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Everything posted by g33k

  1. {heh} "Hoover up" kinda implies grabbing ALL the settings above ... at least, the ones out of (c)... I can just imagine the horror of the dedicated RQ / CoC / HQ fans if Chaosium announced 10ish new settings being delivered in the near future ...
  2. Soooo ... RQG core rulebooks are on the Slow Boats From China ? 🙂 Any chance we can get the ship-info, the way happened with "Ships of Cthulhu" & the RQClassic KS ? Or is that a KickStarter-only sort of perq? Many thanks!
  3. ??? Are you sure? The slipcase will NOT hold the GM Book ? That seems... off. (edit: but it's true)
  4. Also worth considering is the wealth of RQ2 material, both the Kickstarter'ed "Runequest Classic" line of old-school reprints and the slightly-revised "Gloranthan Classics" line. Be aware the 2 "... Classics" lines substantially overlap as to content. Each represents a notable effort to return older / out-of-print content (largely though not entirely the SAME content) back into availability. The new edition is intentionally very-backward-compatible with all that stuff. Lots of good RQ3 stuff, too, although you gotta find it on the used market, and it's a bit more work to convert...
  5. Q -- who put them on The Estate, and why? Oberon? A cabal of their parents, all stashing them "safely" away from Court Politics? Some Machiavellian 3rd party, maybe kidnapping babies and/or having catspaw seductrsses get pregnant then run back to said 3rd party to raise the child? How badly are they AmberKids wanted to stay? If they make a serious attempt to leave, will they be put under 24/7 eyes-on guard? Imprisoned? Restrained? Even killed (as a last resort, presumably)? Are the answers to all these the same for every one of them? Did whoever put them there succeed in the secrecy? Or is there a spy or double-agent on The Estate? Or even among the kids? Maybe one of them is from the Courts of Chaos (their shapeshifters could presumably take a child's form)? There are many motives I could see where someone (even someone with their best interests at heart) might use magic/medicine/etc to Nerf their Amber / AmberRoyal potentials. Hence the ideas of a "curse," or of drugs from a steward, or other looks-villainous methods... It also "feels" very Amber-flavored to me: A basically happy but occasionally spooky/wierd childhood, an affectionate-seeming "Auntie Chatelaine" &c. Then they are annoyed at how over-protective she seems... Then she begins to seem almost like a jailer (but then again, MANY teens have that phase about parents, school, etc) Then they discover she's drugging them, or has lead-encased voodoo-dolls of them, and they decide she's an Enemy... And (eventually) it all circles back to Amber-arrogant overprotectiveness, all "for their own good".
  6. Looks like its time to involve Chaosium. You might just presume a glitch dropped your sign-up, and try re-signing-up as if it were your very first time (Praxian UnicornTribe jokes optional).
  7. The gym has those. They call the infernal machines "treadmills".
  8. Yes, the GM's "Pack" and "Book" are different products. They are VERY far into development -- well past the chance of being "rumored" products -- but their release date(s) have not been set. Bestiary is up next (PDF ETA is 15 July, as you note). I believe the 'Pack will be out before the Book, but I am not privy to Chaosium internals and could be wrong in my belief. I think the Pack is slated to have 3 linked-ish adventures and enough surrounding setting for sandbox play, but I don't expect it to really look like a "campaign" as such. That's my guess/impression, anyhow (q.v. "not privy to Chaosium internals"). Cults book is also very-very far advanced; I expect that one next after the Core Trio + GMPack; but again: not privy &c...
  9. An excellent, and worthy notion. This is, of course, what many of the "historical fantasy" games do -- using period(ish) folklore & legends plus historical sources. I think all of HGWells is out-of-copyright... Just sayin' But IMHO a multi-volume ouvre is likely to work better than any single-book setting. Dickens' London in an Urban Fantasy version? Not "Dickensian" but the actual characters... Fagin, the Artful Dodger; Ebenezer Scrooge as the (m|b)illionaire reformed-asshole (in the Tony Stark / Stephen Strange model); etc, etc, etc...
  10. You are, of course, exactly right! 😁
  11. I worry a bit about the Law of Unintended Consequences... What happens when they figure Amber-ish stuff out, and suddenly there's a known Shadow where "everyone" is stat'ed like Amber royalty? What happens if someone raises an army of 10,000 there? Or 100,000? If these neo-Amberites' STR &c is a problem, instead create some fix unique to them... put some sort of a STR-limiting Curse on them, that breaks when they leave that Shadow, or have their "faithful steward" slipping them some STR/2 drug weekly, or even declare the specific Shadow to be "malign to the Blood of Amber" such that they are always a bit weaker than they "should" be (i.e. stronger than usual, but not superhuman: unusual not impossible), or etc etc etc...
  12. That was my initial thought, too, a marker like backgammon's doubling die. But IME d12's (and d20's) are too susceptible to being jostled. So I don't think this is practical. I'll probably just keep tracking the way I always have. One idea I had, though, was to randomize outside/noncombat events into the SR system... Another party is arriving at the combat "sometime" on Round 4; on R4, the GM determine exactly WHEN can they first act... The Bad Guys' ritual completes soon... Shaman says the round after next, "sometime... " The "Sands of the Hourglass" trap is going to dump the PC's into the scorpion-pit in 3"ish" rounds. When is "ish" exactly? Etc. So, not useless, but not IMHO as useful as I'd like. Humanoids have -- in my RQ games -- been the overwhelming majority of foes (and of PCs to be GM-targets). So yeah, REALLY useful IMHO. You can hardly expect a 3rd-party licensee to make a "custom" die to suit an out-of-print ruleset as part of their license for the new edition! But in my Glorantha the missile location table was an aberration, and it is far from universally-acclaimed! While the RQ3 rulebook is widely acknowledged to be a better reference / rulebook to its rules, not all of them are as equally-acknowledged as "better" than the RQ2 counterparts (many were, really, different without being notably better or worse; or occasionally better-in-one-context / worse-in-another-context); I think RQG actually scooped up the majority of RQ3's clear improvements. Missile-hit-locations is not one of those rules that has, AFAIK, a notable majority of fans holding strong opinions either way (and in any case -- it's easy to HR in whichever direction you like on this, if the BRP-variant at hand doesn't use your preferred method).
  13. Naomi Novik's Temeraire. If I could get the time together, I'd FrankenBRP it myself for my home group...
  14. Note that many Gloranthan cultures are far more open-minded on questions of "sexual fidelity" and sometimes even patrilineage. That isn't necessarily "awkward" at all... though it certainly could be, some times & places!
  15. Entering the specific search I mentioned above -- "pre-release mail-out" (quotes and all) -- into my gmail, searching globally finds 11 e-mails from Chaosium (and I am embarrassed to note that some were mis-filed / mis-labeled). If anybody has MORE than that, please let me know ASAP!!! If anybody has FEWER than that, start looking for tech glitches: spam-traps, other filtering, alternate e-mail addresses, etc... probably the issue is on your end, since Chaosium has this on MailChimp (or with a 3rd party who uses MailChimp), and randomly-dropped individual subscribers is an extraordinarily-rare occurrence these days. If you find no possible errors on your end, THEN ask Chaosium to look into things... But the problem is probably on your end. No, really. As a computer tech-support guy, I once helped a customer debug his "broken" drawing-tablet -- it was a disconnected power-cord. The customer had angrily claimed that was NOT the issue, pointing out that he was a professional electrical engineer, and knew far more about this shit than random phone-support dork... Yes he did know far more about electrical engineering than me; but his device was still unplugged. Took me about half an hour on the call (with my "check all the power cords, connections, switches that control outlets, etc" coming in the first few minutes of the call; then we went back looking at progressively-more-esoteric possible issues; THEN we "just in case'd" the power-connections).
  16. Maybe it's going to a spam-folder, or otherwise filtered away from your inbox? The search-phrase that finds these e-mails in my mail is "pre-release mail-out"
  17. A little context, if you please... That "question" (in reply to yours) gave the answer you wanted. It further did you the courtesy of "presuming" you had already found that year-old information (since it IS on a searchable public forum, after all). And it gave the context of the reply being the most-recent info known to the respondent, that it is old but s/he knows of nothing newer. So... comprehensive, courteous, clear... I'm ... kind of not seeing why you seem to be feeling aggrieved, here.
  18. Has @Jason Durall seen this thread and the issues raised? The duplication of text, Fireblade needing someone ELSE (than the combatant who uses it) to cast it, because Active (and while we are at it ... Any other "Active" spells that are too action-oriented to be used???)
  19. Did you get the e-mail? Actual content will all be in the Dropbox folder.
  20. I expect the fact that they DO have existing stock of this game -- five years on! -- is an excellent example of why they don't see it as a viable.product line. Few companies can afford to tie up capital in product that doesn't move for years at a time ...
  21. Hd / Ch / Abd / RA / LA / RL / LL
  22. One notion -- utterly non-canonical, but I was struck by it -- is that TKT has Darkness & Infertility themes, and it occurred to me that a troll priestess initiating to Kyger Litor (whose womb was Chaos-cursed) might go astray on the initiation-heroquest and end up belonging to TKT ... Much to the dismay of good Troll-hating Orlanthi... 😉
  23. Kissing cousins. ... Or siblings. Whatever. All in the interests of a good story...
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