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Everything posted by GianniVacca

  1. I generally agree with what @soltakss has written, except wrt Hit Locations for which I tend to always use the same tables (RQ2/RQ3); my thoughts here: http://2ndage.blogspot.com/2015/12/hit-locations-tables-and-their-evolution.html
  2. I didn't realise that. Bodes well for cooperating :-)
  3. Edge of Sundown is excellent. I've been really impressed. I wasn't particularly convinced by the Wild West/horror mix [I didn't like the Deadlands role-playing game] but all of the stories except about 3 or 4 of them are like mini-novels in their own right, in which you care for the characters and what is happening to them. Most of the time, I wished I could know more about the characters' past; they were so full of hints and unlike the one-dimensional and Manichaean characters you have in your run-of-the-mill fantasy fiction. I heartily recommend the book.
  4. I was a mere player and the GM was @RosenMcStern himself, so I'd rather he'd answer. What I can say is that Traits give big bonuses (at least 30%) so they make a difference because all/most [I still haven't figured this out] checks are opposed.
  5. You could rule that all damage except criticals is "flurry of combat" damage (i.e., fatigue rather than wounds), which wears off after the end of a given combat session, but that needs a kind of tedious 'double track system' for hit points.
  6. I've played my first game of ReD100 last night, and it feels enormously different to the vanilla BRP games I've played -- Traits are paramount.
  7. I am ALWAYS looking for contributions :-) This is my (tentative) schedule at the mo: Issue No.5 - Old West/Wild West-themed issue Issue No.6 - Viking-themed issue No ideas yet for the following issues. Suggestions are welcome! Cheers Gianni
  8. If your players are more of a RuneQuest crowd than HeroQuest, I'd back the RQ Classic Kickstarter at the $30 pledge level, and purchase the Gloranthan Classics supplements (or buy the add-on PDFs from the Kickstarter project). https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition
  9. Granted that I haven't had any time to read more than bits and pieces from v0.3 of the rules, but why do all pre-gens, NPCs and creatures in "The Quest for El Dorado" have TWO AP/Cv columns?
  10. Based on the panel at THE KRAKEN my understanding is "similar to" rather than "based on".
  11. Baron, please try http://basicroleplaying.org/files/file/522-thehanginggardenissue04pdf/
  12. Version 1.0.0


    The Hanging Garden, Issue No.4
  13. I already have two copies of the GW version of RQ2, so I obviously haven't really backed the crowdfunding campaign to get "a new role-playing game that I might run". My hope is that, thanks to the KS, RQ2 will become more popular at cons.
  14. The next issue of The Hanging Garden [http://2ndage.blogspot.com/p/the-hanging-garden.html] is a 'Wild West' special issue. If you want to contribute an article about Fanning, you're welcome :-)
  15. What about one's Reputation? How's it work?
  16. The terror bird would be nice for a Revolution D100 game set in Pamaltela...
  17. The creatures from the "classic fantasy" list above are too.... classic, too vanilla. Since Revolution D100 seems to have its roots in Europe (judging by the backers, but I might be wrong), I'd rather you provided stock characters from European folklore: the ambiguous elf (à la Erlenkönig, or changeling-style) rather than the Tolkienesque/D&Desque one, the disturbing Dwarf (Nibelungen-like) again rather than the Tolkienesque/D&Desque one, trolls of many different sizes and characters, child-eating ogres, sentient/shape-shifting animals, beings from Central European folklore: leshy, rusalka, vodyanoy, from Italy: babau, uomo nero, from Greece: Mormo...
  18. ePub files are meant to be read on tablets and e-readers; on a personal computer, you may try and use Sumatra PDF (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumatra_PDF).
  19. The latest issue (No.4) of The Hanging Garden is 100% devoted to Glorantha. It contains a sandbox-style description of the city of Swenstown, along with an introductory scenario (the one I ran at THE KRAKEN in October). Available here: http://2ndage.blogspot.com/p/the-hanging-garden.html
  20. Aquelarre is definitely not particularly dark. As el_octogono has written, you have both sides of the coin. You can also ignore the coin altogether and have mundane adventures. I have a supplement (forgot its title) where a 'retired' knight is going back home and has all manner of adventures on his way back. An excellent campaign game (if slightly railroad-ey).
  21. It's a nice D100 derivative. I own the 1st edition. The author is the guy who translated RQ into Spanish so you may understand the lineage
  22. According to the Chaosium seminar at the Kraken, on RQ6.
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