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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. They are tagged: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/tag/photo-reference/ The best being the one by Greg himself (Library of Londarios: Postcards From Glorantha (Mar 2004))
  2. Please note that Hardy doesn't have the bandwidth for downloading the archives, see the note at the bottom of the main page about contacting him for them. https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/
  3. Contact him through his son Edmund: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2585064571536721/user/36805366
  4. IMO, the single paragraph on Delecti is fine to base some background on.
  5. Based on the Tarsh section of the Guide, goods and slaves. Then later it says Taxes are paid in livestock, mined goods. later still, Its residents, and the farmers who thickly populate the river valley. Looking at the trade section in the Guide, RQG, and comparing the sections, Tarsh Imports: Herbs, Iron, Spices, and Exports Artifacts, Mined metals, slaves (see Slavewall), maize. Don't forget it's got an ongoing civil war.
  6. The (Stitched) Zoo ruins can be see on the Northern Sartar map (Starter Set, bottom left-hand edge), below the EWF ruins of Voss Varainu, on the right bank of the Creek-Stream. They can also be seen on the Smoking Ruins map, page 11, below Centaur Ford, but are both just named Ruins. As for Delecti and the Stitched Zoo, Forang Forash met Delecti in Voss Varainu, but that's about it (see WF#15, Delecti article). If you need his backstory, I'd either make it up or base it on Robin Law's take in Mongoose's Glorantha Second Age (page 32) which does seem to confirm some of Forang Forash's wilder discounted statements. This one of the few Mongoose books I have any faith in, as Robin had worked previously with Greg.
  7. Have a look at Mob's website: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/mobs-glorantha-page/, have a look in tournaments and scenarios.
  8. Zoo or Zoopolis as it was known has a reference in History of the Heortling Peoples. Have a look at Pete Nash talking about a Bestiary product in 2012, A Tiger? In Africa? Basically, Zoopolis was built by Semeren of Malkonwal and stocked by Danakil from his world wide trip. It's a huge ruined complex. Basically put in those wonders you need from the Bestiary... I'd run it like the areas of Westworld, including underground worlds for the Darkness creatures. It's only about 25x5 miles in size so perhaps only five different areas and one underneath: IceWorld, JungleWorld, DesertWorld, WaterWorld, etc.
  9. The City Rex is the ranking Rex, which was for a short time Kallyr, who appointed Randella Offirsdaughter as the city administrator. This is much like how Orngerin Holdfast is City Rex of Jonstown and Jorjera Latish is the City Administrator (see the Starter Set). After Kallyr dies, Leikan* the Stonemason becomes city administrator, which is later confirmed by Argrath (who becomes the City Rex in 1628). Randella can also be found in KoS 2ed page 200. *The Old Tales of Garanda my not be completely accurate...
  10. See Personalities of Glorantha – Londra of Londros (1998), originally published in Wyrms Footnotes #11. Includes picture and info as of 1617 ST. The Sartar Companion tells us that Although Londra is a Sword of Humakt, she is not a devotee of the War God and does not serve Death single-mindedly. Londra is also an initiate of Orlanth (specifically as a member of the Vinga subcult) and now serves as a priest of Old Wind Temple. By 1621, in RQG terms this likely means she has become a Stormwalker (subcult of Orlanth Thunderous) If you have the Sartar Companion, there's a bit more info and a different illustration.
  11. As it's very much based on the Pendragon system, having Passions at over 100% is fine by me. In my Pendragon games, quite a few knights have passions at 23-25 (115-125%). All it does is make it more likely you will critical and special. They will be hard to increase as there's no experience modifier. If players were really worried about mandatory rolls, they would have kept their passions below 80%.
  12. In Wintertop's shadow has in its gazetteer: In Greg's 1980 HeroQuest notes, it was one of the three places where you could begin a heroquest into the EWF period...
  13. Personally, I don't find over 180 a few. I never used more than maybe a quarter of those.
  14. That's not actually what I was suggesting. For a disruption wand. Cast spirit binding on a stick (2 POW), bind a spirit into the stick, cast Spell Matrix Enchantment with disruption (1 POW), add Link Magic Point Conditions (1 POW). The magic points now come from the spirit. If your GM still says you can use the magic points too (I wouldn't), add the user condition, no access to the bound spirit (1 POW).
  15. Another approach is given by the Mastakos Rune spell, Spryness (RBM 84), that gives 24 strike ranks per round.
  16. The key word in is their - belonging to them. If the binding is done selflessly for something other than the individual then the binding can be forever (and should be thematically correct). The releasing spirit section is clearly (to me) prevent the adventuring party from descending on powerful individuals or party members to grab their spirits when dead. So binding spirits to power temple defences, aid the clan wyter, etc., is fine by me. I would also suggest that if you bind a spirit into matrix, that too is permanent as the spirit is part of the matrix. You don't benefit from it's magic points (although you may benefit from its effects).
  17. Lots of ways to achieve resurrect in sorcery. The most obvious would be Summon species, you'd know the name of the person, so for a human: Then Bind spirit : It would cost 3 POW in addition to the all the magic points as the spirit would have CHA.
  18. It's all covered in the Stafford House Campaign, page 28 (Dragons Past #5). He dies on Storm Bull day 1613.
  19. Seolinthur dies at Earthfall along with Genert, Yamsur and those unnamed. The spike explodes, the Greater Darkness begins. The Rivers reverse their courses Given the above, why do you think he gets to keep his head?
  20. The "missing" head is effectively the fertility of the Erno Arkozal Grasslands (the yellow centre) which has the best grazing in the Wastes, the same as Sacred Ground in Prax. The Erno Arkozal Grasslands were the site of Genert's Throne. Seolinthur's Fall smashed the throne (a cool looking rock outcrop) with his head. It would of been the same as the other Palace grassland, were it not for this.
  21. They are a single illustrator file with dozens of layers, based on Greg's original maps that I made for some HeroQuest materials I was working on. Yes, the dark green are the Palace grasslands (good grazing), light green Toothstone Grass (1 in 2 years grazing), grey-green 1 in 4 years grazing. Brown is poor or no grazing. It part of the catchments area map: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4141-prax-and-the-thousand-questions-about-the-place/page/13/#comment-85599
  22. Cornard Deathdealer became Lismelder clan champion in 1609. He is mentioned in passing in Sartar KoH 1st ed, page 328. In the second edition his name is spelled Kornard. His write up can be found in Tales of the Reaching Moon #18 (1998). He was played in the original Lismelder campaign by the late Steve Thomas. He may have wrath.
  23. Sure, that's no different than Clan Champion, etc.
  24. Generally speaking, summoning spirits (of any kind) is a minimum hour long ritual (per magic point, rune point, etc), (Rune, sorcery or spirit magic), even resurrect takes three hours. I don't think a sorcery spell that does this is impossible, but It would take maybe 24 hours to gather enough controlled spirits to launch them as an attack (plus scores of magic points). A shaman could do it better.
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