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Everything posted by g33k

  1. RE the mixing of movement vs. SR/actions, vs resolving movement 1st ... I only invoke "Resolve Movement First" when all the SoI's show that the moving character(s) are ONLY moving, and will not end up Engaged. Then it just exists to handle getting them moved when they have no involvement with the SR mechanism (and thus might end up being forgotten in the tension of combat). You could just as well do it at the end, or do half of it ahead and the other half on SR 6, or by thirds ahead/6/end, or any other table convention; it won't matter how you handle it. But if you are casting, firing missile weapons, melee'ing, or otherwise engaging in any way in "combat time," then you are engaging with the combat, and spend the whole round -- movement included! -- on the SR counter.
  2. Which thread? Was it a Chaosium person who said that?
  3. It's still showing the data I saw this morning. Wherever it is now, it isn't THERE. Zooming-out, I see signs of "shipping routes" showing, looking at all the ships. XIN LOS ANGELES doesn't appear to be very far, if any, outside the channels that might reasonably be turning southward. And, as speculated, the containers of RQ may no longer be aboard. Maybe they're on a train, or a truck. They may even be heading toward Chaosium more directly, instead of via Long Beach... And it's also possible that we are seeing one of the reasons that Chaosium hates to state a firm timetable: the books may indeed be en route back to China, through no fault of their own and because of unforeseen and unpredictable events. I hope not!!! Hey @styopa -- can you give us any insight?
  4. Gaaah. Yes, of course. I should remember to be more careful in the late hours ... Conceptually, I think I was thinking of it heading to the "Far East" (not that that's any excuse, since I've lived near the West Coast since before I knew what a compass was).
  5. XIN LOS ANGELES is under way! Just queried MarineTraffic.com and find it out of port, out of the Sound and into the Pacific Ocean proper. Heading due East; I presume she'll swing South in short order...
  6. waitWHAA...? Buzz Lightyear was... ... Illuminated?
  7. The basic point remains -- if there is some observation/deduction/etc that, if missed/failed, will completely stop the plot & blocks all further progress... then it needs to be a "cannot fail" element. One option, of course -- and it can be a valid one -- is to go down the path of such a failure. They missed the clue(s), or got all the clues but assembled it wrong. They failed: the kidnappers murder the princess, or the Evil Cultists ritually-despoil the Royal Regalia and /NOBODY/ can ascend the Holy Throne, or the Elder Thing devours all the souls in the town, or what-have-you. But "MGF" suggests that, almost always, such abject failure is not the best choice.
  8. I like Gumshoe's basic rule: if there is a necessary clue, your roll isn't to FIND the clue, it's for everything else... how long did you take, did you learn anything extra, did you tip off the target, or create other complications, etc ...
  9. Not to be disloyal to BRP or anything, but honesty compels me to point out that R.Tal has an existing Witcher game: https://rtalsoriangames.com/witcher-trpg/ And in 3 months, the "Easy Mode" (quickstart) will be available free/cheap: https://rtalsoriangames.com/the-witcher-trpg-easy-mode/ === That said... I'd look to some other (BRP based!) free Quickstart products. BRP itself, and Magic World (both from Chaosium) have Quickstarts available (as does their new Runequest, but it's pretty darned embedded in Glorantha!) TheDesignMechanism's Mythras has their "Mythras Imperative" intro-ruleset. Alephtar's Revolution D100 has Conspiracy Theory. Various SRD's and similar give you full rulesets, if you want to look at them; d101's OpenQuest, C&W's Renaissance, and more.
  10. FWIW, I would discourage a character-sheet with such substantive elements (as hit-locations, AP/HP per location, on a drawing of the PC) for optional elements. Graphically/visually, they have become the dominant features of the sheet above; presumably, the MOST important! Others' MMV. (fwiw: I love hit-locations & hp/ap per location; so I'm all-in on that personally; but in principle I think an "optional" system should be clearly, visually, optional.)
  11. I thought had recalled a "Quickstart" product for RD100, but now I find no sign of such a thing. Was I simply mistaken, before? Or have I overlooked / mis-Google'd now? Or ...? And... if there IS no such thing: is such a thing planned? Any details or ETA available? Edit - So. Conspiracy Theory. What evil plans have rendered it un-findable? Seriously, I tried on Alephar's own website, and neither "quickstart" nor "introductory" led me to Conspiracy Theory!
  12. Hello, Grim Dork, and welcome! Did you want specifically a version of RuneQuest or will any of the "extended family" of d100/BRP games work equally well? And what are your main criteria for preferring one over another? We can probably help you narrow your search... 😉
  13. Yeah, but I mean an inner-secrets-Illumination sort of thing. Like, almost everyone knows Orlanth has Rex/Thundrous/Adventurous but not everyone (not even every Priestess) knows the Goddess Truth. The God-Learners thought they understood when they pulled the Goddess-Switch, but they were (catastrophically) wrong...
  14. IMO that's not "buyable POW," but pricing on enchantments that require POW, So at 200L/POW, an item that takes 15 POW to create costs 3000L. And I tend to agree that it's not just an open market -- the caster creating the item needs to believe the buyer deserves it! For smaller items, a strong reputation might suffice. For substantial items, the caster will likely demand a substantive service.
  15. Rick has previously stated that Chaosium has no way to issue Discount Coupons which will apply to FLGS purchases. If you already bought the PDF straight from Chaosium, your Coupon needs to be spent with Chaosium. Supporting your FLGS begins in your FLGS when you make the retail purchase. But if the FLGS is part.of Bits&Mortar, you can send Chaosium a proof-of-purchase to get the PDF.
  16. I believe the policy is based not just on "fairness" or "majority" or the like, but from a desire not to have their entire customer-service quit en mass; even if that's just Dustin(?). The sheer volume of "why can't I order" & "can't you make an exception for me" and "I will pay AirFreight fees to get it sooner" and "me and my mates will split the cost of AirFreight on 3/4 of a case, and you can get that last quarter-case airfreighted on our dime!" and a gazillion-and-one other special requests, virtually all of which have to get a "no" answer, most of those creating yet MORE customer-unhappiness... It's a lose/lose proposition!
  17. We'll have to see how own long the unload / reload takes in Vancouver, then getting into port & unloading in SoCal, and then transshipping halfway across North America... Lots of potential for delays, alas!
  18. I found that one on the Yellow Pages of a phone book once...
  19. That's an interesting thought. I might put it at some remove from normal cult practices, a gnostic-style "inner secret" or similar ...
  20. @Rick MeintsMeints - thank you for that VERY info-rich post of 1March. Very nice, very much appreciated! One minor question:. for those who (will) have both 1st & 2nd printings of the core rulebook, how do we distinguish between them (other than checking for corrected items)? Will there be a "2nd printing" notice anywhere on the cover? On the title page? New ISBN? etc ...
  21. IMO they are under no obligation to offer 1st-printing buyers a discount on the 2nd printing. The have not (that I have seen) ever said or even suggested they might. My recollection is that they stated up-front that there WOULD BE a 2nd printing with collected corrections. I think they presumed that those who wanted the corrected printing would hold their discount coupon and buy that later printing, if that's what they preferred; while those who wanted an ASAP hardcopy would use the coupon at 1st opportunity, if that's what THEY preferred. I too bought a 1st printing, and REALLY WANT a 2nd printing, and am looking at constrained finances. So it'd be really nice to get that! I could even argue a (IMO pretty strong) ethical case for Chaosium to offer those discounts. But the cold hard truth is: giving that discount TWICE is remarkably close to a "buy one, get one free" model. And THAT isn't a sustainable model. It's a zero-profit model or maybe even a "net loss" model. At the end of the day, at the end of the month, Chaosium needs to be able to pay their bills, make their budget. Remember, this is nuChaosium, the business-savvy folks who saved the CoC7 Kickstarter and likely Chaosium itself from bankruptcy... And they just kept going, cranking out this glorious new edition of RQ, plus Bestiary, etc, & more RQGoodness to come (and also further CoC7 content like MoN, etc; and new HQ stuff, and all the rest...).
  22. I think the "golem" look (serpentine or humanoid (others possible, too)) is mostly when intentionally being showy -- an Intimidate, as a distraction, etc. I can imagine a few isolated casters who only ever saw the flashy version, so it's their go-to look.
  23. Ahh. Sorry to hear; but of course RL has derailed us all... Were there any more sessions you could (would be willing to) report? Did you make any conversion-notes, or have any "how-to"s you'd be willing to share? Maybe docs for the Downloads section?
  24. Ticks. From the bad ol' RQ habit of "tick hunting" to skill-up. Demon-tick's, summoned to skill-up.
  25. The Harrek tangent in a financial thread rather boggles my mind, and forces me to ask: who here imagines Harrek the Berzerk actually paying coin for his debauchery?
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