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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Given the opposing natures of sorcery and spirit magic in RuneQuest, I'd say no.
  2. Given the variety of ancestor worship in the real world, the following is a good definition: Ancestors: While this word suggests those from earlier generations, its precise meaning varies from one cultural context to another. It is likely that the term is equivalent to “all who have died” in modern European languages. Bloodline ancestors are those who went before that we are related to by birth. (So yes to your mother's brother, but not his wife (but see below). Milkline ancestors are all those who have nurtured us, but are not always related by blood (important if you are adopted, or brought up by in-law ancestors) Storyline ancestors are those who have nurtured or inspired us even though we have never met them (important for culture heroes) There are other ways of describing these titles. The above come from Tom Cowen, author and shamanic practitioner. Remember also that after about 12 generations you are related to most people in your area (I'm related to my partner as a 13th cousin)
  3. Ancient origins has published another link to great video that can be used as inspiration for the Lunar army, covering training, equipment and camp. While the Roman army is clearly not the Lunar army, it is worth a look. Article: https://www.ancient-origins.net/video/roman-soldier-training-0018210 Previous post on the Sun Dome Templar Training Video, here. Video on Youtube:
  4. The Battle of Dangerford is 1625 and takes place at Dangerford. The Battle of Queens is 1626 and takes place at Old Top (near the Two Sisters Village on the Stream)
  5. I'd imagine there's a small number of Issaries initiates who are lay members of Lokarnos or even initiates. The Mith's seem a candidate for this, given their Balazar caravan and the Lokarnos shrine on Jonstown's North market (and that a typical Jonstown Merchant is an initiate of both). Is the Jonstown temple a minor one?
  6. I think the simplest answer is likely to be, what did they call them in the German edition of RQG: https://shop.uhrwerk-verlag.de/uhrwerk-rollenspiele/runequest/1551/runequest-rollenspiel-in-glorantha-pdf?number=UWV8200PDF
  7. There's not really enough to say definitely. I'd say as part of the chaos rising, Brangbane becomes "king" of the Dinacoli again, and Argrath finishes off what Sartar couldn't.
  8. To repeat, no. It really depends on the spirit cult being contacted. Obviously the Chalk Man is a giant chalk hill figure, but there could be others. River horse can be be contacted at the headwaters of any river. Evening/Morning Star, anywhere they can be seen, Lightning Boy, any Orlanth shrine, or Hosar Mountain in Prax. Kolat, on any hilltop, especially if an orlanth temple...
  9. Based on @Jeff's rough numbers: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/chalana-arroy-goddess-of-mercy/ and other references: For Sartar Great temple: Jonstown Major Temple: Boldhome Shrines: other towns / tribal centres Chalana Arroy is roughly 2% of the adult population everywhere, so you can do the maths where needed. The work out the temple size available for that number of people. So Colymar with 5300 adults, has 106 CA initiates, they gather at the Clearwine Lightbringers temple that has a shrine to CA (see GMSP adventures book) Using the numbers in the adventures book with adults making up about 43% of a population, and population numbers from the guide, I'd expect Old Tarsh with 35k to have 15050 adults of which 2% are CA, so 301 CA, so I'd put a Major temple in Wintertop (numbers bumped by lay members). I'd also put a shrine at the Shaker temple complex (1000 x .43 x .02 = 9), given the number of lay members likely to be present. Throw in a few shrines for holy places (healing wells, healing stones, an outcrop of healing plants, healing spirit vortex, etc)
  10. Ancient origins has published a link to great video that can be used as inspiration for Sun Dome Templars, covering training, equipment and camp (it also covers some of the different armour types found in RuneQuest). I imagine this can be applied to other army groups too (not just Sun Domers) Article: https://www.ancient-origins.net/history/greek-hoplites-0018175 Video on Youtube:
  11. As it's a Chalana Arroy spell only, If standing, I describe the target slumping down slowly as if going to sleep, so they don't injure themselves (no extra rules needed).
  12. Only in that fungi feed on decaying material: the fungi, consists of members who breed in the decay of life. Thriving on death, multiplying in corruption, They aren't the source of decay.
  13. Infections are the minor diseases. When a spirit is separated from it's body, the body decays because of time. It's like aging without a spirit. Mallia is only chaotic when worshipped by the Broos. When propitiated she's not chaotic.
  14. See Jeff's facebook posts, archived here (includes photos): https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=food+facebook+jeff https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=drink+facebook+jeff Covers other areas as well as Sartar, part of the fabled Glorantha Cookbook
  15. Than-Ulbar and the Valley of Pinnacles in the Wastesare an old volcanoes (you can see the crater rim in the AAA or Guide maps). There are no other I know of specifically (I did work on this section of the Guide). Just add them where you need.
  16. Thed is an associate cult, so Thed shamans. Thed shamans are no one.
  17. They are set in tidal salt marshes, and these aren't always or easily navigable: Most are covered with salt marshes with twisted channels capable of changing weekly. Given the two population centres are on seaward sides and the zoo is seaward, it seems that most of the population will be around the seaward edges (per the Guide), with those on islands within the marshes, living off the specific saltwater marsh species (crabs, eels, etc). Anything big died in the mud or the triolini killed them, anything small was eaten by the giant cranes (I suspect they came from the zoo), anything that flew did escape. I recently visited (the edges of) a salt marsh and even at low tide, there was no way I was going to cross it without a local guide (if one existed). When the tide came in, what looked like land was quickly underwater. The mud in the channels was amazing (Pluff mud), in places it was metres deep (there were warning signs). Sadly no 9 metre tall cranes, just Egrets.
  18. Uleria is Friendly to all cults, except those of Chaos (either Hostile or Enemy), but Friendly to the Red Goddess... Most cults are Friendly or Neutral, except those of Chaos (either Hostile or Enemy)
  19. Per the Q&A Does this mean a new Humakti adventurer has Bladesharp 4 plus the normal 5 spirit magic points, for a total of 9 points of spirit magic? No, this is clarified in the Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers: Quote Those that have been an initiate for a full year are taught Bladesharp 4 for free, and more points in the spell may be purchased at ½ cost later. Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers
  20. Current silver is the Lunars / Guilders in your pocket. The Swords want useful cash not your trinkets, small change, booty or goods. If you are deliberately converting your silver to avoid paying up, you've broken the Humakti code. Looking at the Humakti lay members in my game Storm Bull 7L, Storm Bull none, Orlanth Adventurous 25L, Odayla 98L. Some of them have money held at their temples or with the merchant, but that's not an avoidance scheme that's practical adventuring kit. One of them has the merchant deal with all their finances and carries no cash. She decided to pay 10L at the last Humakti holy day they attended, and they don't go to all of them. See how Vasana acts as a Humakt lay member is the Starter set soloquest. Otherwise Humakt lay membership concerns are a storm in a teacup.
  21. It's not per year, it's per holy day attended, and only current silver, not the fully 10% of your income. Half price sword and dagger training is enough! But they also train Battle, Craft (Bronze), First Aid, Meditate, Orate, Ride, and Scan for half-price too.
  22. As I said you want the full cult write ups for cults present in the Core Rules, then CoP is the way to go. Don't update the mechanics that are already present, use the Core Rules mechanics. In the case of Humakt, you'd just look at the lay member requirements, as Rune Lords are already covered. The question is not about honour, but honesty. Item three in the Humakti code is maintain strict truth and confidence with one another. A dishonest lay member will be okay until caught out... Note that CoP says many use this as an excuse to go on sprees just before the holy day.
  23. It's easy to forget that that RQG is based on RQ2. Cults of Prax & Terror are effectively foundational documents for the upcoming cults books. The texts are effectively updated to support RQG, and the art is decades ahead. If you want the full cult write ups for cults present in the Core Rules, then CoP is the way to go until CoR is released. If a cult isn't present and you have access the the Avalon Hill Gods of Glorantha use that version. The only mistake you can really make is to use any of the Hero Wars cults.
  24. Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers... For those without time travel, see Cults of Prax (classic), page 34 (it's the same...)
  25. Specifically: Lay members tithe 10% of their current silver. So not part of the Sacred Time maths. Initiates tithe 10% of their silver. So part of the Sacred Time maths.
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