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Everything posted by clarence

  1. Very good description of Cosmicism. And a helpful abstraction of Lovecraft's writing. (a) I think point 2 and 3 are the most effective in RPGs, though I've been using all three. (d) Exactly.
  2. I'm very curious about those cards... and to try them in actual play.
  3. Have you tried Mythic GM Emulator? I use it sometimes for testing new rules and have found it to produce very engaging solo mysteries. All that's needed is a starting scene, a character and the Mythic GM Emulator PDF. The scenario writes itself as you go. And not just simple dungeons; I have gotten some fine cthulhuesque mysteries from it.
  4. For those who found RQ6 too complex, I can warmly recommend Mythras Imperative. It really won me over to Mythras. At 32 pages it's covering much, much more than I believed possible.
  5. Yes. And no : ) I was planning on skipping Zero G and Vacc Suit - staying true to the mythic sci-fi genre - but ended up including them in the book as optional skills. They're not on the char sheet though. The first setting book, Odd Soot, will have both as professional skills, to reflect a more low-tech approach to space travel.
  6. Congratulations Rod! Good interview and an interesting read. Nice to hear that you are working on more stuff for Classic Fantasy.
  7. Aha, I assumed you were in Italy... I will check with Gianni about RPG shops.
  8. Sorry, my brain was elsewhere : ) I haven't read RQ Stella Bellum that much, but my impression is that they supplement each other mostly. There is some overlap (starship combat; though with two different approaches), but aliens and lightsaber techniques for example are usable as they are, if you want more setting details for M-SPACE. Or, the other way around, bring in starship design into RQ Stella Bellum for more crunch.
  9. Hmm, haven't heard about that one. Can you fill me in?
  10. Hi all, work on M-SPACE proceeds as planned. Most of the book is done - writing, illustrations, layout - and I’m giving everything a final polish. Below is the table of contents, to give you an idea of what the book includes. Total page count will be 220 pages. The only setback so far is my choice to try a Mythras-inspired system for starship combat (with differential rolls and special effects). Play testers were so enthusiastic about the early versions, that I just had to develop it further. At this point it actually runs smoother than the original system - and is much more fun. The mechanics are slightly more complex than the old rules, bit I'm including a simplified version too. M-SPACE Table of Contents: Introduction 006 Characters 008 Game System 032 Extended Conflicts 042 Combat 054 Simplified Combat 075 Spot Rules 078 Starship Design 086 Starship Combat 104 Advanced Starship Combat 112 Alien Creation 120 World Building 144 Circles 154 Psionics 168 Vehicle Design 176 Technology 186 Lifeforms 204
  11. Welcome! Öland is very beautiful. I would warmly recommend a visit to the village Vickleby on the west side of the island. Let me know if you want any recommendations. No RPG shops in the vicinity though : )
  12. It looks good. With a change from submarine-like domes to more open and light designs, I suppose a city can consist of both older and newer domes? Will inhabitants prefer the new, spacious ones? And good point Vile about the amount of natural light reaching the dome.
  13. I re-read the whole thread (great work, Rust), and I found myself without an image in my head of the underwater cities. What does the "streets" look like and what is the feeling of those places? Are they technical, with submarine-like corridors, or green/blue open domes with actual streets and squares? Or something else entirely?
  14. I know exactly what you mean. Sorry for the shameless plug here, but that was the driving force behind the alien creation system in M-SPACE. I have found many such systems to be either too haphazard, or too unimaginative. With M-SPACE, I think (and hope) I have found a third path. My own results so far have been very good. (I also guided two 11 year olds through alien creation some time ago, and they easily came up with a highly original and believable critter. All I did was tell them the results of their dice rolls, and they shaped the creature step by step by themselves. 30 minutes very well spent : )
  15. Ok, taking the question to RPG.net instead.
  16. I'm going to Paris in September and wonder if someone can recommend any game stores?
  17. I came across this recent underwater find and couldn't help thinking about Thalassa: http://gizmodo.com/scientists-discover-mysterious-purple-blob-at-the-botto-1784380334 Check the video too; it's quite cool. Now, if we still make totally unexpected discoveries like these, what surprises shouldn't a newly colonized water world present...
  18. While I'm relatively new to the Mythras rules, I actually have to agree. The set of skills are well chosen. I've had to make very few additions to make them work for M-SPACE. Still wrapping my head around the Passion rules though, but I like what I have seen so far.
  19. Aha; what was it that didn't work in CoC? Is it Mythras' rules for passions you're missing?
  20. Regarding sci-fi, I'm well on my way to finish M-SPACE. It's based on Mythras Imperative and covers most sci-fi needs. It was originally developed as BRP Space, but recently I have switched to a Mythras core. To be released in early autumn.
  21. Great opportunity for foolhardy explorers : ) The tsunamis made me think about habitat design: do the Thalassan engineers experiment with submersible habitats? Instead of going for either surface or seafloor structures, what if a small habitat could seal up and sink (100 meters?) when a storm or tsunami approaches? Do you think that would work for them?
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