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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Although Humakt has no associate cults (severing and all that), in the Orlanth pantheon, he is Orlanth's sword. At any Orlanth temple that includes a shrine to Humakt, I would allow a Humakti to attempt to regain rune points on Orlanth's Seasonal and High holy days as part of Orlanth's ceremonies. It's a great opportunity for roleplaying, I would have a special part of the ceremony where Orlanth's regalia is acknowledged. For example Babeester Gor isn't an associate cult of Orlanth, but is his axe. The Arming of Orlanth (in KoS & Heortling Mythology) names these things. These are mythological associates, as opposed to associate cults that give magic. I would also allow Orlanth shrines to have a sword in them, that would count if maintained as a site. This kind of site creation activity I encourage in my players.
  2. I played this in a game with Greg at a Tentacles Con on the Rhine maybe 20 years ago, I think @Joergwas there too. I'm pretty sure that in Greg's notes (somewhere) that after reaching the castle lead, a stream continued into the Rubble.
  3. Astral TableTop - https://astraltabletop.com
  4. Summon specific ancestor summons an ancestor the caster knows. If the adventurer tells the shaman about his uncle, then the shaman knows the ancestor: be aware that it won't work if the uncle hasn't been dead for more than seven days or isn't dead. Cost (page 406), two points of Rune magic = 40L (two cows / 14 sheep / five amphorae of mead)
  5. Clearly put about by a rival shaman. This sort of of propergander is similar to those who don't believe in Fuzzy Duck. I wonder if @Stew Stansfield has a pict of this...
  6. go for it, the durulz equivalent of Daka Fal is Duka Fal
  7. GM Screen Pack, Adventures book, page 56: So yes, Orleving.
  8. Yes of course, but that's not the way of waha, raiding to steal animals. That's killing and butchering them in situ, rather than having walk to where you want them. The herd guard would catch you trying to drag the meat away. It would smell your inert body miles away...
  9. I got this question regularly when running demos and use the rules on page 117 (5.2) pretty much unaltered in my games: In the example, it also shows getting a check without a roll. Because gaining Glory is also tied to skill success, I look at at the glory table as well and ask "what was glorious about that". If it warrants and ordinary amount of Glory (page 122), it warrants a skill check IMO. As it says - only for those who missed a year and most importantly for romance later. In some cases it felt like it was a whole separate game. Never needed it. I normally have player squires in the wings - we use normal knight generation, but don't knight them. Speeds up the game if there's an unexpected death.
  10. While I agree in principle, I'd limit to certain occupations - light cavalry and hunters, probably nobles, Praxian herders, etc,, too.. I'd also allow any other occupation where the player could convince the table that it fitted. One of our gaming club members does horse archery - trains, but as a database programer, it's not his primary job, but I'd let him do it of course. You still have to be able to control your mount to a degree, ride 5% and archery 90% is never going to be a good fit.
  11. I have always played it the same, without the distinction between hawks and horse-types.
  12. Humakt, Yanafal Tarnils, Yelmalio & Thanatar are the current ones.
  13. That's already covered, by Kuschile Horse Archery, however it's a hero cult, just add an equivalent to any mounted god (Waha for example)
  14. No, from the upcoming Cults book: So her tribal ring would have initiates.
  15. Ah, I haven’t opened my copy yet.
  16. Do you have a reference for this? I can't seem to find it.
  17. I used the spot rules for flying in the BGB (page 212), when I ran the flying trollkin scenario. All combat is limited by the ride skill as usual.
  18. Congratulations Martin ( @M Helsdon )and Nick( @Nick Brooke). A great start to the first memorial awards.
  19. You're correct, in my mind Temporal and Stackable mix... apologies for any one confused.
  20. Glow spot isn't stackable, so no extending it. Much better to bring the bat to a battle - its glow spot is 20km
  21. Only the Red goddess's cult receives it as an associated spell. So as long as they are Red Goddess initiates thats fine. What I was suggesting makes it open to all that want to make the effort to receive this power. That's not in the RQG write up (obviously you couldn't know that). The real restriction is that once become an initiate, you stay with the bat for 20 years. It must be your primary cult, if you join another cult you can't be a priest. They can join the red goddess's cult if illuminated, etc. There must also be an opening for a new initiate as membership is limited.
  22. I would suggest making it a HeroQuest power which I imagine are built like shamanic abilities: Power of the Moon / Nimbus of the Moon / Crown of the Goddess, etc Acts as a spherical Glow spot with a radius of 1m centred on the adventurers head. The radius doubling after the first point (so, 1m, 2m, 4m, 8m, 16m, etc). That would make Jar-eel's aureole about 2m radius. Or as a demi-god, you could just say she has it. You could, depending on the heroquest add in extra bits, like can contract it, turn it off, or even be a phase. I'd not add conditions to the ability (rank, illuminate, runes, etc) as that would be in the context of the quest,and just make it more complex.
  23. It would be interesting to hear what you finally decide on and how it plays.
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