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  2. It's in process with lots of pieces to work through. 🙂 At this point the intent is a single Campaign & Scenarios book (i.e. complete the "trilogy"), but we'll have to see what it decides it wants to be (these works take on a life of their own).
  3. Presumably most of the stars survive so these techniques survive with them or are rediscovered. Talking about actors, this one was always one of my favorites and one of the few I managed to see live. He played a cop!
  4. Some say that the Blood Sun and the Red Moon are connected, but I heard a traveling, truly manifest mystic say that there were four White Moons in the sky, which we can't see yet, and one is Avanapdur and one is nameless and faceless and would change color if she ever were named and one is some chalk that Martalak dropped and now rolls around the sky waiting to be found and one is real, so she's never there when you look for her. He then started talking about "similar but distinct colors" and I paid my tab and left.
  5. For anyone who is interested, we will be running a week-by-week group read of The Glorantha Sourcebook on the Glorantha discord server, starting 26th May and running into mid-September. It doesn't matter which version you have, although note Nick's confirmation above that if you want the new version, you don't need to wait for it to come back into stock in print in the US. This invite link will expire after 7 days: https://discord.gg/vUEUBBHN
  6. They can zerodize, with the right eye and, for all I know, with the left. Sometimes the time comes to leave the "holy mountain", but sometimes the mountain comes back with you.
  7. Opposed Skill Rolls p 113 This does not say what happens in the case that there is a true tie, when both the degree of success and die rolls match.
  8. "When all you have is an argrath everything looks like the devil." - Nietzsche People bicker about the German and whether it should be translated "a" devil or even pluralized but the text is clear: "der" Teufel, not "ein" or "die." This in itself is just part of the cycle. Multiple argrath staging was hot for awhile in the wake of what was going on in depth psychology but it turned out the amount of work involved with that turned a lot of fans off. People wanted to see messianic figures performed and not be those figures. It happens! But when you revert to more or less unified readings of the characters you tend to end up collapsing all the probabilistic choral alternatives . . . especially the devil and we know who that particular argrath's devil is. I have no idea whether Mel Gibson's Hamlet is a better movie because I haven't seen it. A good play deserves to run forever in repertory. I think there was a kinescope of Peter Brook's out there somewhere but that was the year I went chasing bootleg Lears instead so might be getting the Paul Scofield and the Orson Welles one mixed up. It makes me happy you are here. One trick about the literary fourth age is that while things for them are clearly very different than they are in the classic game setting, people do well enough to crawl out of the catastrophe like they always have before. Writing comes back. Hundreds of years of stuff goes by that feels dire and crucial at the time but at the end of the day people move on from every event and only the sages are invested enough in the minutia to argue about it. There are institutions and they aren't universally popular. Rebels push back on rules they don't appreciate. Some people say it isn't Glorantha any more at that point because Glorantha as we know it died in the utuma net betrayal maneuver. Some people argue that at that point it's just a story about life on earth. People get up, do their thing, obsess over hobby projects. Maybe the fourth age is the story of your adventures and all this other trash is just the egg you peck your way out of. Maybe the moon was also that egg. That said, if you find yourself killing someone and then finding out later that they were necessary all along, that's what the regular lightbringer's quest was invented to do.
  9. You probably need to take the Tribes into account as well. You could work out the relative populations of each Tribe and City, as you have done for Cities, and allocate them a proportion of income based on population. You might need to work out how much is gained through tolls on the roads, maybe put that as a set figure.
  10. I admire Glog's map even as I admit myself to have failed my Read/Write Wyrmish roll on some of the subtleties.
  11. I have played enough games of Dragon Pass to know that Harrek can definitely be beaten. It is difficult and requires lots of Hero-Level forces, but he can be beaten. If you play a mixture of Dragon Pass and Nomad Gods, then it is easier, as many of the Nomad Gods pieces are almost equivalent to Harrek in combat terms. Whether Adventurers can reach those power levels is entirely up to your style as a GM and the way your games work. I have run through the Hero Wars in two separate Campaigns, in the first the Adventurers killed Argrath, because one of the Adventurers saw him as a rival, and killed Harrek because he was Argrath's friend, then killed him again and bound him into a Lunar Hell. In the second Campaign, the Adventurers completely sidelined Argrath, doing all the things he was meant to do, then allied Harrek and made him Duke of the Upland Marsh. I have played enough games of Dragon Pass to know that Harrek does not always come back. Also, see the above comment of binding him into a Lunar Hell. Killing him and devouring his soul, for example using the Crimson Bat, might be possible. That depends on the GM and the game style of the Campaign. That's about the same as "Going into Dorastor? Roll up a new character". Funny but not at all fun. Presumably the idea is that this happens after a lot of HeroQuesting. In the first Hero Wars Campaign, we gave each Adventurer a piece on the board and used Dragon Pass rules for mass combat. They weren't powerful but obtained powerful allies. That could do it.
  12. Today
  13. Right, time for another Holiday Dorastor, this time explaining how Players can become Initiates of Chaos Cults and the ramifications thereof!
  14. Nothing is needed for Glorantha to function. That's right. The end of the Third Age could have been the end of magic, as we know it, in Glorantha. You are spot on. Embrace it!
  15. I think that to an extent it's a shame that the multiplicity of the devil, the emptiness of the mask, has remained an inner teaching. You can't light anyone up by asking them "How could Sekever be the Devil and a fighter of Chaos?", sure, but I'd love to see the art of the many devils approaching the holy mountain from all sides.
  16. My favorite part of the Branagh Hamlet is when Osric dies in the hall of mirrors as though he was only another reflection, an optical illusion required to stage the full play in luxurious 70 millimeter. Here come the Norse! But I also still love the Almereyda as an artifact of a certain time and place.
  17. To unpack this, Orlanth and Wakboth are literary foils of one another. Orlanth's father Umath was wronged, in a way related to sex, by his uncle Yelm. Wakboth's mother Thed was wronged, in a way related to sex, by his uncle Orlanth. Orlanth challenges Yelm repeatedly, supposedly out of love for Ernalda, and eventually kills Yelm and takes his throne. Wakboth challenges Orlanth repeatedly, supposedly out of love of evil, and eventually drives Orlanth into the Underworld, and takes his throne. Orlanth faces many challenges to his rule, some of which defeat him, but all of which are overcome eventually. Wakboth faces many challenges to his rule, some of which evade him, and one of which kills him. Or pins him in place. This story as myth tells us that the desire for justice is tied up with the desire to see people suffer, and that the only way to break the cycle of retribution is to offer forgiveness to one another, which renders vengeance no longer purely destructive, but transformed into time, which heals all wounds and makes it so that this, too, shall pass. Or, alternatively, the only way to break the cycle of retribution is through laws and constructive effort. Both summon the great web which ties together the world that was falling apart. But the story also tells us that we can never be sure whether the devil is Kajabor or Wakboth, and whether we are confronted by wickedness or someone trapped by circumstance, who does it because he has to. And yet the story ends by the gods agreeing that they will bind the world together by separating Us from Them, Self from Other, and that these people will be bound by their law but not protected by it. And so the day may come again when a man becomes an uncle and the nephew comes for him to avenge injustice against his mother or his father, and the world falls apart piece by piece.
  18. Broos and Bagogi I understand, but why connect the noble Aramites with Chaos?
  19. Orlanth isn't needed, as the world got by fine without him; indeed, from the moment he arrived, things were getting worse!
  20. Cannot wait for the scenario's book! I'll preorder them for sure. It'll be like Sanctuary on steroids. Have you sorted out how many senecio books are being planned?
  21. Somewhere near Troll Woods (back in 1983) there was a side entrance to a troll complex, which may have been an old dwarven mine, the party eliminated a bunch of pesky trollkin before attempting the breakin. The PC's used some goats tethered within eyesight of the entrance to the cave... this had been done a few times over a 2-3 week period before the attack so the tolls would not be suspicious? The cave trolls inside took the bait (always) and where ambushed but beat up the party a good bit even so. Once inside the maze of tunnels with some bridges and underground streams, etc. seemed to lead endlessly. Side tunnels branched and finally a corridor appeared to a set of stairs leading down into brackish water. Of course there must have been something there why else would stairs lead down into water? A submerged rotten door was pried open and small room was found with more rotten debris, still under water... somehow after a lengthy search it was determined that one of the short walls actually was able to be lifted... guardian submerged skeletons in rusty armor with rusty weapons didn't like the idea of intruders and so underwater combat ensued and a nice magical battle ax was found on a dias. Why it was there we didn't care... some did suffer from tetanus, we didn't know much about the mother of diseases back then... I still have glogs map from that adventure, what fun, clip below, seemingly written in Wyrmish as I cannot decipher it... I recall it was traded for 2 cows or something like that. Also when looking in that old binder I noticed the RQ03 Errata, which for whatever reason was punished larger than the box set it was issue to cover... Who is the scholar in the clip below. that was on the errata cover, it's not Hector as he wasn't printed until 1992 in Sun County, p.32. Unless there was a Sun County item published before then that I don't know about? As I see it, the Errata was printed in 1984... At first I thought it might be Temertain but it more than likely would be Minaryth but I always envisioned he was a bit more portly? Any ideas...
  22. Agreed, but 'Shockwave rider' and 'Stand on Zanzibar' (my favorites from Brunner) are difficult to relate to Glorantha.
  23. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/tRNcT5Cxe5kaSZVC/?mibextid=oFDknk
  24. I doubt that Argrath has any time at all to coddle several years' of this cowardly "hide from real threats and Disrupt rats" strategy that the "All POW to Fetch" method calls for. If Argrath has you working for him... I think he expects you to be working; and that means going out & about and getting down & dirty and bringing your Adventuring A-game. Now, after you've successfully gotten to your high-POW-all-round goals... yes, absolutely Argrath wants you on his team!
  25. The files now await approval from DriveThru RPG and Lightning Storm.
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