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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It's covered in the Cults Preview. Any initiate of Orlanth, or of any associated or friendly cult may become a lay member of Orlanth Rex. That applies to Initiates too. So that covers: Subcults: Bartar, Voriof, Drogarsi, Vinga, Associates: Lightbringers (CA, LM, Issaries, Eurmal, Fleshman (Daka Fal)), Ernalda, Grain Goddesses, Engizi, Heler, Inora, Kero Fin, Kolat, Mastakos, Odayla, Storm Bull, Valid, Yinkin, Ygg. Friendly: Argan Argar, Asrelia, Babeester Gor, Donander, Dormal, Eiritha, Flamal, Foundchild, Humakt, Lodril, Lokarnos, Lowfires, Maran Gor, Mralota, Polaris, Pralor, Rathor, Uleria, Voria. There's likely a few I've missed, but that covers a lot.
  2. Thanks. I'd forgotten about Ner-Jalari. Previously his father wasn't mentioned (Book of Heortling Mythology), but given he was King of Dragon Pass, and that title was bestowed by Kero Fin herself, it makes sense.
  3. It's the Power / Pamalt Rune https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/glorantha-core-rune-font/ The Guide 151 says
  4. What is your reference for this. I can't find anything.
  5. Not opposites exactly, but a wheel of who overcomes who. It's on the adventurer sheets: Air beats Fire beats Darkness beats Water beats Earth beats Air. It's based Zzabur's Sigil (Glorantha Sourcebook 194 or GtG 149). I'd have the shaman discover their own, see also
  6. See https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/p/pamalt/
  7. Independent of cults, yes. The easiest way to approach this to build it into their choice of Greater entity in Stage One of their initiation (see page 354). Choices for elemental Greater entities would be: Air - Kolat / Umbrol (one of the Dragon Pass Greater Entities, see page 359) Earth - Earth Witch (one of the Dragon Pass Greater Entities, see page 359), the most powerful Earth Shaman can likely see she is a mask of Gata. Water - King Undine, the most powerful water Shaman can likely see he is a mask of Zaramaka. Darkness - Nakala Fire - Aether Pure elemental shaman would transcend cults as they are mixed runes, and not pure. Anyone else is just a cult shaman. Pure Elemental Moon shaman can likely use She Who Waits (also listed as one of the sources of the Moon rune in the upcoming prosopaedia) as a Greater Entity. These few illuminated individuals are likely the pillars of the Lunar spirit world, knowing that it actually exists inside She Who Waits. Many pure elemental shaman would be accepted with related cults if the shaman wished, but not part of the hierarchy. Obvious connections (for Dragon Pass) are: Kolat - the Orlanth Cult, they would be most likely be an Orlanth Thunderous initiate, but could be God Talker or Storm Voice. Earth Witch - the Ernalda Cult, they would be most likely be an initiate, but could be Wise Woman or Earth Priestesses. King Undine - most likely be an the Magasta Priest or shaman of Triolina Nakala - the Kygor Litor Cult, they would be most likely be a shaman-priestess, but could be an initiate. Aether - Only possible amongst the Grazers, most likely be an Yelm the Archer Initiate, unlikely to be a Golden Bow shaman (conflicting greater Deities in a hierarchical setting Yelm is the son of Aether) Moon - Most likely the Red Goddess cult as an initiate.
  8. If using the White Wolf / Cult Compendium versions, just change V. Acolyte Membership to V. God-talker Requirements: As per priests. I don't think any other changes are needed.
  9. Thats only 650 years, as an equivalent, we've still (UK) churches from the 1350s and earlier with chapels and shrines from ye olde times. My local church dates from 1300s and is full of old inscriptions, burials plaques etc. They don't throw anything away. I hear in places such as Egypt that there are even older sites, covered in religious stuff that no one cleared out. In a world of magic, Divination means that no one is usually forgotten. Issaries, who will bless my journey up the coast and keep me safe...
  10. The Issaries temple wouldn't remove the images of those who head up the sub/hero cult. Temples are usually adorned with old images and icons. As soon as the seas opened traders would be the first out of the gates, 40 years is ample time to reestablish a sea trader cult, I'd argue a year at most.
  11. Of course per MGF. As it's a uniquely Issaries Rune spell, there are likely many seafaring traders. RBM page 2 tells us It also synthesized different spells with near-identical effects into a common spell with a descriptive name, so there are likely four versions: Pathwatch - vanilla land version Riverwatch - for rivers and lakes Coastwatch - for those using coastal trading (keeping land in sight, see Trade Routes of Glorantha, GtG 469) Seawatch - for those out of sight of land, but travelling a known paths (See Trade Routes of Glorantha, GtG 469) They all work the same.
  12. Very and contains cults from other sources You can compare the contents pages here: CHA4008 Cults of Prax (1979, 2016) CHA4014 Cults of Terror (1981, 2016) ISS1608 Gloranthan Classics Vol III: Cult Compendium (2002) Looks like you won't have the new designers notes and other printings from the Classic editions.
  13. I doubt it, they are stolen artwork with new text added: https://www.deviantart.com/jonhodgson/art/The-Quest-for-Adventure-82992651 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/94178/Sleeping-Gods?manufacturers_id=3582 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/18615/warmaster-ancients
  14. Full details are in the Treasures chapter in Borderlands (Classic edition) page 33 (and Borderlands & Beyond) in Plunder format. A Humakt or Yanafal Tarnils cultist spends an point of POW on enchanting a sword. If they are then slain by an assassin, their spirit gets a final attack on their killer with the sword at 200%. They are a cult secret known only to a few. The Borderlands & Beyond PDF is on sale at $10! It's a fantastic deal as it contains Plunder & Runemasters too.
  15. The Twin Stars are two beings - Twins, one Fire/Sky, the other Moon. The Moon one was invisible in the sky to all except Hidden Ancestor initiates (It was still there though - hence hidden ancestor), until the revelation by Janisor in 1275 when it became visible to everyone. The truth of the Twin Stars was brought to Prax in 1608 by the Hungry Plateau Sables. They revealed there was mysterious connection to the Red Goddess and the Twin Stars. This was adopted by all the Sables as it was provably true. When the Lunars and HPS left in 1625, the revelation didn't disappear with them. BTW this has no effect on the game unless you are playing Vanilla Prax (the post-Pavis period of the Praxians 1572-1610). Each spirit gives a single rune magic, one Fire/sky, one Moon, collectively they are one spirit cult.
  16. Yes, but remember that all of this was written for HeroQuest Glorantha. In RQG terms the Twinstars have different runes. Bension is straightforward as it uses the Moon rune, but Charisma uses Life, Illusion, Beast. This is the same in the upcoming Cults of Glorantha. I would allow Charisma to be used with the Fire rune.
  17. Only Charisma before 1608, both after. Bear in mind that the most of the other founders give nothing, except the ability to be summoned (per Call Founder), their worship is subsumed by Storm Bull (who is their father). The Twin Stars aren't related to Storm Bull so survive as a spirit cult, along with two other founders, the Good Shepherd and the Father of Independents). See Cults of Prax & Nomad Gods.
  18. Some of this covered in Designing the New RuneQuest.
  19. Yes. I would suggest that Bension came with the Hungry Plateau Sables and before that, the Twin Stars only gave Charisma (and maybe a less effective version of Benison or different spell).
  20. Extra Large wicker shields are in Weapons & Equipment page 86, there's another type detailed in the GM Screen pack. Aprons are also on page 86.
  21. Urain is not chaotic, see 2021-11 Jeff on Facebook, 5.The Bad Rain. It would be Ragnaglar, but he was killed by Storm Bull, that would leave his son the Devil to fill his shoes, But SB killed him too. So that would leave Cacodemon, the devil's son to fill their shoes. The Cacodemon is the embodiment of anarchy and destruction...
  22. Or be an associate god in the temple of a larger one. For example in Loren Miller's version, you would find Ikadz in some Irripi Ontor temples.
  23. RQ3 Ice demons (Hollri) are in Troll Gods, cults book, page 41.
  24. As Phil said, but mechanically you can only have wicker extra large shields and can't have wicker small shields. Wicker mediums are crescent shaped. As for the others, it will be cultural. Praxians will use hide and bone shields for example as the materials are plentiful. See Weapons & Equipment.
  25. Some of you may have missed the errata for Strangers in Prax and likewise the Pendragon Pass personality traits: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/mrmob/errata.html
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