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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Jason has just recently closed the window on 1st-printing "Tribal Edit" errorchecks. He will be correcting the galleys (no ETA), otherwise finalizing the print run (no ETA), getting it printed (no ETA), getting it shipped (no ETA), getting it through various Customs / border / Excise / etc (no ETA), and getting it transshipped to their distribution partners (no ETA). Note the MOST of these steps are mostly or entirely outside Chaosium control ... You may notice a theme. Chaosium hasn't announced an ETA. And frankly, given how many steps remain that can reasonably produce delays outside their control... any date they DID give would be just BEGGING for Murphy to stop in with an enforcement action on His law ...
  2. Q - other than the material of the cover, is anything else different in the Leatherette? Weight/quality of paper? Binding of spine? Etc ...
  3. There is a persistent urban legend that this sort of thing often masks a criminal money laundering scheme.
  4. Some new thoughts I've had on the (Dune-style) Shield... It's really IMHO about the attacker's skill. The shield is always-on, a field that reacts to fast-moving objects (and energy-weapons of course). Un-trained knife-fighters tend to try to hit fast, and the Shield deflects them. I'd run Shield-use passively, off of the attack skill. Recall Paul's first duel with Jamis, where Paul kept MISSING Jamis, because Paul was striking with Shield-trained reflexes. They all (except Jessica) thought Paul was toying with him, because on defense Paul was SO much faster & better. So, my proposal: Either your attack-skill is Shield-trained or it is not (we might denote these as "Knife(ES)" vs "Knife" or "Rapier(ES)" vs "Rapier" for an EnergyShield skill or not), for strong defense but slower attacks vs ES's. If you have an ES attack-skill, you roll normally vs someone using a Shield -- you know how to bypass Shield defenses, so you are un-penalized. But you take a -20% penalty to your skill if you are facing an un-Shielded opponent -- you are just slower on the attack than you "should" be. If your skill is NOT an ES skill, then it is HALVED when attacking a Shield'ed opponent. Furthermore, all damages are ALSO reduced by one-half (rounding in favor of the defender). Your best strikes are blunted, deflected. You just aren't as competent at hitting your foe, and the penalty hurts. A lot. (n.b. I am deliberately making the penalties asymmetrical -- if the Shield weren't very-advantageous (asymmetrically so), it wouldn't be as significant as it is).
  5. For a copy of the book (to hold equally dear themselves), someone might accept those terms!
  6. re: RQ/FantasyEarth... I just wanted to clarify... is this planned as a single volume (presumably titled "Fantasy Earth")? Or as a series of interlocking / mutually-playable (but each also fully standalone) individual RPGs (of which, presumably, Mythic Iceland would be the first iteration)? Or something else/undecided/etc ... ? All responses understood to be with all the "early pipeline" caveats -- today's intentions may be upended by next month's realities, freelancers sometimes pitch something other than originally envisioned, etc etc etc... Many thanks!
  7. I don't really want "dual-class Adventurer-Herders." Scan and Track are 2ndary skills -- you only REALLY need them after you fail your Herd skill-roll. I've got to agree that Scan seems pretty central to a Hunter's skillset, however...
  8. IIRC, Jeff said that the Aldryami would be Man/Plant instead of Man/Beast; Trolls would be Man/Darkness instead. Mostali would be ... Man/Stasis?
  9. Not a mod here, but finding the physics-vs-mythic simulation of falling (& rules about all that) REALLY off-track for the Bestiary Corrections thread. NormallyI'd consider this WELL within the bounds of "reasonable" thread-drift, but (a) we aren't gonna see the Bestiary promulgate a new RQG Falling Rule, & (b) we're trying to keep THIS thread serving the specific purpose of correcting the Bestiary within a (very limited) pre-printing timeframe...
  10. Yes, but when will the available PDF include (at least) all the Tribal Edits that got included into the hardcopy? My PDF is still the one originally-released on day 1. If any updated PDF was announced, I missed that...
  11. I think it's probably worth noting that "some people" include Chaosium executives. They hold that Mongoose was publishing under a specific Chaosium license and the license did not allow Mongoose to take the Chaosium IP and ogl it, any more than when I rent a car from Hertz am I allowed to sell it, or give it away. But Chaosium was in a more-chaotic phase at the time, and didn't manage to muster much if any "formal" objection (or if they did, were dissuaded from pursuing it; a very-real possiblity is that the lawyers looked at the IP in question, the OGL phrasing, and existing case-law, and told them "sure, we figure a near-certain win on this case, shouldn't cost more than about US$25million" which would likely have ruined Chaosium & Mongoose both... But IANAL nor an accountant for either company, so I am just speculating.). Anyhow, I would look at a license from Chaosium, or TDM or d101 (who themselves DO afaik hold Chaosium licenses, despite the arguably-OGL MRQ/Legend heritage) before I went directly to the (disputed) Legend OGL. But that's me, personally: as noted, that herd of horses seems to have bolted.
  12. Yeah... but will the display be blinking "12:00" ?
  13. IIRC they are a bit "over-agile". I recall both notably-smooth handling, and derring-do "fighter Jockey" handling being noted as impressive ...
  14. The archer is making a singular attempt to aim, is making a singular release. The ARROW gets multi'ed, but only as per the (singular) intent of the archer. I don't recall ever getting into the metaphysics of it (everyone knew that the Aldryami were the baddest-assed archers, so nobody specialized another species; and the main GM was gaga for Mostali, so...), but I personally have always envisioned it as a bit of a butterfly-effect: slightly-different timing, spacing, etc all lead to slightly-different trajectories (and thus different hit-locations). It's a MULTI missile, after all, they aren't multiphasic co-existent in the same space... I honestly do not recall if it was explained this way to me by the then-GM, or if it's my own private delusion conception...
  15. Yes, Lyonesse will run on TDM's Mythras engine (formerly known as "RuneQuest 6").
  16. I was speaking of many/most -- that is to say, we in (non-publishing) fandom, not the very few who DO publish (under OGL or otherwise) -- people who seem to sling around the term "OGL" freely, even when it doesn't apply, or may not apply. I meant OGL as used on gaming forums, not as used by publishers. As we have been saying on the internet (since before it was "the web"): I am not a lawyer. So I typically do not try to figure out which publishers "using" OGL are using it correctly.
  17. "OGL" is typically used informally & non-technically these days; and many (most?) people have gotten sloppy in how they think about intellectual property, and IP-rights.
  18. I think we're onto something here, David! Soltakss' next campaign is shaping up nicely...
  19. Yes, it's part of the 13G kickstarter. Check out the subforum there, or better the KS site itself, for latest news. The books have been printed. Last I saw, they are on container-ships, en route. The process is s-l-o-w (examining the initial proof, approving the full print-run, printing, shipping transoceanic) and involves a non-trivial amount of potential delay that is utterly outside the control of Chaosium.
  20. Have you pitched a "Jane Austen Supers" game, ultimately facing the Mythos' Great Old Ones? Run it with the Epic-level rules from D&D... 😃
  21. It is my /belief/ that Chaosium has reached out to a shortlist of authors/devs with whom they have worked (or would like to work) with a call for pitches for RQ:FE titles/topics/etc, with some specific ideas (iirc someone at Chaosium mentioned a particular German / HolyRomanEmpire timeframe of special interest).
  22. I'm having a kind of hard time seeing the major differences from Glorantha... 😉 Except, I guess, the decades of accumulated Gloranthropolgy... }:-D>
  23. Sure, a single book is always less commitment. But a "Hoover" strategy is MANY books; even if each is its own thing, 10 setting-specific books still represent AFAIK the bulk of Chaosium's RPG output for a couple of years; not putting any work into any of their OTHER lines...
  24. OK; my apologies. I had thought it was the GM Book, and was surprised and puzzled recently when someone said it was the GM Pack. I guess I just misunderstood. Got it straight now (and thanks!) .
  25. Can you (or @Jason Durall) clarify which titles are and are not part of the slipcase set? RQGcore rulebook Bestiary? GM Book? GM's Pack? And/Or ??? Or has this maybe not been entirely settled, yet? TYVM !
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