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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. I thought it was founded at an ephemeral sword shaped oasis in the Wastes by the High Llama hero Karkajan. The entire oasis is the band's wyter.
  2. I don't believe that masking is possible, although different cults will manifest different magics differently. A Lanbril initiate casting Conceal Item is likely not going to be noticeable to most people or given that it works by misdirection, it could be very noticeable, just not noticed. Thiefly magics by their nature will be less flashy, although initiates of the cult will likely notice (and see the godly manifestations). Look at the manifestations of Annilla and Eurmal on page 8. Also look at the art in the book, page 73 has Remove Eye, Eurmal is manifest, but the caster did it behind a wall. Depends if the caster was visible. See above If it failed to go off, no. If resisted, yes. Bear in mind that the effect of the spell's manifestation may not reveal what it is. If someone casts Ignite on you and you fail to resist, you are very likely to see the flame and feel the heat. If Madness was cast on a target and succeeded, the spell effects take over and you're not able to understand what's happened as you are dealing with the spell effects. In practice use a common sense approach to interpreting his. The overall premise of Rune magic is it's something you are. By using it you are the manifestation of your god. That's why it's usually visible.
  3. The best place to start is the cult as that's what it's based around. First look at temple sizes: Site (0–125 lay members and initiates) Shrine (75–225 lay members and initiates) Minor Temple (150–500 lay members and initiates) Major Temple (400–1,000 lay members and initiates) Great Temple (750–4,000+ lay members and initiates) So when a High Khan and associate khans meet - there's about 1300 initiates in total (the High khan has a band too and includes 3-4 other khans) so that's a Major temple. I realise that they could be a great temple, but I'd reserve that for the Paps Khan as they have the infrastructure for the associate cults. Each of the 12 khans has 100 initiates (plus associated lay members), so 100 = a shrine. Occassionally they will get enough to create a Minor temple, or two groups meet up. Best to look at Holy days. One per season in Stasis week, that's the best time and it means you can make a major temple and get access to all rune spells. Where would likely by prior arrangement at or near one of the holy places: The Block, The dead place (on the edge), Stormwalk Mountain (rarely). In the Wastes: edge of the Krjalki Bog, always at Chaos Box, likely a few others I've forgotten. Band. They are not clans. No. It's a religious group. Yes, they are still members of their original clan and tribe, Storm Khans can get a gift each year from their tribal khan: "This gift must be at least three beasts suitable for riding or eating, as specified by the priest, and the exchange of all damaged weapons from the Storm Bulls for as many repaired and whole weapons from the tribe." if they miss it one year it is not cumulative! To their Khan. They are inter-tribal so mixed groups exist, along with sole tribe groups. The Bullocks are a Storm Bull band loyal to Argrath (see Glorantha Sourcebook page 43). There is also a member in Pavis GTA page 101. They first appeared in the Dragon Pass board game as part of the Sartar free Army: They probably don't ride horses unless they are Pol-joni. Karkarjan’s Sword is a made up name for you to with what you want.
  4. Inside the Glowline all lunar magic works just like all other magic. No penalties, normal duration. See RQG 303.
  5. Heal Wound (1) Cure Chaos (1) = 2 Rune points Shield 2 +Extension 2 (0) = 2 Rune points (extension just makes the spell last longer not "bigger" click this link...) Multispell lets you cast more than one spirit magic spell, it doesn't overcome any Countermagic as part of its casting. You still need to pay the separate magic point costs for each spell, the exception being disruption which combines. As a 1 point spell, the answer is 1 Rune point.
  6. The full paragraph RGG 248 and RBM 6 says typically means in most cases or usually, not all, and combined with may always and regardless of type, clearly reads to me that any spell may be boosted, offensive or not. As a GM I'd have no problem if a player wanted to boost a light spell to avoid it being taken down easily.
  7. Missionary workers generally start out by helping the misfortunate: orphans, poor people, those shunned by general society for what ever reason. Active proselytisation rarely works as it tends to call attention to the person. Here in the UK, we have the shouting on street corners variety and the soup kitchen variety. Have a look at talking to the Moon Woman in HeroQuest Voices: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/issaries/heroquest-voices/ see above. The trick is not to be confrontational. In previous games, my players worked for the lunars as individuals they were just like them. Sure, the local thane might send some warriors to watch them in case they summoned any chaos. But once those warriors had been give a cup of tea and asked to help hold this yarn so I call roll it into balls, their perception likely changes. It doesn't work on everyone, but it will work on most people.
  8. this is exactly what spell boosting is for; reinforcing defensive spells and giving an extra punch for offensive spells.
  9. There is also a page in Pavis GtA, called Lunar settlers in New Pavis, page 15. It covers enough outline; language, cults (Bisos & Turos for Carmanians) , occupations and names to make RQG adventurers even though it's for HeroQuest.
  10. We also have a third thief god - Orlanth. He stole the Sandals of Darkness (see Cults of Prax). I once asked Greg if Lanbril was actually a mask of Orlanth the Thief, to which he just laughed and said of course not (make of that what you will).
  11. This might help: The Pavic Tradition
  12. Maybe, if the GM feels that the preparation is right. I wouldn't allow a mechanistic die rolling off stage event, but would certainly allow for thoughtful preparation, correct materials, and ritual preparation as part of an adventure. Why are they creating it? Who is it for? What do they do to prepare the object for the matrix? If they just want two, just to sell, then unless they were a merchant, i'd say it was unlikely to work.
  13. Like a lot of things this is a GM call. Depending on what the adventurer was trying to achieve, whether it contributed to the story, MGF, etc. Can you give an example of how this came up in your game. It's always good to look at the practical issues in play. For example, if my group were trying to make a copy of a magical item, they might very well be trying to do this.
  14. To be fair, we have no details of what did or didn't happen after it went to sea. We only know that Harrek and his Wolf Pirates met it at some point. Any captain could have blessed the cradle, if only to curry favour with the giants. Magasta himself could of carried it safely through, but only those aboard at the time would actually know.
  15. Given the trade value of Pavis (and the success of the sable monopoly under the lunars), I suspect most tribes are aiming to reinstate their place on the Pavis council as originally set up by Dorasor. It was only the mess of the failed 1572 coup that led them losing their rights and place on the council. There are still tribespeople alive that remember what it was like before. Argrath will ultimately restore the status quo.
  16. Thanks for posting this, excellent resources. Sadly my understand french speaking academic failed (sadly no subtitles) This is excellent, great inspirational pictures too. Excellent - the more chiming metal the better!
  17. Yes, should be an or not an and. (corrected). Why wouldn't Air be useful in resisting having it sucked out of your body. You can use any rune as long as the GM agrees. The associations in the Adventurer chapter are just that - associations, but not the only ones. The idea of using the Moon rune to resist suffocation is hilarious given the conflict between the two runes. Th best way to use the associations lists is a starting point. Any that players come up with in game that gel with situation are great.
  18. This is exactly what Reputation is for. Using Steal Breath would start to ramp up their reputation (in the bad way), people will start recognising you for what what they've heard you do and acting accordingly. Victims will use their Air rune to augment their POW vs POW roll, or use their Earth rune to augment their CONx5 roll.
  19. Wet weather stream is about right. Go an visit a stream head and see what’s there, often nothing. But that doesn’t mean it’s not rising there. A good example here in the U.K. is the head of the river Thames. It’s just a field with some seasonal springs. Unless you dig down and make a lined pond, so water can rise up into it. Often you have to go down a metre or so to do this. The residents of Apple lane likely know where the source is, likewise the Varmandi know where the other branch is.
  20. There is a stream. Looking at the new map, one of the Swan River's two forks rises by Apple lane. Given the basic geography and looking at the catchment area it would make sense that there are springs at the foot of the hills. Look also at the map in the classic edition. The temple (actually just a shrine) has a "the steam room, where .. a guest may have a hot bath with water and steam." Veering away from Roman ideals (too late for Bronze age Glorantha), and looking at bronze age societies (Babylon, Egypt, etc) instead: Water sources could be springs, rain and well (or likely all three). Heating water for steam is likely hot rocks. Bathing is a bit more complicated as it could be cold water, normal for some societies or if hot, some kind of vessel, maybe a sacred copper urn. If we use the Babylonian concept of bath, it's more like a shower: https://www.plumbingsupply.com/pmbabylon.html If you want an underground room solution with a small spring or a rain capture system that also works: https://www.history.com/news/ancient-ritual-bath-unearthed-in-jerusalem Water temperature: https://www.dollarshaveclub.com/content/story/its-getting-hot-in-here-the-evolution-of-the-hot-shower-from-ancient-egypt-to-today
  21. Sort of. Storm Bull has no priests, just rune lords, so High Rune Lord 🙂 These are extra special allied spirits (in addition to your allied spirit if you have one). You summon them for purpose. So a standard seasonal heroQuest might be like doing your khan making again - going naked and weaponless into the Devils Marsh to fight chaos. When killing your chaos foe, a part of the Bull will appear as a Storm Bull thank you, perhaps depending on the killing flourish or just your intent.
  22. Sure, that's always the best way. It will specifically say what you can't do. the only restriction is no sorcery. That's a story hook. You need to be the top Storm Khan to be High Storm Khan. There are no requirements other than that of a Storm Khan. I have sent that as a correction. But only a season now.
  23. The basis for the SB groups continued success is the support of all the clans in the area. Rather than having a semi-perminant base they receive tribute from everyone. They are effectively a very specialised warbands supported by all tribes. They don't have their own herds. Tribute can also mean protection money. If you want to graze Twixt, then you better have all the SBs well fed and supporting you (it is their duty and your duty to look after them). The reverse is certainly not true. A CA healer out in the wastes is a massive story hook. There are a few CAs amongst clans, but they best serve large groups of individuals not berserkers. Remember SB Khans marry Earth priestesses. If a SB initiate qualifies as a shaman, they may be become one. If they qualify as a khan, they can become one too (it's not forbidden, unlike sorcery). The High Priest must perform a ritual heroquest to obtain a Bull's part. Once they've got it it is like an extra allied spirit. As I said you can always have your semi-perminant groups.
  24. There's no other references I can find other than that one. So you can make up what ever you like. Red sword could be its actual colour or just its name The Red Sword of... It could just be a normal sword with a ceremonial aspect or it could be a magical sword or all of the above. Personally, I'd go for the Xylena vetusta angle. Make it a dog sized with a spirit and sit around (hidden) as personal protection, silently flies around, lashing out with a huge proboscis (go wild)...
  25. Settlements are rare in the Wastes, except for oases (permanent and ephemeral). Nomads as the name implies don't settle as it's effectively a cultural taboo, even Storm Bulls. Although being an inter-tribal cult, means they are supported by most clans they encounter. On the Krjalk bog-side however there are two of the rich palace grazings', the Twixt Grassland (south) and Waha's Blessing (north). The palace grazings' always have a high Storm Bull content due to their proximity to the bog, and they subsist off grateful clans grazing there. The Place Grasslands are a full on location for all chaos fighters (Broos For Sure), as they butt right up against the bog. (see the guide for the others). Here are the colour bands going outwards: 1. Chaos Place. 2. Broos For Sure. These places border a Chaos place. Warriors are on Constant Guard. The elderly, women, and children are in the centre of the herd, the animals about them, and the men on the outside sleeping only in the saddle. Attack is inevitable. Examples include any of the Palace Grasslands. 3. At Least One Awake. Some form of attack by Chaos Herds is inevitable, Warriors are on Normal Guard. The herds are not forced into a single body surrounding the elderly, women, and children. 4. Only Some Guards Needed. Greystone Well (oasis), is occasionally surrounded by the Family Bison Grassland (north east only offers grazing every 1 in 2 years), and has a deep, narrow opening means that water has to be continually lifted by shadoof, so is not ever damaged by large herds. Hoofcrack (oasis) Mallia’s blood fell here in the Great Darkness, and her spirits still plague the herds. Only the Morokanth, their herd-men, and other hoofless beasts are able to safely water here. The Oasis People here are always suspected of collusion with Chaos by the other Praxian tribes. So there is a concentration of Morokanth Storm Bulls here, keeping an eye on everything. Both oases have a oasis folk population of around 500 each (each a clan). Any of these four areas make ideal roaming places for Storm Bull bands. On the Dead Bottom side, the Dead Bottom grazing only offers grazing every 1 in 2 years. It's popular with the High Lama clans (due to the water). The chaos problem here is Chaos Box, and as we know that only pops out a monster every Storm Bull High holy day, so there's always a crowd waiting. They normally travel through the gorge cut by the Serpent that drains the bog. It's rare for a chaos outbreak to get beyond the Chaos Place or Broos For Sure, unless there's a TPK, overwhelming numbers or they fly off... As a note, Chalana Arroy is rare in the Wastes, Ernalda amongst the Oasis folk and Eiritha amongst the Nomads is the nearest for healers. Nearest group is at Horn Gate. Strength is available to Khans who have the Bulls Heart spirit (see Cults of Prax until the Gods book appears). Likewise they have access to many spirit cults and Shaman, so strength isn't a rare spirit magic for them. It's just not cult specific that's all. A storm bull Shaman could provide it easily. The Storm Bull groups are pretty well defined: There's about 10K Storm Bull initiates in Prax and the Wastes, of which about 100 are Khans. 5-8 High Khans each with about 12 Khans, each with a band of about 100 initiates. Some of these will form part of a tribal group, and some at the Paps, the block, etc. I hope this helps, but as always, just make up stuff you want to do.
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