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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. See Pavis GtA, page 54. I have this spirit cult teaching travel to the sky to find a Shanasee as a lover or husband, who is their source of power (as a fetch, greater entity, or worshipped spirit).
  2. I'm only going by the Nomad Gods counter: and the RBM illo on page 75. But as usual your game can use what it wants.
  3. For QuestWorlds, I keep them simple - water is enough. They don't provide plant magic, that's for Ernalda. For RQG, spirit cults rarely have more than one rune (defined by their rune magic if they have any). Dew could be appropriate or unique spirit magic like Clean Water (variable), 1L per point. Hidden Greens are effectively spirit land that becomes corporate (Genius Loci). In QuestWorlds I have them with the Magic Rune. In RQG, I'd build them using RQB page 171 and give them the Solid Form spirit power (I use a SIZ of 1D4x10 square kilometres - 40 is one AAA hex). Spirit and Earth. They have their own spirit ecology, so If they have an oasis, that would have its own spirit. Magic-wise they can have rune magic, but I would suggest Earth based.
  4. This is where Greek myth in Glorantha fails a bit. It should be something like serpent rider.
  5. It's a cut and paste from the main cult write up... Those two are cult specific and likely more common - so all initiates will have those two (for 4pts) and anything else that can be had for a point. Daka Fal is similar, but prefers no specific magic.
  6. I'm slightly confused by this. Seven Mother gets access to all spirit magic. You don't need to buy it in creation, but you can only choose 5 pts.
  7. There's no overt water cults, except Zola Fel. As usual most are members of Waha & Eirtha. Some will be members of water orientated spirit cults: Dew Maid, Frog Woman, Lucky Star, Oases spirits (like Moonbroth), River Horse, and Zola Fel.
  8. Personally, I'd be careful with this theme in my group, with pregnant spouses and players who've had difficult pregnancies. I use Lines and Veils in my games, and this is marked. You might want to consider extending the pregnancy through the Windstop.
  9. Looks great, very oesophageal!
  10. Yes, when the shaman discorporates - When manifest on the Mundane world, the fetch usually appears as an animal or other entity significant to the shaman, visible to anyone. (page 357), or the shaman has the shamanic ability of Materialize Fetch (page 360) or show spirit (page 361). If the shaman has the shamanic ability of Possession (page 360) or when the shaman is discorporate. It is the shaman. See page 355 The Fetch for other possible explanations dependant on the tradition. It's a part of the shaman's soul that extends into the spirit world. Yes.
  11. Most PC keyboards in the UK (as I know you are in the UK) actually have US layout where specifically the @ and " are interchanged. The glyphs are mapped to Shift 1-6. Try shift 2 (" on a US keyboard) and see if that works. As I've a UK keyboard, # is mapped to option-3 as shift-3 is £ Here's a docx file to help: Sorcery glyphs.docx
  12. When they are installed, they are a subset of the Glorantha Core rune font, just type the shortcuts when the font is selected as usual. then gives
  13. 2800m based on Pavis GTA maps. Head is over the real city, right elbow mani's fort, left foot main quarry. It basically covers the middle of the big rubble. Not over the north quarry.
  14. Considering that the Real City temple where Pavis resides is not far from the Garden, and who really knows what goes on out in the Rubble.
  15. When CoG comes out, you'll see that depending on the aspect, Gifts and geases can be replaced with re-roll... As it's only Speak with horses, I suggest re-rolling (It's too close to Eiritha's skills and magic to change to speak with impalas). With Never let a horse suffer needlessly. Change to mount or re-roll. As for Never eat the meat of horses I'm not sure that matters. Likewise the gift & geas list is not a fixed list as others have been given since Time began. The gamemaster should feel free to create new gifts and geases with these as examples. There are Yelmalions amongst most of the major tribes too, so it's not just impala riders.
  16. Human I's suggest annually on the High Holy Day. I'd have the High priestess embodying Sorana Tor and have the victim as her ceremonial husband sacrificed to renew the earth. The ceremonial husband. One of the children of a God-talker given to the temple. They would be raised to adulthood first. No. Go wild. I'd use one of the sacrifice examples in Joseph Campbell's Masks of God, Primitive Mythology (Vol. 01), in The Immolated Kings chapter: or
  17. and all the others in Genertela & Pamaltela (GtG 297 & 621)
  18. To clarify - from the upcoming Cults of Glorantha: Initiates: no restriction on children Male God-talkers: must be eunuchs Female God-talkers (Dancing Women): Any sons born to a Dancing Woman must be given to the temple. Daughters born must be dedicated to the service of Maran Gor or Babeester Gor. Shaker Priestesses: must be celibate. Note that the High priestess is attended by 47 male and female cannibal virgins who are also Dancing Women. So I don't believe that all male children are sacrificed per the Core Rules.
  19. Given that Sun County doesn't use horses as part of their make up, Kuschile Horse Archery will be much more common amongst the Praxian Yelmalions. As I said above: No idea on these. None of the Templars in Sun County have side arms. I alway imagine them kicking and using their shields to batter people.
  20. They use the Composite Bow. All bows are composite, except for Esrolians, Fishers & Light infantry who use self bows.
  21. Storm & Solar cultures are as old as each other, the 5 and the 6 souls have existed side by side in different regions. The 7th soul was the Red Goddesses's doing (but likely existed before in Dara Happa amongst a few). Does a an Orlanthi in the Seven Mothers cult have 6 (5+1) or 7 (6+1) soul parts?
  22. There is effectively another occupation - Assistant Priest, within the Priest occupation. Your parent takes you into the priesthood and trains you up to be the next priest. But you aren't a priest (yet). Players should try to get as many of the relevant abilities up to qualifying level as they can, Clearly they aren't going to get the 5 Rune points as they start with 3 (or more if they sacrifice POW). it's a proper occupation, others understand you are on the path to becoming a rune priest (or lord in some cases). One of my players did this. Their father is the local Bull Priest, so they became an Assistant Bull Priest. They juggled their adventurers to get all the right skills in the right places, but they are still not quite there. They are supported by the Local temple as they effectively have noble status and need to pay a high standard of living. I gave the adventurer one hide of land to manage that belongs to the temple to show their status (not enough income). They are still an Assistant priest, but can only become a God-talker, you might consider calling them an Assistant God-talker. They aren't yet a god-talker as they don't qualify (This means there are actually two occupations within Priest - Assistant Priest and Assistant God-talker). Think of this role as an apprenticeship, it's full time until they qualify. Make them Light Infantry as that's the standard Maran Gor career (the other bandit will be hard to rationalise). They will train with the others but all occupational skills come from priest. They aren't a God-talker yet. The cult of Maran Gor likely has a number of male assistant god-talkers at the temple, and so it's normal for this to work this way. I suggest that it is while they are assistant god-talkers that they become eunuchs. As Light Infantry their standard of living will be warrior not noble. As they are in the "system", they don't need another occupation. Once they qualify, I suggest basing their occupational skill on what they are doing in the game based on the usual Maran Gor occupations, which will be Light infantry (Battle) as the other, Bandit has no income! Overall the system is quite flexible on all of this. Note that it will be your mother who is the parent in the cult, unless you were conceived before your father became a god-talker...
  23. Sartar Companion, Old Wind Temple chapter (6 pages): The pilgrimage to Old Wind Temple is arduous and dangerous in the best of times. [...] If you fly, you'd still have to make the offerings.
  24. See: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/personalities-of-glorantha/personalities-of-glorantha-londra-of-londros/ and search here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=londra There is a boxed description of her in the Sartar Companion, page 76 in the Old Wind Temple chapter (6 pages):
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