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  2. the only thing I hope now is that chaosium will announce that we can buy the product in another post, because this one is a little bit frustrating. No offence, people, just that as a too much empathic person, I feel your frustration, and it adds to my own So I will try to avoid reading this thread, but I don't want to miss the date !
  3. I'll add a third BRP-ish game for consideration: King Arthur Pendragon. This leads me to a Nephilim thread that I started a couple of years back, which in turn refers to yet another thread. The ring of interdependent elements resonates through a lot of gaming concepts. There's some discussion in there that refers back to Wyrm's Footnotes No.14. The concept of dragonewts mastering emotional dichotomies, which might work well with the Rings of Lot5R, though instead of ranking up from 1 to 10, they trend toward mastery-in-the-middle by controlling the extremes. Have a look at the attached snippets. !i! WF14 Dragonewt Personality Traits.pdf
  4. And this agrees with the Prosopaedia and with the old (non-canon ILH #2) HeroQuest glyphs linking Deezola with Lesilla (crescent-go) and Jakaleel with Gerra (dying). Maybe it is some kind of spindle/knitting mix-up. Perhaps it is a new heresy β€” a new goddess swap!
  5. Yeah. Chaosium website should be kept up to date. This page: https://www.chaosium.com/blogcoming-in-march-cults-of-runequest-the-lunar-way/ should be prefaced with something along the lines of: "We apologize. There have been shipping problems getting this to our warehouse. We will update this page as soon as we have a new, reliable date." And then, Chaosium can quote that, or link to it, across all social media.
  6. With a tip of the hat to Eff for making me think of Fred Dretske.
  7. They have answered that in one of these threads. In summary: they crunched the numbers and the sales of the books were worse with a pre-release of the PDF vs. a simultaneous roll-out.
  8. To the basic question of 'to Ring or not to Ring', I think you should keep Rings. One of the very serious faults with WotC's attempt to convert Rokugan to d20 was the lack of a Ring structure in the mechanics. Musashi's Rings were central to the conceptual underpinnings of Rokugan, along with the concept of purity and defilement. Without them, Rokugan becomes far less 'epic'. @Mugen makes a great point that the concept of Rings and the RQG concept of Runes is very modifiable for your purposes. I don't own Nephilim, so I can't make an informed comment on it. In addressing your 'mortal maximum' thoughts... If an RQG player wants to increase their Elemental Rune, they have to take action in play to emphasize it. They must use their Rune to become inspired in a given action which will apply bonuses to that action. This is risky, however. If one fails a Runic inspiration roll, then that Rune decreases until there is time for the character to meditate and regain their Runic equilibrium. This serves to keep players from over-using the mechanic. The effect is that players save inspiration rolls for dramatic and important moments in the game... and this is very much in keeping with L5R's Ring system.
  9. Digits + (Y|J)elm. Now, there is a portmanteau for you. The children of the Dark are the fingers of the Sun. Of course they are.
  10. It takes a heart like Norri’s these days When your moon gets weak Don’t interrupt the moonflow. With apologies to Joni.
  11. Hey all, I shared these on social media then realized I should probably share here for those folks who choose to avoid those platforms. πŸ˜„ I'm about halfway through line editing my next JC thing. It's tentatively titled Howl of the Wild Hunt. (There may be some additional stuff involved, but I don't want to go further than vague hinting at this point, hah.) A release sometime this summer would be awesome, but right now I can't really estimate how long art direction & graphic design will take.
  12. What changes is the Range of the Glowspot. Noted in Glorantha Bestiary p.190: "At full ability, the Glowspot of the Bat extends for some 20 kilometers or so. At minimum ability, the Glowspot covers an area with a radius of approximately 4 kilometers." So you can charge up your whole army with the power of the Full Moon including the Lunar College of Magic sitting behind the lines vs only a few regiments.
  13. Elves and trolls, seelie and unseelie, guelph and goblin, were part of a single balanced symbolic ecosystem before Nysalarkat pulled them apart from opposite directions. This is tied up in the way Arkat receives and repudiates "aldryami" illumination while Nysalor receives and rejects "digijelm" guardianship. One flees the light and seeks the dark. One flees the dark and stretches toward the light. A full year in the vegetable country. This is the game that would have been Shadows Dance but at this point only the mushroom people remember how that was supposed to work. Dwarves remain their own thing.
  14. I was thinking that as well. I wonder why they didn't do like the BRP book where they sold the PDF first and then gave discounts for the physical version later.
  15. "Inside the Line was Permanent Full and will be Permanent Full but is not Permanent Full right now. Outside the Line was and will be and is "cyclical" right now. Meditate on this. Are you, as Saint Heidi asks, 'in' or are you 'out,' right now?" - Tight Indigo Trousers ---[ ]--- All zen noodle soup aside (the udon is infinite), I think historical accounts of the Line supporting a permanent full moon operating environment reflect a combination of assumptions and facts about life in the empire in the 1616-25 era. Outsiders who had only encountered the extreme wax-and-wane tactics of lunar magicians abroad (tied to the moon cycle) would have been impressed simply to see what this magic can do when you can count on any level of steady state. Enchantments can get refreshed in perpetuity and you can plan around the effects. You're not on any schedule. Of course you might have to give something up (Etyries transactions are fractional and derivative) in order to smooth the cycle and lock in a particular power level, but to those outsiders who were writing the books in 1616-25 (i.e. bedazzled beard types who rarely get to leave the house anyway) the mere feat of normalizing cyclical magic makes the Line look incredible. Even Permanent Half was so good up in the empire that a rumor got going that the Line supported peak red magic always on all the time . . . and nobody had the technical vocabulary to correct them, so the urban legend made it into print and stayed. However. Even lunar adepts can confirm that the dragonrise blew the transmission network like magical disasters tend to do. It will take time to recharge. Meanwhile the best the grid can do for awhile is Permanent Half, which is not awful (see above) but not boom times either. We are told that Permanent Full will be available by the time the Hero Wars board games get underway. Trust the emperor and the red seers. They're working on it. Now if you need something like Permanent Full right now, you can always burn precious moon rock or seek out a regenerating glow source like the bat. Couple of things here. First, elite members of the lunar establishment have chosen not to generate their own glow. They are happy to smooth their cycle inside the Line but also surrender to the phase table in barbarian territory. "Something's lost but something's gained in living every day." There might even be something corrosive in having all your magic available full strength all the time but I'm not going to slurp that noodle today. The bat squad, however, are full crazy. Whether the Spot causes that crazy or the crazy causes the Spot, again, not my job to explain. It is interesting, though, that at moments when the Line rolls back to Half or flickers out entirely it becomes useful to route the bat through imperial territory so people can get an extra day or two of Full before the tour needs to move on. IMHW glow technicians are about to become a big deal as necessity mothers invention. Dumb Theory: there is also something people call "white glow" but it ain't white exactly.
  16. Being Odin is easy. I just ask my pet ravens what to write and they caw in my ear. Yes, there is more material coming for Odd Soot. The biggest problem is my glacial working pace. But I’m planning on getting a friend to help me with layout and hopefully we can do a test run soon. There will also be a few short stories set in Comae Space later this year, providing more details about the setting. It will also be my literary debut! My British editor have given them a big thumbs up, despite my Swedish mistreatment of your language.
  17. You successfully puzzled out my motive in asking! I was discussing Deezola last night and had a moment where I pulled out both Sourcebook and the Lunar Way to cross-reference.
  18. I mostly run normal oneshots and pulp from time to time. I allow to "parry" a shot in melee by averting the line of fire and trying to stay with the armed person when they try to disengange. Another way I used to do is to give 2 penalty dice (and no bonus to close proximity) due to someone trying to fire a weapon while beeing engaged in a melee situation, especially when you are grappled. Bigger guns like rifles should require to break free in some form before beeing able to fire. Also a good way is to make a contested melee attack before a shot to basically wrestle the weapon free to shot. Its functionally a "maneuver" to be able to shot, disengage or throw the adversary to the ground etc. Mix it up a little, in regards to the situation, and guns remain dangerous enough but give some room for counterplay.
  19. Incorrect. Entropy is a state variable related to the thermodynamics of a system, which cannot decrease with the evolution of time in an isolated system only. This means that such systems evolve towards an equilibrium point of maximum entropy, and that some physical processes are irreversible (and others aren't). From this, we get the arrow of time. It also represents the number of possible and probable microstates a system composed of many smaller parts can be within, with more entropy meaning more possible microstates and more probability of the system being found in each one, meaning entropy also communicates complexity and freedom within a system. Finally, Shannon entropy is related to thermodynamic entropy, but considers information, data processing, and signal noise, and works out to the gap between the information needed to describe the macrostate of a system and the information needed to describe the particular microstate of a system, and Shannon entropy means that the process of gaining and producing information increases entropy both in the Shannon sense and thermodynamically. There is a lot more to entropy than simply "oh it means uselessness", right down to Glorantha not being a thermodynamically isolated system, thanks to its specific cosmology. This may or may not have been intended by Stafford, but the beauty of texts is that meaning is generated in a more complicated way than the author shoving it in.
  20. I wonder if they are waiting until it is available in all their warehouses.
  21. Please, Chaosium, release the QuestWorlds book. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ It can only do good. Please release as well a supplement to play in Glorantha with QuestWorlds. The more systems to play in Glorantha, the better!!! βœŠπŸ˜€ Please do not be afraid it will substract customers from your RQG line. It won’t. Both games cater to very different tastes in gaming. Also some gamers like me like to play both RQG and QuestWorlds! πŸ˜€
  22. Note that in contradiction to the above, The Lunar Way has Jakaleel as Crescent-Go Moon, and Deezola as Dying Moon, both in the Seven Mothers write-up, and in their own chapters.
  23. It is fun that I totaly agree with you with the only exception that Death provides stasis (aka once dead you cannot change anymore, you cannot travel anymore)) and Life provides change (you move, you learn, you create, you build, you destroy, etc...)
  24. I would be happy with a small blog post on the Chaosium site updating the "Flying March 2024" post ... no need for it to be anywhere else. If a company maintains a website that is where it should post its news at minimum IMHO
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