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Everything posted by clarence

  1. Thank you : ) Jadrien Cousens is a very talented artist, doing a lot of conceptual and matte drawings for films and games. You can see more of his work here: http://jadrienc.deviantart.com.
  2. Yes, I'm keeping an eye in Luther Arkwright while writing. Everything won't match up, but as they share the basics it will be quite easy to cross-pollinate them.
  3. After going through the rules closely, and with the help of Lawrence and Pete created a simplified version of the combat rules, I have decided to use Mythras Imperative as the core ruleset for BRP Space. Or rather, what used to be BRP Space. The new title is M-SPACE. M as in Mythras, mythic (no, not the solo RPG engine) and modular. See the newish cover below. I think this will be a very good engine for running sci-fi scenarios and campaigns. It's a quick, flexible and creative ruleset, and with the additions brought with the book, I'm very happy with the result. And I am, as always, very grateful for the input I have gotten from all of you here on the forums. Thank you. I've already started adding the Mythras Imperative rules to the book, and I believe it will be a quite smooth process. I don't have an ETA yet though. Changing the core will result in a few rewrites throughout the book, and I'm not certain yet how extensive these will be (not breaking any compatibilties with other BRP engines though). I will keep you updated on my progress!
  4. Which one of the organizations do you see characters having to interact most with?
  5. This is exactly what I have done the last few days : ) I hope to include them as an option in BRP Space. It wasn't too difficult, but it takes some consideration to get all the surrounding pieces right. I've been getting very good help from The Design Mechanism, and my limited playtests have worked out fine so far. Apart from hit locations, I also reduced the number of special effects to make the choice easier for new players. Combats are still short and creative though.
  6. Some excellent links there. Thanks Darius.
  7. The local critters don't seem too threatful to the characters. Unless there are surprises deeper down...
  8. @ColinBrett That sounds good Colin! Looking forward to see your ideas. And yes, both Outpost 19 and Operation Ulysses would probably be quite easy to use with BRP Space.
  9. I agree with Paolo. Some people want scenarios, others want rules. The focus of RoH and BRP Space differs quite a lot. Where RoH leans towards The Expanse, BRP Space has an implied Star Wars-ish setting. My own goal is to write a few scenarios as BRP Space has been published, but hopefully I can get additional material from others as well (yes, that's an invitation to write!).
  10. Now, that's an interesting thought Mankcam. I will take another look at OpenQuest with that in mind. I'm just getting a feeling that it's too simple, but that could be wrong.
  11. Well, OpenQuest and Mythras are as close as I can get at this point. You're not loosing BRP Space and Odd Soot: ) The good thing with both of them is that mechanics are freestanding and modular. They can be plugged into most BRP versions without much change. For BRP Space I'm not altering the way starships are designed or how they fight. And if you want to make and run characters from another d100 version, that shouldn't be a problem either. Odd Soot, as Gollum points out, is more of a setting book turned full game (as it just kept getting deeper, better, bigger - and I just enjoyed writing for it). A few mechanics will be included, the main being what I call the EGO Engine, a way to keep track of inner health & balance. This is also devised as a plugin, easy to use in most BRP versions. All in all, I believe the choice of system is not going to exclude users of other systems. That's not to say I wouldn't like to get a look at BRP Essentials tomorrow though.
  12. Good work. Let us know when it's available.
  13. The fundamental idea of BRP Space was (and still is) to provide a sci-fi ruleset for the "baseline" BRP system. If I were to develop my own system, it would have to be different to every other version to be interesting/worthwhile - thus going against the idea of BRP Space. Regarding River of Heaven, I think it is hard to know if the two titles will attract more players by operating together, or if they are similar enough to work as competitors. I do hope they strenghten each other.
  14. Any chance we will see the material for this campaign eventually compiled into a PDF in the download section? : )
  15. I couldn't agree more. I did try to get a sneak peek, an early beta or anything really, but I suppose the rules aren't in a state where they can be shared with outsiders.
  16. I'm very close to making my decision. With most people here finding Imperative a good choice, I think it's the way to go. And now that combat will come in two flavors, I think the biggest stumbling block for sceptics have been removed. And as you point out, K Petersen, there are several variables to consider - rules is only one of them. The Design Mechanism feels very professional. Regarding the actual rules for simplified combat, I really have to try out Mythras a bit more before saying anything. My initial thought is to stay true to the general feeling of Imperative, but I'm not sure exactly how.
  17. I've waited a year already : ) Some sourcebooks and games were put on hold much longer, but that cannot be considered the best publishing policy. I really want to move ahead as quickly as possible now and Imperative ticks many of the right boxes.
  18. Good read! Looking forward to see how this develops.
  19. Ok, I've been emailing back and forth with Lawrence a bit. A simplified ruleset for combat can be included as an option. How does that sound?
  20. Keep derailing, that's ok : ) The concepts from Mythras Firearms will have to be included for sure, much like in Luther Arkwright. And I'm with Paolo on special effects: printing them on cards makes them easily accessible, and starting with a subset is probably a good idea. (Now I know what the backside of my mini "character folders" could be used for...) As my own games rarely include much combat, I tend to ignore hit locations (or, if I use them, only for armor). So, does that break Mythras? I wouldn't think so, but I will bring the question of energy weapon combat (and hit locations) to Lawrence. CoC-like settings, light in combat, I guess should be possible some way.
  21. Thanks Rust, that's good to hear! From what's been said here so far, Mythras seems like the way to go.
  22. I realize some people find Mythras combat too complex, that's one of the things I will want to discuss with Lawrence and Pete. For my next release, Odd Soot (with a 1930s magical mystery sci-fi slant), this is even more important. I hope to provide simplified rules, at least as an option.
  23. I had all four on my shortlist, but narrowed it down to the hottest candidates for this thread : ) With all variables counted, Mythras seemed like the best choice to me. BRPE is quite hard to know where it's going, so Revolution and OpenQuest actually feel like safer bets at this time.
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