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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It was a quick type out of the top of one of my players sheets (I only have a poor scan, with handwritten entries). Skill check boxes are easily typed directly on to the PDF. Usually my players work off PDFs, and add check boxes themselves where needed.
  2. Is the sample clan for Prax in RQG, page 141. Vishi Dunn, one of the pre-gens is a member. RQG page 90. Vasana's sage, page 235, has Yazurkial Blue Llama meeting the group.
  3. My three sorcery players didn't need more than this. I printed their spells onto a sheet similar to the one I posted previously, including the l combined chart. Even with seven spells it was small (left hand column only). They use the character sheet section to list what they had mastered, and list the spells with % and a tick box, there's room for 9-12 spells plus techniques & runes.
  4. This is Taitus the Bright's attempt to ensnare the Praxian Protectresses, it's a pre-dragonrise 1625 event, page 44, The attempt is broken, but at great loss to Argrath and the Praxians.
  5. Not sure what publication you are looking at, but I would suggest download the free copy of the Argan Argar atlas from DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178723/Argan-Argar-Atlas This will let you see the area with a colour coded elevations.
  6. Me, "Well they look like bronze, but it's really the bones of dead gods" Player1, "Cool. some weird mythical metal mashup" Me, "Yes, there are also other metals that look like gold, silver, and copper, they are also the bones of dead gods". Player2, "does that affect me hitting monsters with it?" Me, "No, but some of the metals have different hit points, some more, some less, they can take different amounts of damage." Player2, "Okay, so just different magical metals. Me, "Yes" Player3, "Do these magical metals relate to the real world properties of these metals, do you have a chart so I can see how they differ" Me, "No, I've a section of the rules that tells about them" Player3, "Whoa, no real world info? This is getting weird, I'm starting to feel a disconnection from reality. I need a metallurgy report. Me. "Maybe you should go home"
  7. Here's the one i've used with my players, just paste it over the spirit magic section on the adventurer sheet. You may need to scale it depending on your software. Please note, it was done specifically this way for the LM and Lunar sorcerers in my game that also had access to rune magic. For pure sorcerers just cut and paste some more lines over rune magic. Please note that this is nothing more than a cut and paste job, it also avoids posting an altered Chaosium sheet.
  8. We know they are wrong about this as there's a 25 page adventure about it in Pavis GtA. I won't say more to avoid spoiling the adventure for those who may not have played it. Good wikipedia articles have references to which the info is sourced from, in this case the source leads to an excellent article (link).
  9. The answer is the same as this Q&A one (link), except you are sitting on the other target. Although horses have a Dodge, I would likely only allow a warhorse a dodge. Horse training just keeps a horse steady in normal circumstances for its type. Injure the horse and it will like bolt (flight) for riding and cavalry, and fight for war horses... Blinkers existed in the bronze age, so it's appropriate to use them in RQG - then it will never dodge. They aren't appropriate for all horses, but this is already going into to much detail... https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/325082 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/324322
  10. Yes, according to current info: Orlanth Rex is a special subcult of Orlanth which is only found in Dragon Pass, Kethaela, Peloria, Ralios, and Maniria.
  11. No. Clearly not. Orlanth Rex is is a subcult of Orlanth. If you're not an orlanth initiate you can't join.
  12. It's the hook for the adventurers to meet and mix with the important people. It's a roleplaying opportunity not a rules opportunity.
  13. Except when they become lay members as part of their status - see the Adventure book page 86. There's enough info in the book to show how Rex works. Orlanth Rex is very straightforward: Lay members - people that hold leadership positions in their clan must typically become lay members. Initiate - appointed to a tribal or city council (temporary until they leave their post) Initiate - Tribal King - becomes High Priest of the tribal Orlanth cult.
  14. Other references to the Drinking Giant's Cauldron in general include: Guide page 459 (same as Genertela Book page 90) Eleven Lights pages 124-126 There's also a few gems in Hardy's excellent Glorantha mail list engine: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/swish-wrap.cgi?query=The+Drinking+Giant's+Cauldron&submit=Search!&metaname=swishdefault&sort=swishrank
  15. In shamanic practice, an illness is often described as being caused by a spirit that is in the wrong place. My microbiology lecturer basically said that microbes in the wrong place often cause illness. Not all spirits cause disease. Not all bacteria cause disease. Who's to say they aren't the same thing in this overall theoretic approach?
  16. it's unlikely to change unless something epic has happened.
  17. Start with the two short intros on page 11 - Keeping it bronze age and Keeping it fantastic. Look at the artwork in the books, it's not just there to be pretty, it's there to inform the setting. Then generally speaking use the real world cut off date of the fall of 1st century BCE. Any more modern technology should be one-offs, extremely rare or confined to a small region or people (although the text may not actually limit this). Greatswords in my world are rare and teachers are found only amongst the Humakti. crossbows, black powder, other mad stuff have a dwarf origin (see Dwarf weapons in the bestiary page 59) Usual dyes - Fantasy plants, animals and materials (keep it fantastic). A good example of of this kind of technology is cereal grinding. The rotary quern only appeared around 1 BCE, so glorantha is a saddle stone world. Except of course where there are dwarf mills! (Bostrop: This clan is famed for their dwarf-made water mill, which grinds grain into flour in Lismelder tribal lands and it causes all kinds of problems). Likewise there are no windmills to power mills, but water mills have existed since 3rd century BCE, so what do do. Well, gears are a dwarf invention in my mind... When using pictorial resources with players, aim for bronze and neolithic stuff, I tend to avoid any roman or medieval stuff. Keep it sword and sandals.
  18. You need to find a temple that has the subcult first. Not all minor temples have them. You need to join: pass three of the cult skills and favoured Passions and pay a point of POW.
  19. Firstly have a read of Greg's initiation essays for Orlanth and Ernalda. These should give you a feel for what you need: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/cultures/ernaldan-initiation-rites/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/cultures/orlanthi-overview/orlanthi-initiation-rites/ look at the steps for Ernalda especially. A Ulerian initiate should have Uleria's three aspects as part of the initiation, they are in the GM Screen adventure book, mixed in with the temple description, here they are in detail for the upcoming gods book: Uleria is also the moment of reproduction. When ever a god is born (whatever that means) Uleria is there. She is in every god's story, just not always visible. So the initiation should encompass all three aspects, likely as a test. So the first story would be Uleria courts (who ever is available). Any player of a different cult can play the opposite role. The second could be whenever a group is made, so Uleria's presence at the group's clan making or other bonding moment. Propagation part is causing something to reproduce in the quest. I'd have great fun with this getting player to invent the tasks. Uleria is illuminated, given that she's the cause of procreation - including chaos creatures... I believe that most Ulerian practices are very similar to tantric Buddhism and are practiced without the knowledge that they lead to illumination. Have a look at A Complete Introduction To Buddhist Thought, chapter 7 as framework. Here's a brief Ulerian take on the outlines: Importance of a teacher - should be an illuminated Ulerian priestess. Ritual use of mandalas - we can see them being used on page 7 of the Red Book of Magic. the transgressive dimension - the employment of ritual sexual intercourse as ritual offering. Revaluation of the body - a runic model of the body as the basis for generating blissful experience (yoga). the practice of connection between deities, mandalas, mantras, practitioners’ bodies—and other elements or factors that they are seen to symbolise or embody. See RQG page 21. Practicing Runic correspondences: directions, colours, hand-gestures, elements, etc Like the runic associations, but not mixing them. We can see Aileena on page 69 of the adventure book showing a two handed mudra (hand-gesture), each finger corresponds to an elemental rune.
  20. And to emphasise, further back too. The full cult writeup of Ernalda (Book 5 of RQ3, 1984), had no restrictions on the gender of Ernalda initiates. Only women could be priests, but Gods of Glorantha introduced Acolytes who could be men, RQG call them Godtalkers.
  21. and I gave mine away 4 months ago due to lack of space...
  22. There's a couple of answers in the Q&A here. Secondly don't confuse the rules as being a guide as to how the whole world is modelled. Adventures only usually give as much info as is needed to NPCs. For example in the GM screen pack, all of the those NPCs are major players in the adventures. We need to know all of their info as they are the basis on which to build cult and personal relationships. The Rock residents are in my mind a result of the adventure setting which to me explains why they are only lay members, along with they have just come out from under the Lunar yoke where Orlanth was forbidden. They are NPC shorthand for "ineffective". The Renekot’s Hope Residents are a similar example of a group of people that are not so important to the game. In this case the writer filled them out a bit more. Look at the Sartar:KoH chapter, the Cults of Sartar. It details numbers (and other info) for each cult in Sartar in 1618 The numbers will be updated for future RQG products (to 1625) in a similar style to Cults of Prax, appendix C, but these are a great starting point. see here for an example: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4291-pol-joni-guide-to-glorantha/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-176738
  23. Can you give an example(s) of where this has appeared in your games. If you have stats like mana and willpower as abilities or keyword breakouts, they are limited by their value. Likewise if a character has an ability of Mana 10M, that does indicate that compared to a normal person they have a huge resource. That in turn then is governed by credibility tests when framing their use in a contest. Bear in mind that the credibility will vary based on the genre. John McClane in die hard has a very high Tough Action Hero rating (once shoeless and in a vest), compared with Weedy physicist Sheldon in BBT (who is unlikely to take his shoes off or appear in a vest).
  24. It was actually Greg who suggested to me Cavendish's Man, Myth & Magic. The 1995 edition is available to borrow or read online from archive.org's library: https://archive.org/search.php?query=Man%2C Myth%2C and Magic
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