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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The Prosopaedia is the best place to start: Etyries, demigod Full Moon Corps, demigod soldiers Glamour, new god Great Sister, demigod, new god Hon-eel, new god Hwarin Dalthippa, Lunar Heroine, new god Iphigios, new god Jar-eel, new god Kana Poor, new god Nysalor, new god Red Emperor, new god Red Dancer of Power, Demigoddess Red Goddess Seven Mothers: Danfive Xaron, Deezola, Irrippi Ontor, Jakaleel, Teelo Norri, Yanafal Tarnils, She who waits, all new gods Yara Aranis, new god Old gods in the Lunar pantheon (there are more listed in the pantheon in the prosopaedia) Erelia and Verelia, The Twinstars Gerra, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Holder, Lunar underworld goddess Jajagappa, Psychopomp Jernotius, avatar of Rashorana Kalikos Lesilla, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Natha, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Orogeria Rashorana, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Sedenya Ulurda, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Verithurusa, is one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Young Elementals Zaytenera, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Full Moon Corps Try this search link for the Well of Daliath It's all there (some more than others) There aren't that many in total: 12 heroes and 3 superheroes Lunar: Beat-pot Aelwrin, The Red Emperor, Jar-eel the Razoress (superhero) Sartar:Gunda the Guilty, Jaldon Toothmaker, Prince Argrath, Harrek the Berserk (superhero) Independent: Androgeus (superhero), Cragspider, Ironhoof, Sir Ethilrist, The Dwarf, The Feathered Horse Queen, The Inhuman King, The Twins. The Blue Moon is a half-dead dead, and her empire was destroyed and her powers greatly reduced. There are only three localised groups that worship the Blue Moon: The Veldang in Pamaltela (two separate groups), the legendary Zaranistangi (maybe extinct) and the trolls of the Blue moon plateau. While a hero rising from these is not impossible, the cult is secret and no one knows anything about it. I'd look out for trolls who mysteriously join the cult of the Red Goddess.
  2. I always found that allying Delecti was a bit like a game of chicken. You have to sacrifice a unit, but if you don't the other side will. To create more zombies, Delecti or a zombie unit needs to be need to be next to units eliminated in combat. If you stack a couple of units with Delecti, assaults on the marsh become more difficult, with the side effect of the zombie chain getting longer. In quite a few games, I just sacrificed a unit to ally, then kept him stationary until I'm clearly winning, then move him out to create a mop up zombie chain. I always imagined Delecti making a land grab if the flood of 1652 does reach the march, the overspill will release any undead to feed on the flood victims, creating more zombies.
  3. I would suggest that oases spirits have different forms, some as limnades as Peter suggests, but some may be intelligent elementals, fish, water fowl, etc.
  4. Probably a centipede spirit RQB 167.
  5. I've used the characters as is. The edges were effectively augments and be safely ignored.
  6. While dated, Kallyr's stats in Orlanth is Dead (HQ1, no runes!) still work as a guide, these are her highest abilities (ignoring edges) Member or the Iron Ring of Sartar: 17W2 Loyalty to Followers: 15W2 Loyalty Kingdom of Sartar: 10W2 Close Combat: 5W2 Initiate of Rigsdal: 4W2 Guerilla Warfare: 2W2 For reference, these are the highest abilities of other major characters: King Broyan - Inspire Orlanthi 4W3, High King of the Volsaxi 17W2, Ranged Combat 16W2 Minaryth Purple - Two-Feathered Lawstaff 20W2, Initiate of Lhankor Mhy 16W2, Find Information: 15W2 As HQG. This post may also be of use: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/dad-how-good-am-i/
  7. The major reference is in History of the Heortling Peoples 107 in the Kitori enemies section. See also Glorantha Sourcebook 216, as they are in the Sartar Magical Union. They have the secrets of safe flight in the dark, so make it a subcult of Orlanth Adventurous (for Flight), that has access to Darksee, RBM 40. As an Adventurous subcult, it can have a mobile shrine (so put it where you want). To join you need to know Flight, when you pay the point of POW to join the subcult, you gain Darksee and the usual Rune point.
  8. It's what the Hidden Greens are, they are parts of Prax and the Wastes that were never captured back when the world disintegrated and have a longing to return. The monkey ruins are different because they were destroyed, but the Baboons can heroquest there to recover its former self. Don't forget that the Monkey King still exists as a spirit cult (see the Prosopaedia).
  9. The Pol-joni have been full Praxians for 200 years, they herd cattle, that are descended from Storm Bull and Eiritha, the same parents as Waha himself. While Orlanth is the Leader of the Pol-joni (25%), Waha (7%) is still the culture hero of the Praxians. Living in the Marches, rain is more important to the cattle, so Orlanth is dominant. 10K Pol-jon gives 3K men x7% = 210 Waha initiates, which gives them two minor temples each and likely a single shaman and khan. For big stuff, they'll have to go to a major temple, likely, the Paps or a nearby tribe's for major events. No, they are Praxians. See Pol-Joni box in the Guide page 446
  10. Note that Uralda was the Old Heortling name of a cow goddess from the period before contact with Prax was resumed. David Dunham thought that would be a better name for the 1330-era settlers in King of Dragon Pass than Eiritha. But it is now 1625, and we have more than a century of intensive interaction with the Praxians. And so Eiritha is her more commonly used name in Sartar. (See Cults of Sartar post).
  11. In short, yes there are other local masks of Storm Bull, like Bisos who is the god of free men. I've always seen these other bull gods as the counterpart of whoever is the cattle goddess (mask of Eiritha). Free resources: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=bisos https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=bemur https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=Tawar https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s="bull+god" See also https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/swish-wrap.cgi?query=bisos&submit=Search!&metaname=swishdefault&sort=swishrank
  12. Yes. Bisos in the Yelm pantheon is a mask of Storm Bull, see the Prosopaedia page 16. Lightbringers also mentions another mask, Bemur (see Enclosure 1).
  13. The Northern Sartar map in the Starter is based directly on Greg's master map, so is now the de facto standard. The GM Screen pack are art maps, giving a general idea, but not really accurate, but good enough to game with. As a side note, remember the Rotroots are Varmandi, not Hiordings and that the hamlet is shared. I put the Rotroots on the northern side of the hamlet, closer to the Varmandi (the border is the river).
  14. The Heler glyph appears on page 98 of Lightbringers. It's not mentioned as a rune in the text, hence referred to as a glyph
  15. In an old game the Sartarites called Pavis Gay Pavée...
  16. Personally I don't think i've ever said Yelmalion, as Yelmalian rolls out much easier...
  17. In Cuentos de la MilIcIa del Condado Solar, the Spanish translator used yelmalita, yelmalitas. Is that from the Swedish Sun County?
  18. Yelmalion, Yelmalions. RQG 409. Yelmite, Yelmites. Upcoming fire / sky book Vingan, Vingans Praxians, Beast riders, Animal nomads Esrolian, Esrolians. RQG 24 Ernaldan, Ernaldans. RQG 86 Pavisite, Pavisites. Pavis Classic 19, et al.
  19. PDF page 96, Umath’s Ruins, and each took part of him before sending out into the world. -> spreading PDF page 98, and the stars become increasingly visible the stars.
  20. Start a thread on Alastor's Skull Inn.
  21. Sure, these are Jeff's notes from ten years ago, I'm just going by what's recently published. The correct link is: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/history-of-malkioni-thought-brithini-and-first-age/
  22. The Blue book is the genealogies and synonyms of the gods (Prosopaedia 123, GtG 53)...
  23. It's called the Divine world glyph. It's had a number of uses and meanings over the years, in addition those above. It appears in the Glorantha Core Rune Font as the place holder for Godsday (now replaced by fate ) Note that the Khodavan version is a square shape and opposed to the rounder version above (and has a different meaning inverted) The Theya glyph is much uglier:
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