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What Is The Creation Story For Humans?

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I recall finding the myth behind the creation of humans years ago in either the source book or the guides, but I can not for the life of me find it now. I hate making a thread for such a silly question but The Well has failed me as has CTRL+Fing my way through my PDFs.


Edit: Spelling.

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40 minutes ago, Deepest_Lore said:

the myth behind the creation of humans years ago in either the source book or the guides

One brief tale is in the Cult of Daka Fal in the Lightbringers' Cult book p.81 (In the Before Time section about Grandfather Mortal). Another brief story is in the notes on Grandfather Mortal in the same book p.9.

Another tale is the creation of the Man Rune that's in the Mythology book p.37. Again, if you do a search in that book for Grandfather Mortal, you'll find more references.

Similar tale of Grandfather Mortal in the Glorantha Sourcebook p.75 (in the 2nd ed). More references if you search on Grandfather Mortal here too.


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The GRoY, the Entekosiad and the Book of Heortling Mythology have some.  

The GRoY has The First People (Dra Happan) and the Darjiini myths.

in the Entekosiad there are two Wenderian, the High Pelandan, the Arakang Hunter Tale, and that of the Zatorae versus Aldryami, at least. 

In the Book of Heortling Mythology we have The First People, one implied in The First Settlement (Dureving) and a very simple Vingkotling one. 

Edited by Ali the Helering
Duplication of a word
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There are also three creation of people myths about Vimorn in Middle Sea Empire, although the third is rather metaphorical, but one is offspring with a goddess (Vadela), one is creation of people from clay and other ingredients (similar to the Dara Happan myth in Glorious ReAscent of Yelm and the Agimori and Thinobutan myths in Revealed Mythology).

Entekosiad has humans born from beasts, trees (or their respective goddesses) and parthenogenetic divine or demigod mothers as well as from divine intercourse, and the made people myth.

The Hsunchen have Earthmaker/Korgatsu/Hykim (and their dragon parent?) providing the totemic ancestors who differentiate into beasts and humans. We know of plenty of former Hsunchen who lost their beast selves when they engaged in higher civilization.


So overall we get demigod people (often with a Grandfather Mortal coupling with goddesses), made people (whose first generation would be demigods, too) and beast people losing their beast selves as the most common origins of humans. The Praxians and Orlanthi don't seem to have the Made People component but have some beast deity ancestry.

The Malkioni acknowledge the demigod descent through Malkion, possibly with a dose of the Mountain Peoples descendants of Celestial Court humanity descended from (demigod) Grandfather Mortal. The Vadeli acknowledge Made People from their founder Vimorn as well, but claim the demigod descent for themselves.

The Kralori trace their origin to former Hsunchen beast people (or in Boshan also former Praxians) and to the offspring of Aptanace the Sage, the human child of their Wild Man (Grandfather Mortal) and Yothenara (Uleria).

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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16 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

in the Entekosiad there are two Wenderian, the High Pelandan, the Arakang Hunter Tale, and that of the Zatorae versus Aldryami, at least. 


This summarizes my complex relationship with the Entekosiad.

"Hey, does anyone have a creation myth?"
"Yeah! Here are maybe 5 different ones!" 

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12 minutes ago, Nevermet said:

“Yeah! Here are maybe 5 different ones!”

Better than strait is the gate, and narrow is the way. And if they cannot all be true, so much the better. Myth shouldn’t be the Haynes Manual to Glorantha. Anything that undermines the givenness of the Lozenge is OK by me.

But also: local creation, no theory of evolution, no cladistics. Give the Gloranthans a break: why wouldn’t they have multiple creation myths? We do.

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1 hour ago, mfbrandi said:

Better than strait is the gate, and narrow is the way. And if they cannot all be true, so much the better. Myth shouldn’t be the Haynes Manual to Glorantha. Anything that undermines the givenness of the Lozenge is OK by me.

But also: local creation, no theory of evolution, no cladistics. Give the Gloranthans a break: why wouldn’t they have multiple creation myths? We do.

Oh, I don't disagree.  It's just that the Entekosiad is dense, especially if you start trying to figure out how various myths (in it or elsewhere) fit together.

But there's brilliant stuff in there.  And it offers the Velortinian Principle, which for my money is arguably one of the best single sentence statements made about living in Glorantha possible.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks so much for the replies! One of my players asked about the creation of humans since the elder races have some form of myth. And I wasn't sure what to tell them other than I thought one of the earth goddesses played a part. I asked what the real answer was because I thought I could use it as a base for an adventure. The party are all Sartarites, so if I made a quest about Grandfather Mortal in some regard then I'd be somewhere in the ball park?

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On 7/16/2024 at 1:59 AM, EricW said:

Eurmal tried to do the dragon seed soldier thing with a pinch of bum fluff but it all went horribly wrong...

OK that theory probably isn't cannon...

I'm pretty sure, actually, that Eurmal was involved in (at least one of) the human sub-types ...

Edited by g33k
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C'es ne pas un .sig

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7 hours ago, EricW said:

Eurmal tried to do the dragon seed soldier thing with a pinch of bum fluff but it all went horribly wrong...

OK that theory probably isn't cannon...

I'm now imagining Eurmal with a cannon.

Very easy, very bad.

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