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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Going back to the seminal Sun County. The Yelmalions with have different arrangements depending on their required actions: Full Plate - 1H spear & hoplite shield plus plate armour - guard duty or local defence Campaign Gear - 1H spear, hoplite shield, Javelin (2)& Self bow plus Cuirboilli & soft leather limbs & helm, scale hauberk - standard kit for local police actions and remote campaigning. Pike and shield - as Full plate, but with 2H Pike & hoplite shield plus plate armour - Mercenary units. None have a dagger listed, but I'd assume that was the case. So I would imagine Sun County cultural weapons to be 1H spear, 2H pike, large shield, Bow, javelin. Impala riders have bow, shortsword, Dart & small shield and dagger per RQG.
  2. I'd actually suggest freehand or a simple charting app (I use Pencil open-source, multi-platform https://pencil.evolus.vn/Downloads.html). I use genealogy software as part of my job and I can't recommend anything simple enough for what you are doing. Freehand lets you add stuff easily (start with a sheet bigger than you think or in a word processor A3). Write in pencil as you can easily change it. Charting apps are good as you can just drag stuff around and it remains connected. The simplest charts to fill in can be found on the LDS site You can see good freehands here:
  3. You can see it easier on the Starter Set Northern map. It's right on the lower edge, directly south of the former Temple of the Reaching Moon and now home of a dragon:
  4. I knew they were somewhere else, thanks.
  5. 13th Age Glorantha, Sartar Magical Union Feats, Snakepipe Dancers, page 331.
  6. In Enfants de la flamme, the king is given as Torvein and his daughter Haradinora. There's also a son, Olemdros. Enfants de la flamme is a whole Dundealos campaign / adventure. It's part of the French edition of RQ, nice book!
  7. For Bolo Lizards, have a look in the Bestiary, page 153. For Bolo Lizard folk, use the impala riders mods in the Core Rules, as they are pygmies. They are an Earth Tribe so give them +10% to their Earth rune. They favour Bolas, sword as their cultural weapon, and are light cavalry. Beast prices are covered in Weapons & Equipment. Outline from HeroQuest Glorantha
  8. If I define worst cult as those that players have never chosen and limit it to the RQG list, my players have never chosen Argan Argar, Eurmal and Engizi. I've had players in all the others. Your groups are likely to differ.
  9. Waha is the Culture Hero of the Praxians who teaches how to live in the Wastes, no magic required. The key element of his magic is the covenant, his other magic reflects his great feats. If you are going to play a Waste based game, Waha is a must. Outside of Prax, he's the god of butchers.
  10. This is a great question and also overlaps into other cities. Perhaps @Jeff might comment.
  11. Yavor Lightning although part of the orlanth pantheon is the Lightning. I'm not sure I'd describe him as a terrible spirit of storm and thunder (he's actually Lightning Boy).
  12. An esrolian Ernaldan noble women and her Ernaldan servent A rich Issaries trader and his Issaries assistant You gone for very extreme swaps here, keep the cults the same. Likewise difficult due to the cults. I'd go for non-military cults that specialise is hiding in plain sight, so musicians, actors, etc. Humakti and Yanafals would never work du to their truth aspects. Personally I think this could be very difficult.
  13. No offence intended, but marmalade spill 🙂
  14. and the blood libation. I'd suggest looking at A companion to Greek religion (https://archive.org/details/companiontogreek0000unse_o8m1/page/106/mode/2up?q=sacrifice) if you join you can borrow it for an hour. Have a look at ritual: consumption or destruction. It's full of sacrifice.
  15. Any of the basic passions can be used, depending on the situation. It's a flight or fight reaction. An adventurer could use Love (Family) when confronted with chaos. Do I fight and die to protect my family, alternately should I run so I can see them once again. Orlanth cultists for example will have Hate (Chaos) (an initiate requirement), so there's no issue there. At 80% they would stand anyway. When cast upon a single fighter, that person stands their ground and fights any Chaotic foe they face, even if they would otherwise flee. Face Chaos, just bypasses the roll. Orlanth & Storm Bull cultists would cast it before any morale roll is required.
  16. No, just use your adventurer's passions, units use a Guiding Passion.
  17. 0. Decide motivations of enemy group, ascertain if they will: fight to the death, press the advantage, fall back, rout, surrender. when not obvious go to 1.
  18. it links to a search for the term on this board where the references can be found. Striker was a 15mm tactical sci-if war game for Traveller, published by GDW: https://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Striker
  19. That's what your Passions are for, units use a Guiding Passion. We experimented with SAN in the Risklands campaign when it came out, but it just introduced another mechanic and value to track. We ended up just bolting on the morale values for GDW's Striker, we were playing a lot of 15mm tactical and most us could remember the values and results: Recruit 4, Regular 7, Veteran 10, Elite 13. 2D6 roll, with + for nearby leaders, - casualties. Depending on what you failed by gave you Suppressed, Fall back, Forced back, Routed results. War cults were veterans, cults that taught weapon skills were regulars, everyone else was a recruit. It was flexible, pretty simple to run and worked at the time.
  20. Just parking this here from another thread: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/9815-temple-of-the-wooden-sword/#comment-252154 "Chaosium Classics: Volume I - The Stafford House Campaign" collects Greg Stafford's essays about his RuneQuest campaign from 1978-81 into an 84-page softcover volume. Basic layout (Courier monospaced text, in honour of the original). Contents: Dragons Past #1-10, Son of Sartar #1-4, and three issues of the Pharaoh's Gazette from early 1620.
  21. I allow the sacrifice to count towards Rune magic (100/L point) and cult tithing (breaking away from the abstract section in Sacred time). Some cults, such as Oakfed offer different magic if you special your Worship roll, so increasing it makes sense. By whatever method most people will boost their worship roll to 100%, so it's not difficult.
  22. This may help: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/greg-stafford/greg-stafford-personal-works/dragons-past-1979-1980/ likewise this may help later when available: "Chaosium Classics: Volume I - The Stafford House Campaign" collects Greg Stafford's essays about his RuneQuest campaign from 1978-81 into an 84-page softcover volume. Basic layout (Courier monospaced text, in honour of the original). Contents: Dragons Past #1-10, Son of Sartar #1-4, and three issues of the Pharaoh's Gazette from early 1620.
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