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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. We actually have the Paladin author on the forum @Ruben. I suspect he's from the Low Countries, and could weigh in here.
  2. There's always the cover of HeroQuest Glorantha that features Babeester Gor, complete with penis necklace and skirt of hands, or the pic on page 289 of RQG.
  3. I use INT as the BGB says on page 26: I use it for morale as it's about wits. For me it covers the unconscious working of the brain as well as the conscious. It could be DEX for fight or flight, I chose INT as it's the underlying trigger to the DEX moment. Making it a skill is just another stat on a sheet. In wargaming it doesn't usually change, being a reflection of troop quality, hence my INT rolls. In wargaming, some things don't make morale check's - vehicles' buuildings, etc. That's just like undead.
  4. As stated previously - What did Dormal do? Missing Lands page 101.. Not prior to his voyages, he created the protestion himself, but others, afterwards had to worship him to get the protection.
  5. Ditto for me. I only really found out about it in the early 90s when I saw one of the Jack Chick tract's that someone had brought over from the states. I actually thought it was a joke publication. The magic of the interwebs makes it available for everyone: https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=0046
  6. Adding to what Jeff said, while I find some of Storm Tribe interesting, it did come out in 2001. Using Babester Gor as an example cult, it was updated for the Sartar companion in 2010, then RQ Glorantha in 2018. Even by 2009 the cults had returned to their pre-HW forms, loosing their complex structure and moved back to simpler forms. Glorantha keeps moving on and is updated to reflect this. While the mythology in the HW era books is great, its cult complexity isn't at all helpful to newcomers to Glorantha. The Sartar Companion writeup is much better, and will be completely superseded by the upcoming cults book.
  7. by extension, all those odd subcults in Hero Wars / Heroquest are also the cult special rune spells: Orlanth Vanganth the Flyer subcult is Fly Orlanth Vingkot Champion is Command Worshipers etc.
  8. This the danger of stereotyping, where individuals in RPGs are two dimensional without any other visage, or just a bland archetype. It like saying accountants are unemotional number obsessives with no personality - watch the film, the Accountant. Fortunately most storytelling always likes to develop these people into real personalities with a back story, strength's and weakness, and motivations. Babester Gor in RQG sums up how they work: Most of the time they are temple guardians, but if you do something bad against the temple you are in trouble. They are the earth temple police.
  9. There are quite a few already freely available, however, the real problem is that you can make them up yourself and there are no real guidelines for doing that, except by reading things like Hero with a 1000 faces and plenty of other real world mythology / fairytales / ye olde stories. Then having the confidence to run them as a game for your players. Also recognising what is available that can be turned into a heroquest can be challenging if you don't know what it is you are looking at, for example, in RuneQuest, each cult special rune spell is a heroquest. some myths are here: Myth of the Month- A new myth or legend of Glorantha, that was updated monthly.
  10. I use an INT roll when needed, based on the usual wargaming morale levels, Recruit = INT x3 Regular = INT x6 Veteran = INT x9 Elite = INT x12 this is a rough guide. I played a lot of Striker, Traveller and Twilight 2000. you never change the level just the frequency of the test.
  11. I set up a weekly club in 1989 with two friends (http://tuesdayknights.org.uk) to play RuneQuest and we've been going ever since. We are currently running two groups on Zoom and Roll20 until we figure out venues and COVID restrictions. I realise this may not what you want to hear, but clubs have inertia and we have no problem with getting games together. I also ran conventions, which are also a great way to get your friends together. As for how to run games, we have a six week block system, so GMs are masters of chunking big campaigns. I play in some smaller groups too, these are much more informal normally with one shots, but I did run all of the adventures from the RQ Screen Guide over a few months.
  12. David Scott


    While think this actually very useful, I deliberately avoided some elements of older stuff as those without access to it, but have RQG might find it a bit unfair. I actually liked just using what was currently printed as it made sense of what the Orlevings were trying to do. If the wound be not serious, there is no need for justice. in my mind a serious wound means nearly died as no one's magic worked so. so in RQ terms, limb loss or 0hp brought back, but heal body etc. invalidates this.
  13. David Scott


    Weregild = Life price = ransom (RQG page 64). A thane is a noble so 1000L (page 69-70). It's not paid for wounding. However Runequest Gamemaster Adventures p.103 does as you noted state that they want half ransom for wounding. This is a scenario specific demand to set up the tit for tat feud. The adventurers could say that they are not paying as ransom customarily doesn't cover wounding The Orlevings on the other hand know this and demand it anyway so starting the feud (an impossible demand). They get the money for the dead and get to start a feud. If they players pay the wounding money, they are rich fools. In my game, the adventurers rejected the wounding, but paid the usual ransom. As this wasn't against custom, nothing further could happen. The herald didn't not mention that they didn't have to pay part of it as it was a demand, but the LM in the the adventures party said otherwise.
  14. with the cults book not yet available if you want to check back through older editions of write-ups, have a look at the Prosopaedia. I've been slowly adding the references to previous versions of write-ups in date order. While not always RQG compatible, it should help in finding the most recent write-up. It's not finished yet and if anyone want's to help out, please message me. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/b/babeester-gor/ A-Z https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/
  15. Demon is generally used in the Gloranthan corpus as a darkness entity. Usually coming from an underworld (or Hell). It's also used to refer to any otherworld entity with hostile intentions. Some chaos entities are also referred to as demons - the Crimson bat is one.
  16. Domestic war ducks (3C) are cheaper than war geese (9C), I suspect war pigs will be a winner.
  17. Have a look at the QuestWorlds SRD: https://questworlds.chaosium.com/questworlds-downloads/
  18. The main reason there is little magic is that the Blue Moon was broken. So only the only common Rune magic is Here's the RQG version from the upcoming GoG: There's nothing wrong with the version you worked out, carry on using it. See the difference as a regional / cult variation
  19. Sounds excellent. I ran it many years ago (not Glorantha). How are you planning to do the "heart" business?
  20. There is a known problem with the forum search at the moment (unless you are a mod or admin) so use site:basicroleplaying.org "Battle of Queens" in a google search
  21. As it takes place in 1626, Early Fire Season, it's not part of family history RQG page 138 King of Sartar (2nd ed) page 128. Guide to Glorantha page 735 If you want to colour in the results - Kallyr's funeral pyre is in the RQ colouring book (or RQG 240)
  22. See Missing Lands pages: 101 - What did Dormal do? 110 - Aftal the Waertagi and here's a snippet of Greg's notes: So it looks like he had a Waertagi ship design, propitiatory worship, and a formal cooperation within the crew. Dormal himself was worshipped, so had a Hero Soul, had a wizard assisting him. So it could be as simple as a magic point powered spell cast through Dormal achieving a protective effect from the closing (what ever that was). The ritual contains points for the effect, propitiation for the sea, air, monster and upset gods.
  23. IIRC in the original campaign, no. The Grey Dog was the clan Wyter - a deer hound that if you managed to keep it over the winter and kept it fed, would bring you an alynx kitten. I'm not sure of the origin of the Grey dog, it's not in David Hall or Jon Quaife's notes. If you've got a PDF of the RQG book it's worth a search, as the answer is complicated (likewise check the guide) Likewise someone will bring up the whole orlanthi Alynx / Dog thing. I believe it's just like real life - there are both in Orlanthi society, although alynxes take the working roles dogs would normally have. I suspect Likewise with goats and Broo. There are certainly clans that have goats (like the Balkoth).
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