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RQG Glorantha Bestiary Corrections Thread


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Wolf Brothers:
Page 84: "Each Wild Day [...] each Telmori must change to their wolf form [...]. Many Telmori possess Rune magic that allows them to assume wolf form on other occasions."

On page 87 the description of the Transform Self spell say that "This spell can only be cast on Wild day." But on Wild day Telmori must change anyway, which makes this spell meaningless. Unless I miss something.

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P. 8 — flying:  a creature will fall its SIZ in meters each round if conscious? If unconscious... it will fall faster, as determined by the GM? Um... really? Does the physics bear that out? 

(The Falling rules in RQ:G do not mention the time taken to fall.)

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The ISBN shown on the copyright page is 9781568825021, which is the ISBN for the core rulebook. Looks as though this should be updated to 978-1-56882-503-8 to match the back cover.

Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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3 hours ago, filkertom said:

P. 8 — flying:  a creature will fall its SIZ in meters each round if conscious? If unconscious... it will fall faster, as determined by the GM? Um... really? Does the physics bear that out? 

I assume the conscious creature can orient itself to maximise air resistance, as skydivers do, while unconscious ones just fall as a lump. I'm not sure how much faster the unconscious ones should fall, but this does actually make some sense to me.

Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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4 hours ago, filkertom said:

P. 8 — flying:  a creature will fall its SIZ in meters each round if conscious? If unconscious... it will fall faster, as determined by the GM? Um... really? Does the physics bear that out? 

(The Falling rules in RQ:G do not mention the time taken to fall.)

No, not even close. Falling distance would be dependent on gravity, air density,  surface area, and any lift provided by wings.  This is Glorantha,though, so physics might not apply. 



Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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True Dragons entry, p. 117: in the second column's second paragraph, the quoted phrase “mind child” hangs out into the margin (aligning on the letter m instead of the quotation mark).

There should also be whitespace before the sentence "The best-known Kralorelan True Dragons are:" to separate it from the bullet entry for The Brown Dragon immediately above.

And I concur with the earlier poster who suggested changing the entry name (to Dragons or perhaps Dragons, True) so that it alphabetises properly.

Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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p. 104, Scorpion Men entry: should there be a reference to the limb-loss rules from the Giant Arthropods section (p. 130) for the scorpion legs?

p. 164, Disembodied Spirits section, second paragraph: "In contact with another entity, spirits can sense exact POW, INT, and CHA, of that entity" should be "In contact with another entity, spirits can sense the exact POW, INT, and CHA of that entity" (add "the", remove comma after "CHA").

Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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p. 167, Animal Spirits section: in the spells-by-spirit-type list, Arthropod, Other is the only arthropod listing. Perhaps change to just Arthropod?

p. 168, same list, continued: again, Invertebrate, Other and Reptile, Other Carnivorous should just be Invertebrate and Reptile, Carnivorous, respectively; the "Other" entries don't seem to serve any purpose.

p. 169, Healing Spirits section: no characteristics are given. If these are meant to have the same characteristics as the Disease Spirits, above, the entry should say so.

p. 169, Nyctalopes section: the text uses "nyctalop" (no "e") as the singular form, but the tables at the bottom of this page and the top of the next use "nyctalope" (with an "e").

p. 169, Nyctalopes section, first paragraph: "a nyctalop would be described of having a SIZ of 3 cubic meters" should be "a nyctalop would be described as having a SIZ of 3 cubic meters".

p. 169, Nyctalopes section, stat block: Under Attack, "Nyctalopes Attack % is 10% per meter³" should be "Nyctalopes' Attack % is 10% per meter³" (with possessive apostrophe).

p. 172, Sprul-pa section, first paragraph: the quoted phrase “conjured thing” is misaligned, hanging out into the left margin.

p. 177, Air Elementals (Umbroli) section, first paragraph: not an error per se, but please consider changing "Air elementals (commonly called umbroli)" to "Air elementals (commonly called umbroli or sylphs)" for consistency with the other elemental entries, which all include the common names from older editions (shades, gnomes, salamanders, lunes, selenes, and undines).

Edited by trystero
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Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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p. 3, Contents section: the word spacing for some entries is quite tight, making "The Elder Races", "Chaos Monsters", and "Giant Arthropods" look like "TheElderRaces", "ChaosMonsters", and "GiantArthropods", respectively. There's plenty of room to open up the spacing in these entries.

p. 8, first column, paragraph 3: the quoted phrase “incomplete creature” is misaligned, with the quotation mark hanging off into the left margin. (It looks as though the text has optical margin alignment enabled, which is great for paragraphs that start with a quotation mark but which looks ugly to my eyes when quoted material appears in mid-paragraph, as in this example. YMMV.)

Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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48 minutes ago, trystero said:

p. 169, Nyctalopes section: the text uses "nyctalop" (no "e") as the singular form, but the tables at the bottom of this page and the top of the next use "nyctalope" (with an "e").

p. 169, Nyctalopes section, first paragraph: "a nyctalop would be described of having a SIZ of 3 cubic meters" should be "a nyctalop would be described as having a SIZ of 3 cubic meters".

p. 169, Nyctalopes section, stat block: Under Attack, "Nyctalopes Attack % is 10% per meter³" should be "Nyctalopes' Attack % is 10% per meter³" (with possessive apostrophe).


Nyctalope has an 'e' at the end according to its accepted spelling: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nyctalope

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One last not-truly-an-error-but-please-consider-anyway point before I head to bed: the cover art is much darker on the PDF than in the no-graphics preview image that was made available to pre-release list subscribers, making it harder to pick out details on the beautifully-drawn creatures. Any chance the art layer could be brightened a little? (Compare the RQ:G core rulebook cover, which has excellent contrast between background and figures.)

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Self-discipline isnt everything; look at Pol Pot.”
—Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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8 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

No, not even close. Falling distance would be dependent on gravity, air density,  surface area, and any lift provided by wings.

A conscious falling winged creature may be able to glide a little. Hence it will get a little lift from its wings.

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20 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

A conscious falling winged creature may be able to glide a little. Hence it will get a little lift from its wings.

Oh sure. I was just responding to the question as to if the physics bore out the falling speed. No, it doesn't, or even close. Nor does it have to. Real World physics don't  work for Gloranthan giants either. But that's not really an issue, is it? Heck we don't even know what the gravity is on Glorantha, or if there is such a thing. Item might fall for some reason unknown to us. 


Edited by Atgxtg

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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16 hours ago, filkertom said:

P. 8 — flying:  a creature will fall its SIZ in meters each round if conscious? If unconscious... it will fall faster, as determined by the GM? Um... really? Does the physics bear that out? 

(The Falling rules in RQ:G do not mention the time taken to fall.)

It's not gravity. A conscious flier is generally attempting to not fall, such as flapping wings, gliding, etc. vs. an unconscious plummeting without any effort to stay aloft. 

Edited by Jason Durall
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8 hours ago, trystero said:

p. 104, Scorpion Men entry: should there be a reference to the limb-loss rules from the Giant Arthropods section (p. 130) for the scorpion legs?

Good question - this already came up in my game.  There's also a related question about how many (and which) legs must be removed to immobilize either a Scorpion Man or Giant Arthropod.

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15 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

Good question - this already came up in my game.  There's also a related question about how many (and which) legs must be removed to immobilize either a Scorpion Man or Giant Arthropod.

For info, RQ3 rules proposed (Box Set - Glorantha Book page 29):
Loss of one of a scorpion man's multiple legs will not in­capacitate it, though if it loses two on one side, it is slowed and can­not attempt any Agility skill. If it loses all three legs on one side, it is immobilized. Damage to a scorpion man's legs does not subtract from its total hit points.

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