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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s="Cult+of+Silence"
  2. We know from the Book of Red Magic (page 2) that the Revised Red Book was the first time the God Learners synthesized different spells with near-identical effects into a common spell with a descriptive name. Bladesharp is specifically mentioned: the label Bladesharp comprised a thousand different spirit techniques for enhancing the deadliness of a bladed weapon. So it's likely that cult specific names still exist (for those wanting to complicate their games). At my table, Bladesharp is routinely called the 5% sword buff.
  3. You'll see sub runes in the Prosopaedia and in the upcoming Cults of RuneQuest books. Some core rule cults will see their cult Runes refined (like Yinkin gets Shadow, but there's no mechanical difference) As said by others, just use the main Rune.
  4. We just use the main categories as (Rune) Keywords and skills below as breakouts. We also used Occupation and (Alien Race, or Droid when appropriate) as a keyword. The main Keywords were those with the highest dice to start with. Force abilities are broken out from occupation (Jedi, Alien student of the Force) Eg: Cynical Scout Knowledge 1M +1 Languages* + 1 Planetary Systems* Perception 13 + 1 Persuasion* Strength 17 Ithorian 13 Scout 17 +1 Space Transports* Cynical 17 Blaster 13* *5 Abilities 12 points left to spend 3 Flaws left to describe
  5. Try messaging Guy on Twitter, he's active there (@milnermaths)
  6. At the local site maintained by their Master Hunter. It's a nomadic cult so nothing permanent. As Waha, Yinkin and Odayla are associates, in larger temple of those.
  7. Although theism doesn't really follow any spirit society model. but if you want to do that in your game that's fine. If my players were based in Clearwine, and only worshipped at the Lightbringer temple I'd likely allow it.
  8. As it's based on the concept of real world spirit societies, it is very variable as it's based on the shaman who heads the society. Societies are very unlikely to contain hostile or propitiated spirits. For example a shaman that leads the Shadow People, may be a member of Malia is times of great broo attacks and the spirit is added to the society for a while, but no worshipper learns rune magic. They just pay the propitiatory magic points. When the danger is over, they stop, the shaman no longer includes Mallia in the ceremony. Another shaman may not include Mallia like this (for many reasons), the worshippers would have to have a separate Worship (Mallia) skill.
  9. At their weekly worship ceremony per Congregation in the Core Rules, page 378. Yes, this is the basis for spirit cults. As you start to worship more spirit, you need to have a different worship skill for each one (start Yes, however most spirit cults give only a few points of spirit magic. So having your CHA of Rune points is more likely if unusual.
  10. Yes, they changed. You now pay £10 per year to have access. I did it recently.
  11. I've got a copy now. Which Convulsion was it? (In my memory they are all the same event 🙂 )
  12. The problem of adding the word physical is that a plant spirit would be plant and spirit. The plant part of spirit isn't physical either. Form Runes are just that, they don't have to be physical.
  13. I vaguely remember this, do you have any idea who videoed this? Danny Bourne springs to mind (he's on Facebook)
  14. It's the same. If it's in the cult write up, then it's specifically forbidden.
  15. Good catch, I've just checked the current lunar draft (as a possible error) and it does now use -10% per season, but it still works out the same (12 months x- 5% =-60% / 6 seasons x -10% =60%).
  16. Outside the windstop yes, inside no. After the windstop, everything slowly returns to normal. So out in the Wastes there are likely a few new Praxian Wind Lords created on holy days, likewise over in Maniria. Initiations would continue as normal. Trilus in Balazar is also unaffected so the temple would continue as normal.
  17. Per Cults of Prax Classic, Seven Mothers, page 44: Vostor is 21, so imaging him initiated at 18, gives 36 x -5% = -180% any tests. If for example he was to try and join Orlanth, the Requirements are Standard, so as long as he has the either the air or movement rune at 50%, he can try the test. That is roll 3 successes on any cult skills or favored Passions. That's going to be hard as it will be at the base 5% (due to the massive minus). As he needs to be a lay member first, I'd allow him to buy off each month on a one-for-one basis. It's not easy joining an enemy cult. One shortcut would be to take a loyalty to a Rune Lord or Priest (at 60%) at use that to offset the minus by proving to them your willingness to convert.
  18. Not yet. But in RQ2 cults write ups, it tells what each Spirit of Reprisal does, RQG will likely be the same. For example: Orlanth has 4 listed types, each with a different method of reprisal ranging from attacking the target while in combat until they pass out at 0 magic points, to spoiling milk and giving coughs.
  19. If it doesn't specifically say they can't be shaman, then they can. Some cults have specific shaman, but if they don't, a shaman can just be a normal initiate. Some cults while they allow shaman to be initiates, specifically forbid them to become priests (but doesn't forbid them to be god-talkers). It's simpler than you think. For example Humakt doesn't forbid shamans, RQG uses shaman and shamans. Sha-man not shame-n.
  20. Midwives follow the Ernalda subcult of Eninta, goddess of childbirth who provides Birthing (and is likely the focus for those who would chose the other birth related magics)
  21. Dendara has the same Runes as Ernalda (Plus light), as does Faranar. You'll be able to see who else is Ernalda in the Prosopaedia.
  22. I'd be interested to hear of anyone else who has had a problem with this at their table. I don't use masteries until the until rolls are need and keep the numbers raw. In your example, 7M3, I'd leave it as 67 as bonuses often change this. No one had ever had a problem with dividing by 20.
  23. Fortunately you know wrong. Official write-up is in Wyrm's Footnotes #12 (1981), pages 16-18. The outline is in Personalities of Glorantha – Fazzur Wideread (1998), but his RQ stats and Griffin Mountain style NPC sheet are only in the magazine.
  24. Try this. (if you need need more, just make more second sheets) Mounted Squad Sheets.pdf
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