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Guide to Glorantha reprint news


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42 minutes ago, jongjom said:

Don't take pre-orders until you can see the whites of their eyes lads (for those Michael Cane fans who can catch that nod).

I don't agree.

Take pre-orders when you start the print run.

Don't charge for pre-orders until you've got them in-stock.  (and, yes, this is very technically possible, if you've picked/designed the right transaction software)

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  • 2 weeks later...
59 minutes ago, LeadAsbestos said:

Well, I guess the impending approach of Christmas and the timetable for the Guide pre-order AND Khan of Khans are going to be in conflict. Getting a bit late for spending...

ESTELLE MAERSK is just off Sri Lanka at the moment. Arrive in the UK the 1-2nd week of Dec, then customs and then run into Christmas.

My guess is that it's January, mid to late, that we get to see the slipcase and new printing of the Guide.

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  • 2 weeks later...


OOCL GENOA is back out at sea, almost a Mm (that's Megameter, not millimeter) from port.  Presumably, a pallet (or two?) of GtG is now somewhere in the continental USA...  But those clever strategists at Chaosium won't reveal WHERE, dammit... so I can't dispatch my Blue Moon Winged Trolls to fetch me a copy... or five... 


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At this point, it doesn't matter.  Either they printed enough copies for everyone who wants it, or they didn't.  (Which is why they should have done the pre-orders early instead of "too late to matter").

At this point, "pre-orders" is a misnomer.  They'll be actual orders against a print run whose quantity that is unknown compared to the demand.  The only thing "pre" about it is how much delay there will be between the order and the shipment.

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Well, we have to presume that the guys who engineered the rescue of Chaosium, the "Kickstarter'ed to Death" CoC7, &c... aren't utter incompetents!

They may be a bit optimistic about timeframes on occasion... but AFAIK they have so far fulfilled 100% of the product they have announced as "available" and are currently working mightily to deliver on the stuff they announced as "forthcoming."  The only recantation, AFAIK, is the previously-stated "BRP Essentials" being reverted to an in-house-only reference-document for developers' use.

I'm willing to give them the benefit of the "probably ordered enough G2G's to fill all the orders likely to come within the first 6mo-1yr of in-stock status" doubt!

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We have decided that we do not want to take pre-orders before starting the printing of a standard book. If we have no idea what the demand for a product will be like, then we might do a Kickstarter to find out, but that is only for a few products because Kickstarters are a lot of work. Taking pre-orders before beginning printing isn't all it is cracked up to be. Yes, it allows people to pay early, and even help pay the print bills. Yes, you will know at least SOME of the initial demand of a book. It also has its problems. First off, it is hard to mix pre-order items with other items in a shopping cart and have the shipping work out ok. You won't be shipping everything at the same time, and processing two smaller shipments is more expensive than processing a single larger shipment most of the time. You can take pre-orders for just the single item on offer, but then you have an ongoing record keeping problem, because people move and you have to process address changes. Some people will ask for refunds, which you could disallow up front, but that still makes some people unhappy. Also, if you take re-orders and there are production delays you can face several rounds of "where's my book" or "why is it taking so long" which all take time to answer. Any one email is easy to deal with, but you might get dozens of emails like that every week. Trust us when we say we speak from experience. Even the best planning and process controls do not prevent all chances of delay. I guarantee you that we had no clue that a typhoon was going to cause humidity problems for our printers, and while no damage was done, it delayed shipment by 8 days while things dried out.

We confidently believe that we have printed enough Guide sets that it will not go out of print any time soon, and if we see a steady demand for it we can always print more. Chances are we will know 6 months ahead of time before stock will run out and can have a reprint in the works, if justified. 

As for what a pre-order is, at Chaosium we define a pre-order as the opportunity to buy a book that is not in our warehouses yet, and customers will have to wait at least a week or more before we can ship it to you. In general, we start pre-orders after the books have been shipped by the printers, but before they have arrived at our warehouse.

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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8 hours ago, johnkzin said:

So, aren't we in that time frame right now?

The books have been printed and shipped ... but are not yet in your warehouse?


If the Chaosium website is open for GtG pre-orders, then the answer is "yes."

Otherwise... the answer probably requires you to be an Illuminate, but for us ordinary Initiate-level folk, "maybe" is a workable approximation...

(but honestly, I'm guessing the answer is more along the lines of "changing the product-status & opening the webstore to pre-order this item just takes some time, which we haven't yet taken (in favor of other work chores)."


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We are almost ready to start pre-orders on the Guide. We are in the process of getting the discount coupons sent out to people who have previously purchased PDFs of the Guide, so they can use that coupon when buying the printed version. Otherwise we will get an avalanche of "I bought the PDFs so do I get a discount?" emails, and similar. We also want to avoid the frustrating situation of people buying the Guide at full price, and then getting a coupon a few days later. The other possible reason for not starting pre-orders is that we enjoy messing with people by keeping them in a confusing fog of chaos, rumor, and suspense. We are, after all, not called "The Orderium". :-)

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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52 minutes ago, Rick Meints said:

The other possible reason for not starting pre-orders is that we enjoy messing with people by keeping them in a confusing fog of chaos, rumor, and suspense. We are, after all, not called "The Orderium". :-)


I'm going with this one.

After all, I don't think ANY other gaming-company did QUITE so much to monetize the recent USAian election, with celebrations of the "confusing fog of chaos, rumor, and suspense," as did THE CHAOSIUM ...  (btw, I hope that effort went well for y'all, and you got some bucks out of it)

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We cannot guarantee that anyone who orders the Guide will have it delivered to their doorstep by Friday December 23rd 2016. The Guide is not in the US or UK warehouses yet, although it is due to arrive there literally any day. Before you ask, we do not know what day it will arrive and be available for shipping either. 

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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10 minutes ago, Rick Meints said:

We cannot guarantee that anyone who orders the Guide will have it delivered to their doorstep by Friday December 23rd 2016. The Guide is not in the US or UK warehouses yet, although it is due to arrive there literally any day. Before you ask, we do not know what day it will arrive and be available for shipping either. 

Anyone wanting the books for Christmas will have to successfully perform the Santa Heroquest.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/12/2016 at 6:48 AM, Rick Meints said:

... although it is due to arrive there literally any day. Before you ask, we do not know what day it will arrive and be available for shipping either. 

Poke.  Or maybe "Bump."

"Nudge?"   I'd offer "Wink wink nudge nudge; say no more, say no more!" but in point of fact I'm hoping someone WILL say something more...  ;)

Honestly, I had expected to hear more -- maybe even to see a live link on the webstore -- before now (it "now" being 10 days after they were expected "literally any day").


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25 minutes ago, Rick Meints said:

I hereby invoke the "ask me any question you want, but when" clause.

Fair 'nuf.  I take it the "shipping during holiday-season" ice-aldryami have interfered with expectations.

Alas...  But clearly Chaosium cannot afford to offend ice-elves!

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