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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Even though the Praxians were effectively an Orlanthi culture in the First Age, there is no Praxian Trickster. Eurmal may exist amongst the Pol-joni, but only as a reflection of their Sartarite/Praxian tribe status. it's no coincidence that the next on the list is Niti Fer a Waha, a demonic imp of Pent. Two demonic imps one from Prax, the other from Pent. This to me is the same entity with different masks, and also defines their range. I suspect it's a spirit cult found amongst both cultures. Praxian members may have access to a few rune spells. I would place it amongst the spirits known by the sunset society. I'd give them frightener and/or imp trickster magics.
  2. Of course it was Argrath, Brabonry Chief-priest, New Jonston, in 1892 says that he dragon did not exist before, and came to Argrath’s summons.
  3. Mob's old site is archived in the Well of Daliath: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/mrmob/thegettingofwisdom.htm
  4. No browser - as a Java App. https://www.java.com/en/ direct from oracle, Click here to download the zipped Ephemeris java app, unzip and run the EphemerisII.class file (on a Mac running Big Sur).
  5. I've just checked that this venerable Java app still works - and it does, get it here. (your experience may vary...)
  6. Looking at his early life answers some of this. His earliest Dragon encounters are in the Wastes. I have him on his Praxian initiation doing an as yet undiscovered Task of Waha, Waha and the Dragon, at the taboo Dragonteeth hills. Although taboo for Praxians, he's not yet one. so not taboo for him. At the Dragonteeth Hills he meets Meeting All Eyes Open But One, and receives the Dragon tooth warriors. Yazurkial Blue Llama is also there on his khan making, Yazurkial later brings the Shadow Dragon to the Moonfall. I can only speculate as to what happened at the meeting with Dragon, but I suspect he was given the teeth as the seed of some great dragon plan. I play it as Yazurkial is the Dragon vehicle, and Argrath is in his dragon field. The list in KoS, then details his further steps in Argrath Dragonfiend, clearly out of order. Where did he get Ormsword from? The EWF Banner was likely recovered from the EWF's old headquarters where ever that was. It's clear to me that he was sponsored by the dragons, perhaps they needed human intercession to do things like bring down the moon. He gradually added to his draconic repertoire, rather than being a full on member of a draconic order. perhaps the dragonewts understood this and slowly loaded him up.
  7. There's a short scenario based on the Nymie Vale one in Sartar Rising Part 3, Gathering Thunder. It's now marked as Manor ruins on the Colymar Tribes map. It's near-ish to apple lane. Sartar KoH gives more details on its operator, Overovashtells. It also tells us the second one was in lower Streamvale. The Crescent Manor is in Limelder lands, details in Wyrms Footnotes 15, Sartar companion,
  8. From a roleplaying perspective, why not use what's there to expand your gameplay. You can play it anyway you like in your game. My players enjoy the idea that their roleplaying actions contribute to the overall setting.
  9. That's correct, they don't pay tithes on the herd. It goes straight to the temple and goes to look after everyone. The income supports their lifestyle as per page 406:
  10. Of course I'm not sure. Fortunately it's not explicit in the rules, so allows a roleplaying opportunity rather than the mechanistic you pay 10% of your money at the end of the year, blah. blah, blah. It encourages players to develop their adventurers, gaining wealth by keeping animals and having families to manage those resources. We already have a temple budget on page 406. Here's what the two Storm Bull Players in our group came up with (handy having an accountant in the group, who can quickly make stuff up) : 150 Hiording initiates, 1 Bull priest (and one nearly Bull priest). All warriors pay 6L per year = 148 x 6 = 886 L. Nearly Bull priest is a noble so pays 20 L The Bull priest pays 90% of 200 L = 180 L, so 1086 L in total. Wealth owned by the Minor temple, 20 cattle & horses. The Tribal Queen gives 20 cattle. The temple maintains a herd of cattle, bison, high llamas and horses. For a total of 2 hides of income. It also replaces any mounts lost by members (cult support) So income is about 1100 L / year / 6 holy days =180 L / 150 members 12 Clacks. So everyone gets beer and a chicken on holy days. What more do they need? This does not include goodwill donations for killing chaos and gifts for loyalty bonuses (not so important for Storm Bulls). Or the Bull priest's extra income for teaching spirit magic or donations for rune magic. This covers "The Priest must provide food, weapons, and magic, and will try to provide followers with choice mounts, gold, and other favors." Only a fool would try to ransom a Storm Bull cultist, and few come to the temple seeking their specialist magics. I actually think there's two main Storm Bull groups in the Colymar, one at Clearwine (but no Bull priest in the GM screen adventure book) and the players group in Swan, but a single minor temple. So we will fudge this around sometime. I broke the 150 down into about 9 per clan plus 30 in the Ernaldori, and Hiordings respectively. The clan ones are a quarter part of the full time clan warrriors, with the remaining - ready for muster. This will alter the economics above, but I will just increase their holdings so they get beer and chicken every holy day.
  11. Click on the collection button, then +Add In edit macro \\ NOW SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE WINDOW, make it visible to all players, save Changes In the Macro window, make sure Show quick macro bar is ticked and In Bar is ticked In your main window, you can move them to the order you want using a tab on the right side side and change their colour by cmd clicking / right clicking
  12. and that's how to play it. My players quickly realised that the sacrifices count as cult tithes. If a Storm Bull warrior earns 60 L a year and gives 1/10 a year to their khan, that's 6L. They can sacrifice 1 L per seasonal holy ceremony day. So they take 10 chickens to each ceremony, i give him +10% as it's 10, not 1 chicken. Who doesn't like chicken? The Orlanth Thane, takes a sheep to each one from his herd.
  13. No. Page 141 If it happens in down time (5 out of 8 weeks), making them roll won't add fun to the game.
  14. Unless you are a cult that specifically guards members of other cults - Babeester Gor for example.
  15. I use Roll20 and Zoom at the same time. I use the adventure straight from the book beside me, and keep the PDFs open in the background. I use Roll20 to manage the RQ character sheets (my players like them) and to manage dice rolls from the sheets (my players like the dice roller). I've set up some generic dice rollers as macros on the bottom of the screen (shared with the players). For movement on maps when needed I use Roll20 as well. The RQG sheets can be setup for full characters (4 pages), an NPC sheet (below) and Quickstart. For everything else I use zoom, better sound and video (for me). I share images on Zoom too as then you don't have to upload them to Roll20 which can be time consuming and fiddly to display. For handouts zoom is easier as I can use prepared stuff with no changes. I use a PDF viewer to manage the rulebook. Roll20 has a learning curve, which can be steep for some. The character sheets are pretty good. I do combat Strike ranks outside of both, on a piece of paper. Juggling your screen takes get a bit of getting used to. Here's a recent encounter the players had. I've roll20 open with the tactical map in the background, I've an NPC sheet open for the Dragonsnail, I keep the Roll20 results visible in the bottom right corner. The luck runes roll the dice. The dragonsnail pic is shared in Zoom. The generic rollers are handy for when the players need to roll the reputation of someone they meet or I need them to make a roll that they don't need to know why they are rolling. Each of the games in our club has it's own slack channel, so if there are issues (internet down etc) they get put there from a mobile device usually. We have few if any problems.
  16. Argrath and the Horned Man were friends at school. When the Red Emperor kicked sand in the Horned Man's eyes, Argrath sorted the bully out. At his shamanic initiation, he married the Horned Man's sister. When the Red Emperor appeared at the wedding disguised as the Bad Man, the Horned Man's sister threw him out.
  17. As your shaman mentor stands aside at the start of the sacred ceremony, tuts, and the low whisper of God learner is the last thing you hear as the Horned Man stamps on you with his big horned foot. (apologies to egregious munchkinnery thread, but that was just not in the spirit of this thread)...
  18. Generally as most holy days happen outside of the 3 weeks adventuring per season, I just return all of their Rune points, per page 141 Ability use, Automatic success. For high holy days I often give an automatic experience check on worship for a good description of participation. If the holy day is part of the adventure, not just a day where where one of the adventurers is out at the ceremony, I make sure it's fully developed. Ensuring that all the players take part, usually as lay members, but occasionally as an associate cult. Then the importance of worship rolls becomes important. Don't forget that if you are worshipping on a high holy day, seasonal holy, or weekly day you get +40% / +20% / +10% automatically and that a Minor, Major, or Great temple gives +10% / +20% / +30% automatically So for a High Holy day at a clan's minor temple you already have +50% add in a sacrifice and a decent one gets you +10% A good example of this was Ernalda's High Holy week, none of the adventurers were initiates, but associates and husband protectors. They all got a part in the ceremonies and as associates and husband protectors, got to make worship roles. Everyone of course wanted to look good, so everyone augmented their worship rolls with sacrifice (part of the Worship write up page 184) with at least a weapon or sheep. An Orlanth adventurous adventurer player the part of Husband protector and got Taking an important part in a worship ceremony +1D3 reputation, and the Storm Bull, when sacrificing a cow scored a critical worship roll and received +1D6 reputation, with Ernalda bestowing a blessing on him (all of his rune points back) and the Earthpower rune spell for his rune spell collection. Personally I think there's enough in the Worship writeup, in reputation, and the automatic success rules, not to worry about the minor effect of a 10% magic point boost.
  19. Thanks, it's the first time I've realised the size of Kordros Island I didn't realise it was that big (I'd previously imagined it was just around the dunstop area).
  20. Where's the link between Hon-eel and Heruvernalda?
  21. Or when she danced her way to the skies in one of her quests, she encountered the Twin Stars (who are Lunar spirits) and learned it from them...
  22. It says it doesn't say only God-talkers. These only exist with enough lay members and initiates, God talkers only usually exist where there is no opening for a priest. For example, the Issaries shrine in Apple Lane is only maintained by passing traders, the few initiates and Lay members in Apple Lane itself are unlike to be enough, although Squinch likely maintains the shrine. I'm sure Sora Goodseller would have an annual trip to the shrine on an an Issaries holy day, to purchase apples for Clearwine. Likewise there's likely a priest in Swan, who does the same.
  23. It's Kerisdana Hollybright, Priestess of Chalana Arroy. GM Screen Pack Adventure book, page 31. Yes see page 315, Holy Site. It would be unusual though.
  24. That's a great role-playing moment. I'd love to hear what happens (as with page 268 in RQG): https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/The-Sacrifice-by-Andrey-Fetisov-by-Chaosium/34388357.6Q0TX
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