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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. As @Nick Brooke says: Then start a new thread in the same vein as: Just add spoilers to the title and see if anyone will roll up and help with each NPC. Just don't block publish the original stats in bulk in the thread (that breaks the fan publishing rules).
  2. See https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/i/ikadz/ RQG's runes will be Disorder, Darkness, Chaos (from the unpublished prosopaedia) Lords of Terror (1994) gives rune spells as Pain Blow (use Pain Tooth from RBM) and Command spells for Pain spirits (see Passion spirits RQB). Loren Miller did a fan version here in 1997: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/GloranthaDigest/vol04/1609.html
  3. Just use the fire rune for her ancestor spells. No. Few cults and spirit cults have the spirit rune. Those that do can let the spirits of the cults cast the rune magic (like Daka Fal) Yes! or just use the Plant rune. It does say At this point, the referee is basically given carte blanche to develop the cult of Firshala as he sees fit. It might even be a good idea to allow the character who frees her to develop the cult.
  4. Remember that Strangers in Prax is three separate adventures, so unless reprinted as is: The Lunar Coders, no interest for the RQG timeline as they've left Prax. (by Michael O'Brien) Barran the Monster Killer, a Magasta ships captain and ships crew loosely tied into the River of Cradles with a series of adventures (Jonathan Tweet) Arlaten the Magus, as A Western Wizard, would need a major rewrite for RQG (by Mike Dawson) https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/avalon-hill/strangers-in-prax/
  5. Fortunately their role is Chaos Killer, The primary purpose of the Storm Bull is to prevent the rise of the Devil, or any associated form of Chaos.
  6. The easiest way to do this is to make Oakfed, the shaman's Greater Entity (see Stage Two—The Crossing, RQG, page 354). Then when choosing Shamanic abilities, give them all are Fire bent where possible, (Fire Spirit) Affinity is the most obvious, along with Show Spirit. Next, Create Wildfire summons Oakfed (used to be called Summon Oakfed). Shaman don't use Command (cult spirit) (expensive) they use Control (entity). Combined with (Fire Spirit) Affinity makes summoned Oakfeds friendly. With friendly spirits you are effectively gifting them with magic points in return for help, that can be roleplayed. There are a couple of ways of approaching Summoning Oakfed, Gaining a new shamanic ability is the key: Have the shaman journey to Oakfed's home in the spirit world, and make a new ability called something like Summon Oakfed (to actually bring down a fraction of Oakfed) or Embody Oakfed (to become Oakfed), etc. Have each point of Summon Oakfed brings an Oakfed starting at 96 on the Spirit Contact table (page 359). Alternatively the new shamanic ability could be a more powerful version of Spirit Pact (page 358) (call it Fire Spirit Pact or Oakfed Spirit Pact). Use it to reduce the POW cost for the shaman - each level adds +10 POW to the spirit's POW threshold, so normally 1 point of POW per 10 points of POW the spirit possesses, but works as Level 1 - 1 point of POW per 20 points of POW the spirit possesses Level 2 - 1 point of POW per 30 points of POW the spirit possesses Level 3 - 1 point of POW per 40 points of POW the spirit possesses The adventurer should be able to have a 5D6+6 POW (Ave 18) Oakfed for a single point of POW for starters. Just treat the oakfed as an elemental. In these versions Oakfed is alway with the adventurer (use Show Spirit to scare people)
  7. You may also enjoy Plunder (RQ2 but fully compatible). Contents from Plunder, More Plunder & others here. There's also the Plunder competition on this site that has four pages of items.
  8. Currently: Common Runespells: Can cast only cast 1 point ones, no elementals.Special Runespells: Chomping, Sweat Acid, Tongue, Venom BiteEnchantments: NoneSpirit Magic: All
  9. There's three types of Rune spells; Common, Special and Associate (which are also Special). If they want it after character creation - yes in my game. I always work this in as it integrates the adventurer in with their temple. Yes, selected at character generation.
  10. That's where that subcult is found. Lots of subcults have geographic limitations. Eurmal can also get Invisibility as an associate of Raven, so a quick trip to Prax is also possible. Dark Walk is Rune spell given from the Sandals of Darkness, Magical Weapon subcult of Orlanth (there are four of these subcults). Orlanth stole the Sandals of Darkness from Kyger Litor herself in the Great Darkness (which is why most trolls don't have this spell). Previously in my games, if players want any of the magical weapons they have to earn the right to have them. The previously mentioned Orlanth rune lord earned it on a raid deep into the troll lands of the Rubble. Under RQG, we've At the gamemaster’s discretion, an initiate can gain access to the cult’s special Rune spells in return for exceptional service to the cult, by donating the equivalent of 100 L per point of the spell, or for other reasons that further the cult’s goals and standing. So like all adventurers, it's never just pay and you have it, you have to work for it.
  11. Perhaps that's what they did 300 years ago when the game was set.
  12. The spell distracts anyone from seeing the caster. It will still set off warding or Market spells, detect life will detect the caster. Clear Sight (Sun Hawk, Dayzatar) specificall overcomes it. It doesn't make the caster silent, and the spell description even gives a modifier. This alone would allow a move silently vs listen roll. Not sure what more you need. Given Invisibility is limited to a tiny number of cults with specific roles, it's going to be a rarity: Annilla, Black Fang brotherhood Initiates (Pavis), Cacodemon priests, Crimson Bat initiates, Eurmal Thief (Kethaela, Tanisor, Ralios, Enkloso, and the East Isles only), Raven (Prax).
  13. It's specifically City Harmony, so Pavis is limited to within Pavis, Shargash within Alkoth, etc. The common magic likely works outside, but initiates of a city god are unlikely to stray far from the city as that's where they renew their rune points. There are a couple of other examples of this, like Kero Fin's three special rune spells can only be cast within the sight of her mountain. City gods are local by their nature, so is their magic.
  14. The priests and Rune lord (if there is ever another) can learn all of the common enchantments with the enchant Rune (metal) being iron. As usual, most of a city god's magic only works only inside the city walls.
  15. oops missed out the has - has all common spells and the single spell of City Harmony.
  16. Firstly the three weeks adventuring a season covers the temple obligations. Alternatively many cults support mobile rune levels, Orlanth adventurous, Issaries, etc. Likewise Godtalkers are a lot more free in their obligations. God talkers are often priests where no opening exists for a new priest.
  17. It's covered in the RQ Bestiary (page 69) , the cult is a synthesis of Aram-ya-Udram; the god-pig Gouger; and an unnamed darkness demon. They appease the earth with blood sacrifices.
  18. Depends on the city, but the key single spell is City Harmony (RBM 28), other magics are dependant on the relationship with associate cults. Under RQG Pavis is pretty much the same except all common spells (which existed in a different form) and the single spell of City Harmony. Cult runes are Stasis, Man, Harmony. There are small elementals available from subservient cults and a slew of spells from associate cults, just use Cults of Prax as is for all of this.
  19. You might be interested in Sandy Petersen's epic game log here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/petersens-campaign-log-1984/
  20. You mean this one: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/www.glorantha.com-forums/www.glorantha.com/forums/topic/sogs-ruins/index.html Note that some of the content on the Well of Daliath is not integrated into the search function: You can use Google's site search to cover it: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awellofdaliath.chaosium.com&oq=site%3Awellofdaliath.chaosium.com The sites are: Old Glorantha.com Forums (2013-2016) MOB’s old website (1999-2000)
  21. Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS)
  22. Thanks for spotting that, it's in the Dark Walk Q&A which has also been updated, so Dark Walk defeats both Darksee and Darksense.
  23. It was a single well prepared Rune Lord with specialist equipment, no penalty required. Dark Walk was specifically used for evading the Pavis night watch when it all went wrong. See Pavis: Threshold To Danger. @Jeff said Light spells are a good guard against Dark Walk, but the Pavis night watch don't use that spell... (also in RQ2 it was stackable to 2 points for double duration).
  24. Dark Walk defeats Darksense / Earthsense per RBM
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