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I know there's a couple books out there that give stats for higher powers but I really would just like some examples without wasting a purchase.

Can someone give me an idea of power levels for minor and greater deities so I have an idea?

Thanks in advance!

(Without breaking any copyright laws :) )

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects


Hmmm, the Big Gold Book has a write-up for a generic demigod, the Hercules and Perseus types.  You could scale up from there.  And aside from the Mythos critters, Call of Cthulhu 6th has stats for the Egyptian goddess Bast (or Bastet, or Catwoman, or whatever she's calling herself these days).  That might get you started on power levels and skills for traditional pantheon type gods.


The feel I get is that gods have higher stats than humans plus a semi-trailer load of spells -- but they'd get their butts kicked by your average superhero.

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While these are dieties with stats for 3.5, they are ones of my own pantheon, so they are my intellectual property. As long as you use them for personal use or as research material, I'm fine with it.




They range from minor to major dieties and are based on Greek gods loosely.

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Skunk - 285/420 BRP book

You wanna be alright you gotta walk tall

Long Beach Dub Allstars & Black Eyed Peas


Before you shell out cash, check out the Call of Cthulhu Creature Generator.  It won't provide skills or spells, but it does generate deity stats, including for Bast.


Bast #1 STR 48 CON 25 SIZ 12 INT 35 POW 30 DEX 45 APP 21 Move 40 HP 19 db +3D6




You could use the CoC Creature Generator to get the stats, then use the RQ6 Encounter Generator to generate skill % and spell %.




All you'll need to do is get a free account, then you can make templates and use them to generate characters.

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Skunk - 285/420 BRP book

You wanna be alright you gotta walk tall

Long Beach Dub Allstars & Black Eyed Peas


 I have my old copy of Elder secrets. And there some big nasty things in there.

 Here stats for the Crimson Bat a Demigod in Glorantha

 Str 340

  con 1200

siz 204

dex 20

 int 13

Magi points depend on its last meal but average about 2500

 has 85 armor points on all hit location

 Attack include tongue at 750% for 12d6 plus 40  while bite does 33d6

 has about 6 other attack beside those .Lowest damage is an area effect gas cloud that does 3d6+10

 Or in other words if you fight it you are going to be a light snack.

  I think I have stats on Cacodemon someplace as he not as nasty( but still very nasty) someplace I will post them when I find them.


Personally, for gods and 'cosmic' entities, I prefer the approach of  defining  'environmental' effects that they cause when they intrude upon the mortal plane:  "for every round that Wuwuuwu the Wobbly  is present, all 'unbelievers' within a 100 meters of the god,  must make a dodge, or take 2d6+3 damage in 'divine wrath.'"


A full stat block infers that there is a possibly of combat with the god, and the possibility of the god/titan/great old one being slain by the player characters.


It think it is better  to treat them as 'forces of nature', that you might be able to survive, or even be enriched by, rarely; but in no way can you 'fight' them.

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I totally agree 1d8. I'm planning on using the stats to represent an Avatar of the deity, or it's physical presence in the mortal plane. Mythology is chocked full of "heroes" defeating aspects of deities. While allowing such is not my goal, I want players to have an opportunity to interact with them since there is a priest (from Magic Book) in group and they will be facing a rival deities cult.

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects


I think one of the challenges you might run into is that really high powered BRP hasn't been uniformly thought out.  You'll have to experiment a little to get the feeling you want.


Off the top of my head I would peg the stats of Hercules level heroes between 20 and 80 for exceptional stats mixed in with stats more in line with the normal human range of the rest.  One place you might actually want to look at is SuperWorld.


I would also consider taking a look at Charles Green's Focus Skills.  They are in the Gods of Law monograph and do a wonderful job of providing unique high powered abilities.



That's a demigod????????



Yep, in Glorantha. It is basically a demon that is worshipped, so not quite powerful enough to be a full god.



Ah, you want that kind of demigod. 


They normally have just above human stats, with Hercules maybe having troll-level strength. They might have high POW/INT, due to their divine origins.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here


Well, Hercules separated Europe from Africa and took the place of Atlas for a while, so he was way more than just above human stats. Actually, defining a mythical character with stats is trying to bring consistency and logic (real world, even if simulated) where there is no (myth). So the stats shall reflect what you intend to do with your demigods.

Wind on the Steppes, role playing among the steppe Nomads. The  running campaign and the blog



BGB generic demigod, Page 361:


STR 35, CON 34, SIZ 15, INT 13, POW 18, DEX 15, APP 17


Has a resume of super skills, is armored like a tank, and can endure various hazardous environments.  Basically a supervillain with supernatural origins.  Think Hercules the Legendary Journeys or Xena, Warrior Princess.


I also stumbled across stats for a demilovato.  I'm not sure what a "lovato" is, but it sounds dangerous.

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Well, Hercules separated Europe from Africa and took the place of Atlas for a while, so he was way more than just above human stats. Actually, defining a mythical character with stats is trying to bring consistency and logic (real world, even if simulated) where there is no (myth). So the stats shall reflect what you intend to do with your demigods.


This could be modeled with a specialty skill like 'Perform Impossible Feat of Strength' xx%.  It depends how loose you want to run.

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Regarding demigods, you can probably give them magical abilities that are in keeping with their character, but state that these are natural abilities or inner reserves that the demigod can call upon, beyond their usual attributes/characteristics or skills.

They would have no preparation time or skill roll, just PP cost, allowing them to use up to their full POW of PP if need be. I would give double or triple PP recovery rate for these abilities as well. You can use the spell lists as a guide for these abilities, and possibly give the abilities unique names for more flavour.


Just an idea to help model the traits of demigods.


Gods beyond 'wandering hero-demigods types' are as described by the previous posters - no stats or skill rolls required, they just do what you want to happen, and the PCs react according. Describing them as climate or environmental is certainly the way to go for that level of divinity, and having stats to describe this just doesn't work, and isn't necessary.


But it sounds like you are after folklore characters and mythic hero types, and as you say, avatars of the greater gods.

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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