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Everything posted by g33k

  1. ... ? I had understood 13A was primarily a 3.x variant, so far as "game mechanical DNA" went ... ?
  2. <heh> RQG and 13G are coming to market remarkably close together. I'm sure that Chaosium is looking at this with interest. I hope they see fit to share some numbers, once we're a few months in. OTOH, given 13G went KS and RQG didn't, the differences in marketing/production/delivery may make them less-comparable than one might think... <sigh> Whatever, though, I know thaty *I* am very interested & curious!
  3. Logistical queries: Is Chaosium using Bang for fulfillment? Are those books bound for the Bang HQ in MN? That is: for those of us closer to Longbeach, will the books ship from close-by? Or are they going somewhere "central" before being distributed back to the west-coast / southwest / etc?
  4. AD&D 1e, 2e, 3.0/3.5/PF & 5e here. I mostly skipped buying 2e as it seemed like a "fixed 1e" and by then I had all the fixes in my own mind & marginalia in my 1e rulebooks. I bought some 2e rulebooks (for $2/title mint) at a garage-sale, later gave them away; I played a few sessions in other peoples' campaigns, and I was feeling like it was more of a "we have run out of 1e titles that sell, so we'll reset everything and make 'em rinse, lather, re-buy". I liked 3.x/D20System, felt it went a long ways toward modernizing the system and making it cohesive. But it quickly turned into feature-creep, power-inflation, mechanical optimization, &c. Not my cuppa RP, mostly, and still suffered from level-based-inflation issues. PF took that base and made my dissatisfactions worse. I skipped 4e, full stop. 5.x seems to be the best so far (though not without flaws)... but it feels the least "like" D&D to me, like a different game "inspired by" the older ones.
  5. Well, I think the topic merits further debate... but not here. 🙂 <heh> How 'bout BRP DresdenFIles or BRP SotC? 😈 But I'm curious -- how would you see Fate of Glorantha differing from HQ:G ? I usually consider Fate & HQ pretty peer-ish games... But maybe that should be a spin-off thread... (possibly to the EH board... or to an EH/Chaosium negotiation?)
  6. I would freely use BRP over 5e ... unless I wanted D&Disms. Typically, I only want them if I'm engaging newbies, so I can rely upon their insta-grasp of the D&D/Tolkien concepts... which can be invaluable for that purpose! Or, of course, if the players will "only play" D&D. (meh; I play for such groups only with the intention of corruptingconverting them. 🙂 My current group "began" as a D&D group, but mostly plays other games. But if the players aren't relying upon D&Disms, I much prefer the BRP/RQ chassis (even if I'm playing Victoriana Steampunk or Pirates of the Caribbean (or many other genres). I find the basic notion of "the skills define what you can do" rather than "the class defines what you can do" is easily grasped, and skills as D100 scores is also easily grasped.
  7. Actually, no. The "just a skills system" is Fudge, which Fate uses as a base but builds on top of. Fudge is indeed more or less a traditional "crunchy, simulationist" skills-system RPG, albeit one that takes a radical approach to generic-ness in having NO predefined stats/skills -- you define them for a given campaign (so you might have no physical STR/DEX/CON/etc scores if your game is about PCs who are ghosts, FrEx; while you might have "Flirt, Gossip, Bon Mot," and more in a social-centric English Regency game.). Fate adds a slew of narrative-centric stuff (Aspects, Conditions, Declarations, &c...) on top of the Fudge chassis; and in fact, you can run those "Fate bits" on top of ANY traditional RPG (you would need to re-calibrate the mechanical merger... e.g. +1/+2/+3 in Fudge-based Fate might be +5% / +15% / +30% in BRP-based Fate (off the top of my head), etc; or you could put it onto D&D, or any other "trad"-style RPG . ) Going a step further, you could run with ONLY the narrative bits, and NO crunchy simulator underpinnings. "Aspect Only Fate" is a Google'able thing. (n.b. I get to claim I'm not dragging the thread off-topic, because I tied it back into BRP (and D&D) there... 🙂 )
  8. I've never played Unknown Armies or Warhammer, or even really delved into their rules... but my sense is that -- despite somewhat similar mechanics -- they are very-distantly related at most, and don't really share in the broadly-interoperable mechanics that characterize most of the RQ/BRP-derived family of games. I -have- delved into the Eclipse Phase rules, and I wouldn't try to unite them with another BRP engine. Different enough to need almost full conversion, similar enough to tempt shortcuts. Other folks may have other opinions, of course!
  9. You can order direct from The Design Mechanism. I expect you can get their stuff via your FLGS; I'm sure TDM'd want to address the issue if you asked and could not! While your game is New-World-Centric "Age of Exploration," don't forget the Patron expects treasures & reports & such flowing back to them, which is why I suggested having at least one city in Europe, where you return occasionally.
  10. Yeah, take the core "Renaissance" game (for which P&D is an offshoot (unless you accidentaly grab the OneDice edition of the setting)); borrow from P&D as needed; and maybe bits of MRQ Pirates and/or Chaosium BloodTide. Of possible interest: Mythras' "Mythic Constantinople" setting, 1450ish iirc. Very city-centric & with lots of magic & mythical-beasties built-in; but a patron-city back in Europe is relevant, and they have a VERY nice map-pack you could use.
  11. Honestly: neither. If it's all-n00bs, even the GM? Like, some kids in an afterschool group, or bored on the weekend, etc? And one of them says, "hey, let's try that D&D game ('cos Vin Diesel Pitch Black, or 'cos Critical Role, or whatever)" And they don't want me to GM. So it's ALL on them? But I can pick anything in-print (that is, they said "D&D" but that's because it's the only name they know)... I'd give 'em a Quickstart product. Might be RQG, or Exalted, or StarWars, or even DaVinciBRP. But something short&sweet, with MUCH less "figure it all out" for creating PCs etc, and a smaller ruleset for the GM to manage..
  12. For those unfamiliar with the newer editions, 5e definitely makes an easier entre' than prior editions do. 3.0/3.5/d20SRD (that became PF) may be the apex of complexity. But while I think most or all of us prefer the classless / skills-based progression of RQ&derivatives, it cannot really be argued that "choose a class" (from this shortlist) and "choose a race" (from that shortlist), is a MUCH lower barrier for n00bies than "choose your skills from that LOONG list... oh yeah and everyone has some magic, so ALSO choose your spells from t'other long list" (particularly when the classes and races fit broadly-known tropes & memes). In all honesty, I don't think the "revenue kick" is terribly relevant. I think M:tG is still their bread & butter, D&D is just an occasional drizzle of honey. But as such, it's more relevant that they keep a steady stream of products flowing so when retailers put "new arrivals" in the premium display-spaces, it's D&D; so when the industry buzzes, D&D is one of the topics buzzing, so when Amazon features "popular" stuff, D&D shows in the first page, etc etc etc. I admit that I too thought TSR/WotC was prone to cashgrab with cycles of "new splat! new splat! new splat! <repeat until ... > New Edition! new splat! new splat! new splat! ... " . 👿 I never bought into 2e (which, after increasiongly-dubious splats, convinced me of their cashgrab cycle) or 4e, and I'm still undecided whether I'm getting 5e. I'm not sure whether I was right or wrong Back In The Day, but I think these days they are more sophisticated, more about consistently marketing to keep their TopSpot than trying to cashgrab-per-supplement.
  13. Really? The Lunar/Sable alliance vs other tribes doesn't strike you as a nearly-exact parallel with the USCavalry (with a few scouts & allied tribes) vs the rest of the Native American tribes? I grant you that the "Sheriff" role can be any strongman imposing order, whether Lunars or mighty Adventurers, or Argrath, or what-have-you. As noted above, it can even look a lot like "organized crime" or something else not-exactly-Sheriff-y... and still be able to call upon some of the same themes.
  14. Amen, brother! errr... bro-mollusc...wyrm... thing.
  15. Desperate outlaws? Check. Hostile wilderness in all directions? Check. Hostile TRIBES in all directions? Check. Military (from a distant "Civilized" power) that can keep the Tribes in-check, IF they're close enough to intervene on a raid? Check. Goldrush-esque bonanza of wealth... If you get lucky? Check. Naive greenhorn treasure-hunters? Check. Local "guides" of dubious honesty (and honor)? Check. Con-artist's selling treasure maps? Check. Finally, that rough-and-tumble "anything goes" (so long as the SheriffLunars don't see) attitude, crossed with the "meet all kinds" city where people from far and wide congregate because it's the only place they can get to...
  16. If it's anything like the RQClassic KS fulfillment, there is a "please confirm your original shipping info" step. Did you see such a query, & reply to it? I also recall there being a notable delay between when the first backers announced their shipping-cart, and the end of such announcements. The contracted fulfillment centers just take TIME to process all those orders (once they begin). No guarantee that the RQClassic and 13G ks will run the same, of course.
  17. Has anyone grabbed a very-recent D/L of the rules, to see if this issue has been revised?
  18. IIRC, it was said at the time that analysis-paralysis was an issue at the table, and also that some of the larger lists of cult spells produced TL;DR effect for some players. Or maybe I am just remembering commentary/speculation ...
  19. 24/7 broadband internet in the middle of the ocean tends to be expensive. I'd be pretty surprised if this were available.
  20. I have been presuming not, but @Dustin O'Chaosium or @Rick Meints would have the authoritative answer. Edit:. Or, well... Most anyone from Chaosium, really. TYVM @MOB !
  21. Those groups can HR it how they want. Chaosium doesn't need to write, or publish, rules for that. I would suggest that it would be a relatively dire mistake to do so, in fact; even in the Bestiary or GM book as "rules for NPCs."
  22. ... and now Modiphius has Dune, too... https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/41139/exclusive-frank-herberts-dune-comes-tabletop
  23. RE shipping/transport info: They did this for the RQClassic KS... and I guess "Ships of Cthulhu" was a thing for CoC7e? And maybe GtG (I dunno, I missed the KS and ordered the reprint). So it kinda looks like something they do only for KS's... maybe? Note fwiw that each of their distribution partners is likely getting cases direct-shipped from China... I think that's 1 each in USA/Canada/UK/Aus? But as Joerg notes, Customs can be an imponderable, as can other issues.
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