword Trance (and Axe Trance) NEED to have one or more MP's: their effect is based entirely on using those MP's to "fuel" the spell; you also need the initial RP to cast it, of course! Berserker has a fixed effect, which doesn't use MP's at all, and doesn't change with added MP's. Axis Mundi gets its duration (normally 15 min's) extended if you add MP's for that purpose (+15min's per MP).. Finally, MP's are often stacked onto a spell in an effort to overcome defensive magic.
  9. Also noted, & concerned. I don't actually /know/ why, but my impression from the RQG threads is that he (she?) found something problematic. Might have been the rules themselves, or the endless debating that the RQ grognardia pursue, or... well, I dunno. I believe it to be a choice, not being "forced.' But I'm in no way privvy to that decision.
  10. I could imagine inks and parchments and vellums and what-have-you's made specifically to be used to create sacrificial tomes.
  11. g33k

    Pelorian Weather

    waitWHAT? You did the Kalikos Quest for Minnesota???!?
  12. Several scenarios, I think... 😃
  13. As a backer, I am not worried. Other folks' perspectives (if they aren't backers) may reasonably (IMHO) differ. If they AREN'T backers (or haven't followed the backers updates regularly) there's ... kinda a LOT of content to wade through. Given that Trollpak doesn't show on Chaosium.com, and it's not marked as "achieved" on the KS.... it's not actually unreasonable to wonder if it's coming. A literal reading of Chaosium's readily-available material (q.g. the items cited above) strongly suggests that it it not. Given the way the new regime pulled Chaosium's nuts out of the fire & saved the company from ignominious deathspiral -- over fulfilling a Kickstarter, no less! -- I have 101% confidence that (in time) nuChaosium will fulfill on this one, too.
  14. I am certain that Bladesharp doesn't add to parry. I know that prior editions and "table traditions" are unreliable guides in these new, nuChaosium, RQG days; but FWIW, "that's how we always played it." Nevertheless, I know this to be a definitively insufficient standard... So I turn to RQG for "canonical" answers. Consider the spell "Bludgeon" which is the mace/maul/club equivalent of "Bladesharp." The game-mechanics are identical (+5% to hit, +1 damage, including to Telmori/etc), except for the kind of weapon it is - Crushing. Then consider the spell "Parry" -- it works on a shield, specifically not any other weapon -- despite a shield also being usable as a Crushing (bludgeoning) weapon; and it explicitly increases Parry, but does not mention attacking or "to hit". * Consider also the spell "Dullblade" -- it explicitly reduces damage by one point, and to-hit by 5%, for every point stacked onto the spell. It ALSO makes no mention of reducing Parry. Finally, consider the text of Bladesharp where it discusses the interaction with Dullblade: "the improved chance to hit from Bladesharp is not affected, but the weapon’s additional damage is reduced" but no mention is made of any effect on Parry.
  15. Huh. I presume that's an oversight, as @Rick Meints has been talking about progress on Trollpak as one of the pieces they're working on. I'm guessing KS doesn't have automation driving the process; the project creator must need to manually set the "Achieved" marker (which seems kinda sily not to automate, for just this sort of reason).
  16. Hazia is I think the best known Gloranthan substance to (ab)use; but hardly a boon to productivity! What's the Gloranthan equivalent of a Trenta quad-shot?
  17. Another thought on successive parries (it's another non-RAW option however). The -20% per parry-after-1st evidently seems (in many folks estimation (to judge from comments here) ) inadequate. Frankly, the split-in-half seems a bit like TOO much nerf'ing, to me. How about making successive parries' penalty double each time, rather than increment? RAW: 1st full / 2nd -20% / 3rd -40% / 4th -60% / 5th -80% / 6th -100% / 7th -120% / etc / etc / etc ... idea: 1st full / 2nd -10% / 3rd -20% / 4th -40% / 5th -80% / 6th -160% / 7th -320% / etc / etc / etc ... There is little difference for the first few parries (it's a bit MORE generous at first, but I don't see 10% & 20% differences as substantive in a 200%-scale). But after that, it quickly becomes prohibitive. Ordinary groups still fall like wheat before a scythe, but great mobs that can make a half-dozen or more melee attacks in a round become more threatening again...
  18. Reign (a homonym) 'Cause Sean is too polite/professional to correct a fan... but me? I'm just being helpful, I am... 🤩
  19. I think the OP wants a finished rulebook to make available to the players; NOT the BGB with its confusing plethora of options.
  20. I'm gonna suggest that you get the Quickstart, and use THAT as your basic rule-set. It's the little one with the same "Vitruvian Man" DaVinci-style cover. The PDF is Officially Free, so you can distribute it to your players without any qualms. Add subsytems as-desired from the BGB.
  21. Actually... I'm OK with it being asleep for now. I understand Kalin can only be active with PoS when there are no active/paid jobs on the board. No PoS = Kalin getting paid, and (by implication) a good chance that more Gloranthan content is coming from Chaosium... 😉 (and Kalin eats better)
  22. I think "I win" is actually appropriate; I still don't see this as such a big problem. You got a high-power Death Lord swordmaster who calls on his God -- the one who owns the Sword that is Death -- to make him even more deadly with the sword. I ... kinda think that IS an "I win" button (for that sword fight). I don't really see this as a problem. The Black Fang guy? He's gonna poison the Humakti. Aldryami at parity (i.e. ArrowTrance'd) is gonna pincushion him. Shaman's gonna hurt him in LOTS of different ways, depending on the spirit(s) used. Just a Befuddle (boosted as necessary) means he wanders around dangerously doing... not much at all. Still not pleased at the way it nerfs the "vast mob" effect, the "shortcut to Harrek" as aptly described above; but I am reserving my opinion (and impulse to HR a "fix") for now...
  23. You'll have to use a sockpuppet. We'll be looking forward to Sskatlos' adventures shortly...
  24. Now that's an interesting take on the rule. Hrm. Agreed, we need some official consideration/rulings here.
  25. I believe the RAW states that all 3 get their combat skills reduced by 50% (the amount needed to take the highest down to 100%). The two at 50% are stuck at an effective 0% skill, so they follow the rule that 05 & below is a hit and 01 is a crit; they miss on 06+ and they fumble on 96+ (fumbling as often as they hit at all; ouch!) The 150% (now 100%) combatant will do their 1st parry at 100% and their 2nd parry at 100-20= 80%. So, yeah -- looks like the 50% guys get their weapons damaged a LOT... likely (by the odds) having their weapons destroyed before they ever land a blow... although my gut-check says they aren't likely to see that happen, because 150now100 will have disabled/killed them faster than their weapons would have gotten destroyed. If I have mis-analyzed this, I welcome anyone correcting me. ### I don't know that the RAW addresses the issue of whether there's an upper limit for how many combatant's can have their skill reduced in this fashion; in my prior example (of 6 Trollkin in a 1st ring (with short weapons), and 12 in an outer ring (with longer weapons)) would have EIGHTEEN skill-reductions. That... does not pass my common-sense test... but AFAIK it does in fact match the RAW. 😲 Granted that getting doubly-encircled this way is a sub-optimal strategy... unlikely for someone with a native 100+% let alone Trance'd to 200+% ! I can still imagine it happening, FrEx with some well-trained Trollkin & a trainer/boss with a very-high Battle skill. I'm going to have to sit down and crunch some numbers to see just how much of a threat the "mob/horde" that I was advocating really is. If it isn't a threat, then that really is a substantive change in the way RQ/BRP has always run, where Numberless Hordes is always a credible threat. I think my other point remains valid, that missiles/spells/spirits/poison/etc all bypass *Trance spells, so they don't really "break" the system as a whole. But if the Horde/Mob is no longer a threat... hmm. That changes the feel of the game; I would have to decide if it needs a HR.
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