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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. If the archer has a skill of 100% and a composite bow at long range (200m) they've only 1/4 x 1/2 chance = 1/8. Seems good to me. Rune magic like Sureshot (Foundchild & Yelm) make this kind of shot a specialist undertaking. Given the ranges of bronze age archers, this all seems good to me. See The Range of the Ancient Bow by W. McLeod Phoenix , Spring, 1972, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring, 1972), pp. 78-82 on JSTOR (access may vary): https://www.jstor.org/stable/1086685 is a good short overview.
  2. Sorry I misunderstood as the expanded section of the reply that contained both spells. The current Cults of Glorantha has: Note that this has changed since the 2019 Previews.
  3. Upcoming Cults of Glorantha clarifies this further by saying: Instructions in sword technique will not be given for any price, but the cult does not prohibit lay members from learning Sword elsewhere (they do not wish to encourage training in the weapon which slew their god’s father). Likewise, Club or Mace is completely discouraged, due to the long-standing antipathy toward the Dark. So lay members may use swords, but that's it.
  4. Real world scorpions appear to be mostly immune to their own species venom. However if a large dose is injected into a smaller animal or into a sensitive area it can kill them (Google for more info). Overall just say no... Real world scorpions can't swim but can breathe through their exoskeleton for up to 48 hours. Scorpion men likely have their centre of gravity in the wrong place and would flip over if trying to swim. Overall just say no... That's exactly right. See the last question here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-11-magic/ Not in RQG but AH RQ, Magic Book, Strengthening Enchantment, page 58 Yes. The piece of jewellery would be very strong. There's no reference to a tattoo being needed. The whole location is enchanted. Nothing to worry about.
  5. There is Control (Entity) within that Control Dog and Control animal spirit (or dog spirit if you want to be specific). Control spirit spells work on discorporate entities. RBM 111
  6. Although the Lunars did loose the battle.
  7. In my games if you want a mutable illusion, it has to have an Illusionary motion component. Illusionary motion clearly states that The caster has a chance of manipulating the illusion equal to their DEX×3. As illusions are real, the only issue will be if the change is seen. The most common use of this when doing a magic show. Pour milk into a (real) hat, the milk is 2pts of Illusionary sight and movement, the magician then manipulates it and pulls out a rabbit. Then throws the rabbit into the air where it explodes into confetti. If the rabbit needs handling by the audience, add a point of Illusionary substance. All of that will cover a 15 minute show easily. Remember you only need to roll if it's a dramatic situation and then you can augment you DEX roll with ritual preparation (a warm up) or your illusion or movement rune. When I worked as a clown, magic was much harder than this. Yes, but you might want a better schtick than that.
  8. See the first few paragraphs of the Spirits & The Spirit World chapter, Characteristics of Spirits, page 365. It defines spirits, corporeal, non-corporeal and death. Undead have no POW is defined in Turn Undead, page 347 & Second Sight, page 264. Likewise in the Bestiary, search for undead.
  9. Except you don't get to go and celebrate in the cool theatre / music hall / arena, sing wild songs, do exotic performances and speak rousing poetry, you have to go and stand on top of a hill in the rain.
  10. A couple of Donandar cultists from the world of literature and TV spring to mind, that illustrate the nature of the cult Jaskier from the Witcher is your archetypal bard with all the tropes associate with it (wine, women and song. In RQG, he's just the person you want in group to get you the reputation you are after (per page 238). Hagman from the Sharpe series, a former poacher turned sniper. He knowns all the rousing songs and tunes for the right moment. I'm sure I've missed a few, but the point is you can be an actor to AmDram, professional or part time, singer, dancer or whatever and be part of an adventuring group.
  11. Ghosts are not Undead They'd be guardians of war graves, humakti shrines, battle sites, an honor to a great warrior to stay behind and not pass on to the afterlife, but still serve. Ideal for story hooks: Guarding the sword of a great Humakti hero until someone worthy comes along A group of ghosts bound to the area around the shrine of a humakti hero, perpetually worshiping him and maintaining the shrine. A nasty surprise for those who would make zombies from the fallen.
  12. See here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/pos/prince-of-sartar/chapter-3-the-white-bear/029-the-city-of-wonders/
  13. Speaking as @Scotty (otherwise I can't see what you are talking about) the Chaosium logo underneath moderators is the moderator icon. An Admin icon hasn't been set.
  14. As @metcalph said Kos 1ed, page 210: or KoS 2ed, page 180, Amstalli’s Book: Not sure what version of the text you're using
  15. Have you seen these? Background Worksheet Holdings/Family & Allies Adventurer Reputation Sheet https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-character-sheets/
  16. The original spirit is still there, but cannot do anything. If magically viewed, The entrapped soul is visible as an ugly smudge within the aura of the possessor. or the aura of a being suffering covert possession appears cloudy where the two spirits overlap. See Possession, page 370. There's loads of info out there about real world and fictional possession, I'd start with Possession in Man, Myth and Magic Volume 15 (if you join for free, you can borrow the book for an hour, these volumes alone make it worth it).
  17. It would work within the limit of the rules in my games, whether you want it to work in your games is entirely up to you. The spell doesn't cast out spirits, it controls dogs. Yes, if its POW is overcome, hence my suggestion the spirit may try to escape first. The dog is still a dog, it just has a different spirit. It has to act like a dog as it's dog shaped. If the spirit doesn't like its body being controlled, it will need to discorporate and escape.
  18. Runs fine on Monterey with Python 3.10.4 with the Python Launcher
  19. Yes as it's corporeal, but you would still need to overcome the possessing spirit's POW as usual. See Active Possession, RQB page 165-166. However the spirit could relinquish possession and attack the caster in spirit combat or even flee. It may even have other spirit powers.
  20. My players usually pick relevant stuff to their occupation, culture and cult. Most use the pictures of the pregens as a guide. Many have no armour (if not warriors or weapon users). Warriors usually just use their unit weapons & armour. Others have light armour like a hauberk and a strong hat. As for weapons most pick cultural, so i've a High Llama with a mace, but an esolian LM scribe with a staff and sling. The Storm Bulls have the heavy weapons like broadswords. The Ernaldan Merchant uses an Earth Elemental as their main weapon. Rules have virtually no impact on their weapon choices (one picked sling over bow as it did more damage and only required a stream bed for more ammo)
  21. (we were talking about non-orlanth initiates per OP) Only priests are full initiates. Non-Orlanth cult members can get the point of POW back! Hence Temporary initiates (see above). An Orlanth member would join Rex per the usual subcult rules on 282 and wouldn't normally have to pay a point of POW, but would need so for the magic. Likewise as it says on 301, Only tribal leaders can join the Orlanth Rex subcult. So a clan chief would need to join if they were going for a tribal position only.
  22. I think thats fine, they could be moving on to greater things. I'd give all initiates magic as has been noted. You have to pay a Rune point so it seems mean not to get any return. I would note however that the rune magic is pretty limited in use. Jeff has written quite a bit on his Facebook posts, search the archive here. You might need to search for Rex within each page.
  23. All people in the ring From my understanding, lay members. All the Orlanth Rex spells are mentioned in the Core Rules. Command Priests, Command Worshipers, Detect Honor. All use the Air rune, so if you are not of an air cult, you might not be any good at using them.
  24. yes, Barntar also gets a full separate cult write up. Mad Blood Malan was a Priest, not a chief priest of Orlanth Rex: Lay member = leadership position in a clan (no Rune magic) Temporary Initiate = city or tribal council position (access to Rune magic) Priest (permanent initiate) = Tribal king High priest = Prince of Sartar
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