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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. I didn't think about but you're right Well the conclusion should be "GM gives the list of allowed skills", by default occupation but "Experience Between Adventures May Vary"
  2. Yes it works well because we are in a "round" rule (reinit each 12 SR) In a SR rule it would works but less well. the impact is less important than I believed because the "5+DEX SR" (i used to just +5, my mistake) make you able to hit once or twice a round. Even if it is not strictly simulationist gain or lose 1 missile in 3 rounds is not very important, because the bison in front of you is already touching your noose. but again it was a "taunt". I will not change +5 in all case by 1.8*PI * DEX SR / ( TAI SR * 0.6) Yes Sir if you are big, the way to catch the arrow is longer so you will consume more SR !
  3. since there is now a "between adventure" experience, I would change "At the end of each season, an adventurer can select up to four occupational skills and cult skills and cultural skill* (but not weapon) to get an experience check. These experience checks are resolved at the same time as regular experience checks *cultural skill = where you are. For example, an esrolian merchant in prax use prax cultural skill" then erase the specific ride rules. It was very very usefull before the between adventure xp
  4. I think POW is easy to gain because you have to burn it, as described by @Mugen
  5. absolutly (like monarchy) but I would prefer examples like "Louis". In all case, we can conclude that a lot of people with the same name are just ... a normal fact in a "pre medieval background". Of course, few people with the same name would be just ... a normal fact too
  6. Again it seems realistic How to show you are richer /more educated ? find a "different" name for your children, just to stand out
  7. yes that was one of my previous answer too i would prefer more realistic but with the same simplicity, it seems impossible (at least with paper rpg). It was just a taunt here
  8. Your glorantha may vary, but not your name 😁 less now, but I m pretty sure that few centuries ago, you didn't fine more than 5-6 different firstnames in a village.
  9. and and and why it is the same SR to load a new missile ? hu ? hu ? My friend, Robin, is able to load faster than me, when he explores the Wood ! but thanks for the answer
  10. Yes sure the weapon split by rune could be discussed (but that is a nice balance between runes and there are mythic reasons too) but don't forget the passion power. IRL the ony time I succeed in snooker were when the girl subject of "my Love passion" was watching me.. but it was before the great compromise, I m too old for this now
  11. in this case I would use the devotion Vinga passion ? it is not the original power (the rune) it is the Vinga power
  12. I think it's a GM ambience : you can show same spell effect, regardless any difference expect spell impact / magnitude you can show different effect, because the source of learning (lunar teacher, orlanthi teacher) ex red or blue light on your sword you can show different effect, because the source of magic ==> you (your runes, your passions, your gods) regardless the source of learning
  13. I disagree, at the end, both cut well !
  14. Sure in earth it is fire, maybe in glorantha it is darkness or .. or ... I never visited Teshnos and probably will never ^^
  15. An Elemental Rune may be used to augment the adventurer’s chance with a single non-combat skill within its skills category, with a sense associated with the Rune, or with an elemental weapon. so Air give a bonus for manipulation skill but in non combat situation. Yes it give you a bonus in Spear skill, when you don't fight... When you fight, the only bonus is the sword one the issue in Fire is more that "should scan bonus and perception bonus be added " ?
  16. I would also prefer a system based on SR without round limit. That seems more logical. For example fire missile: . S/MR: As many missiles as can be fired as strike rank permits, assuming 5 strike ranks to reload In fact I m not very sure of the right rule here (if you add you're dex ra for each missile or just the first one) but same principle for comparing the both system 3 characters : A (dex SR: 3 ) B (dex SR : 2 ) C (dex SR : 5 ) for 3 rounds if the rule is "add +5 ra between each missile in the round" A : 3 / 8 / 13 / 18 / 23 / 28 / 33 in SRsystem, 3 / 8 / 15 / 20 / 27 / 32 in Round system (- 1 missile) B : 2 / 7 / 12 / 17 / 22 / 27 / 32 in SR system, 2 / 7 / 12 / 14 / 19 / 24 / 26 / 31 / 36 in Round system (+ 2 missiles) C : 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 in SR system, 5 / 10 / 17 / 22 / 29 / 36 in Round system (-1 missile) if the rule is "add dex+5 ra between each missile in the round" A : 3 / 11 / 19 / 27 / 35 in SR system, 3 / 11 / 15 / 23 / 27 / 35 in Round system (+1 missile) B : 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30 in SR system, 2 / 9 / 14 / 21 / 26 / 33 in Round system (+1 missile) C : 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 in SR system, 5 / 17 / 29 in Round system (-1 missile) RA is more simulationist, but also more complex and should need a lot of other rules changes (multiple attack / parad rules have to be changed) So it is understandable that chaosium chose the round option : easy to add "double attack" etc.. that fluidify a lot the fight if someone can tell me what is the real rule behind the " + 5 SR" (add or not the Dex SR for each missile) that would be great !
  17. while you don't know their weakness. After that, send some "fire mouses" and there is no more elephants on the field
  18. Je prÊfère le cassoulet de Castelnaudary, sorry The main logical issues are : 1) Divination describes a god Power: Answering "in-time" question. Your clan just lost an artifact ? Your god can help you. Maybe not cleary but helpfully. So the God is in the Time too. 2) The God understands when the Divine Intervention is rightfull or not : Yelmalio "saved" only Yamsur the splendid (? "le splendide" in oriflam version) because he asked his god to rest in sun county, no to save his life after the battle shame. I am evolving, you all gave me a part of you're light (please Arkat or Eurmal save me) So yes, if a mortal meets a god in a pre-Time Age, the god may know only his pre-Time history (this Age and the previous but not the later), that is a kind of time travel made by the mortal. But if the mortal meets in Time the god (like shaman ? or shaman travel also beyond the compromise ? or like Cacodemon whe he comes) the god should know everything until now.
  19. I disliked too the previous rules (STR CON share their max: the max of STR / CON / SIZ, DEX x1.5 with no max as I remember) I understand the why of INT and SIZ don't change (ok you can become fat or shorter with time :p) The new max for STR / CON seems better But there is still the x1.5 for DEX and for DEX only. Is it for describe the max potential of a body ? (but that the same for STR irl, for example) As I play, i don't use the x1.5 rule. But as the end of the day, uou re right : the cost/time to train characteristic is a good limitation too
  20. It depends on the melee definition Imagine two shield walls opposition I m not sure that the left wing can touch the opposite one (and can even know in the round that the opposite one is flying)
  21. Bonsoir the first family heirloom (RQG, p83) could give a good story but need to personalize the ancestor (and not just take the bonus) I m facing a big question What is the "level" of this hero, and what can the sub cult propose ? Exploring the glorantha wiki, I found a large variety of names: founder of clan / renown chief, like Karganar or Colymar ? "new" god like Sartar ? "mythic new" god like Vingkot ? "old lesser" god like Gusbran ? (lesser god = not god in the rulebook) For the subcult, can we imagine one rune spell, spirit magic, craft secret, passion, ennemy and friend ? I have a dream, find somewhere a list of subcults 😛 5000 pages of canonical cults and subcults, spells, .. thanks for your view
  22. I agree with @AkhĂ´rahil It seems too generous (if you are not flying) My view (not rules) 1) disengagement is announced before SR1 2) the attacker could choose to attack him (with all bonus, from back, no dodge, no pary, ... ) or not then 3 situations : A vs B, B disengages ==> A attacks (Or not) A vs B & C, B disengages ==> A attacks B (with bonus) or C, C attacks A (who can parry / dodge / ...) A & D vs vs B, B disengages ==> A attacks B (with bonus), D attacks B (with bonus)
  23. I feel it very good. I am not talking about our world / culture now (In my opinion there is no reason to pay less or more, or to close the door to a gender / a sex / a religion... if the job is done it is done as long as softskills are good too), but about the glorantha There are 2 things : what you learnt before you're initiation, and what you learnt because you're cult choice or call /profession choice. Of course a warrior (any gender) will learn weapons, of course a healer (any gender) will learn first aid. Of course Vinga cultist will learn weapon, of course Barntar cultist will learn plant lore. But my point was "cultural weapon" How do adults prepare children before initiation ? Did they specialized girls differently than boys ? I never learn how to use a weapon at school. I am not sure that my skill today is just 25% the soldier skill after 3 (?) years of training to become master. Or just fist fight. I am pretty sure I have less than 25% to hit (with impact) a sand bag. And I am a man, but a man born in XX century. If I was born in XI century I probably knew more about mace / axe (no sword I'm not a noble) and very probably any girl (in France at least) would be prohibited to use the same weapon Do you think, than in Sartar where Ernalda for women and Orlanth for men are so obvious, girls and boys learn exactly the same things ? Of course if you see this girl with a vingan temper, you may teach her weapons skills or a man with a nandan temper you may teach him some Ernalda attribut skill. But not all the girls, and not all the boys To avoid a table gender, I propose something else: the cultural table gives no % for weapons, only a list. the profession bonus give more bonus not +10 but +25 for exemple, for any "cultural weapon", and if you want an exotic weapon, you have a -15% malus. Then: you, a woman or a man, you have the same skill, because you'r way is profession + cult. If your cult give you no weapon, and your profession just one (like Barntar / Ernalda farmer) ok, you have one skill at 40-50% and the others are.. ridiculous score like mine IRL. If your cult give you one weapon, and your profession 3 or 4 (like orlanth/humakt warrior) ok, you have 2 - 3 skills at 60%+ and one at 80%+
  24. "and the gamemaster is free to come up with their own methods or point values as desired. It is strongly recommended that all adventurers use the same method of determination. " I think the rules are very clear ! Define one rule. I also like one pool (90 / 100 ..) to display as the player wish (in the RAW limits) I dislike the random for creation. It can create too much differences between players, even in the choice: you want to be a good warrior but you have 1d4 malus for any hit ? good challenge or just frustration. Same with sorcerer / int or shaman / pow (but pow seems easier to increase) My first character in RQ 3 starts with the dices around 100 points of characteristchs (don't remember ~30 years ago) when my friends where between 80-90.. I still remember how the GM watch me after the last roll
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