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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It does say: I read it as they aren't normally available as they don't train them as such. But you can always extrapolate, a cavalry beast is twice a riding one, a war beast is half as much again. Riding Bison 30L, Cavalry Bison 60L, War Bison 90L War mules would be 105L 🙂
  2. I don't see any reason why not, it has many eyes on its body, it can likely change between which two eyes can spit. Likewise how long is a chaos monsters tongues? Look at the picture on page 189.
  3. It's been this since RQ2. You just need to get the concept of cultures having time changes at sunset not midnight, written verbosely: Lunar Phase in Dragon Pass Wildday sunset -> is the Full Moon phase until -> Godsday sunset -> is the Full Half phase until -> Freezeday sunset -> is the Crescent-Going phase until -> Waterday sunset -> is the Dying Moon phase until -> Clayday sunset -> is the Black Moon phase until -> Windsday sunset -> is the Crescent-Coming phase until -> Fireday sunset -> is the Empty Half phase until ->
  4. Sadly not, I got three results in this account. I suspect you are logged in as admin. As @Scotty moderator I got 6 pages. There looks like some kind of permissions problem.
  5. Given @Jeff's reply and the map of Heortland he posted the other day : It's clear to me that an adventurer from Smithstone, Karse, Jansholm, Sklar, or Durengard could have a RQG sailor occupation. It would be coast hugging, but they could still be orlanthi sailors.
  6. I've been aware of this for a week or so but hadn't asked for any confirmation. When he has the time, perhaps @Trifletraxor can take a look at this.
  7. The Guide on page 53 gives info on The Writings of Zzabur: The invocation & Curse: This book is a series of spells and curses to the Srvuali and Burtae The Red Book (made from the skins of Red Vadeli): This book details the origins of the cosmos and the Runes. The Blue Book: This book is a series of genealogies. The Brown Book (written on the skins of foes): A pre-gods war history, Includes many of the most powerful spells ever used. The Original Peoples: another history book The Families Book: This book is a series of genealogies. and don't forget the self written Abiding book.
  8. Searching through the three settings bestiaries we have for ivory or tusk: Bestiary (2019): Ivory trees (obviously not "proper" ivory), tuskers. Anaxials Roster(2000): Three types of elephant: Eastern or Teshnan Elephant, Mammoth and mastodon. Ankylosaurus bony ridges. Mralotings, tuskers, Manticore, Elephant Seal. Bestiary (1987): Ouori cary walrus tusk daggers. Tuskers. Any large tusked dinosaur seems appropriate too.
  9. It first appears in 1979 in RuneQuest 2nd ed as a singular "non-orlanthi", it's not until Cults of Terror in 1981, that Orlanthi is properly used in the text. After that it's used throughout the RQ2 era and beyond.
  10. I completely disagree. I have yet to find a need to do this myself. Using @Nick Brooke's excellent statement as my go to quote for this - Don't sweat the details or Don't make a rod for your own back. If you already run HeroQuest then a simple NPC cheat system works well.
  11. yes, a simple spirit cult, can summon / dismiss air elementals, and see here:
  12. The areas under the glowline don't suffer as much from the freezing as the grain goddess is Hon-eel and Pelora. They clearly launched emegency rituals to warm their earth, I suspect the winds were slower at the edges. I did a map of the political areas and glowline under the windstop (you'll have to figure out what the individual areas are!):
  13. Oh think you can cross inwards easily, you might land heavily when the wind suddenly stops 🙂 As the map shows, the extent of the wind is much larger than most people expected (from the Orlanth is Dead book). It affects loads of cultural and political areas. Don't forget it also gets so cold that rivers freeze (on the inside). For those that flow in to the area, the area outside floods. Those inside, the water stops. Getting out and in isn't easy. I think you're right depending on the area. However if there's nothing for the wind to pickup, there's nothing to deposit.
  14. The Sun Dome is the the Sartar Homeland, and is described on page 108, Here's the 2018 Sartar:KoH map to give you an idea of the boundaries (there have been some changes in the last 7 years): Look at page 246 in the guide and it shows the main areas and sub areas you might want to consider.
  15. Hellmouth is literally an entrance to Hell. There's certainly more than one. Along with the Sartar Kingdom of Heroes and Eleven lights versions, there's also a Hellmouth in Stafford Library: Volume VII, Arcane Lore, Hellmouth HeroQuest. Depending on the mouth you use and the quest, you will enter Hell in different ways. Arcane lore portrays it as a mouth with grinding teeth that can hurt you Sartar KoH, decribes it as an experience of horrible pain and wrenching disorientation. 11 Lights builds on the above by futher describing that you must of course die and be dismembered to get into this hell. Afterwards you are put back together again. In RQG terms I would kill the players, and keep going until there's a TPK. That for RQ players will be upsetting, but will be a good scene setter. One of the concepts behind dismemberment is the the harder you fight back, the worse it is. So a Humakti will not fight back, and get it over with quickly. At the remembering part, i'd get their god or goddess to put them back together, restore all their hit points and carry on. Any magic used up is not replenished.
  16. Eleven lights page 114: Hurricane force is not the same as a hurricane. Hurricane force here in the UK (Ian is British) is force 12 on the Beaufort scale, so windsgusting at ≥ 73 mph, ≥ 118 km/h.
  17. Guide page 731: Depending where you are standing there maybe local effects. I can imagine Storm Bull being pulled off from his normal north south movement over the wastes and blowing harder towards the Zola Fel Valley border, trying to help his brother. Likewise localised storms over the sea, caused by disrupted weather patterns, likewise in the mountains. Have a look at Appendix C - Weather in the guide. The wind maps will give you an idea of localised weather. Here's a bigger version of the Windstop map that I did for the Guide (page 731). Use the AAA map for closeup detail.
  18. As others have said, not much. Like a lot of things in RQG - space. While a minority would enjoy the eight volume RQG epic it could have been. I personally find the slipcase set enough to cart around 🙂 It shouldn't be to hard to make your own homeland version: Don't forget that the start of the Sartar homeland (page 103) it says: and Whitewall (page 108-109) has details of Hendriki clans. Likewise the Hendriking Campaign is part of Family History. It's quite easy make your own version of Hendrikland / Heortland, basing it on the structure of of the Sartar homeland: Hendrikland / Heortland intro Short History Stereotype Common Attitudes Politics Religion Climate Regions @Jeff's provided most of the info you need here https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/12238-holy-country-notes/ with the four regions clearly defined: Volsaxi - from the Crossline to the Marzeel River. Vandarland - from the Marzeel to either the Syphon or the Bullflood rivers. Gardufar - from the Syphon or Bullflood rivers to the Minthos. Esvular - from the Minthos to the Nomad Marches. just pull out a couple of cities like the homeland sections do. The only bit that will affect an adventurer that comes from here is the Local Modifier.
  19. There's a whole chapter about this in the Investigator Handbook - Chapter Six: Investigator Organisations. It gives ideas on how to set up your players and provides 9 examples of organisations, that you can use as is, adapt or just inspire:
  20. Wow, this sounds to me like a dungeon crawl keeper running CoC. In my last CoC games, I ran 5 (published) scenarios over 18 sessions. No one died. Admittedly a few investigators were nearing a degree of madness, but that is the point of the game. One received a gunshot wound (minor), another was badly beaten by another investigator with a hockey stick (madness related) and one fell down some stairs in the dark and broke some ribs. There were a few other minor hit point losses. Tournament games can be a lot of fun, where everyone knows the limit of the scenario and are competing to be the winner. I myself am not keen on one-off scenarios unless they are demos for new players. The one-off scenarios I have enjoyed were the Blood Brothers books.
  21. Not quite, page 275 says about new initiates: however if you want another cult special, the same page says: Acquiring rune points and special rune magic needn't happen at the same time. This is different from character generation, where adventures get 3 rune points and three cult special spells (not spell points). It would be possible to have an adventurer to have built up 10 rune points, but only have their 3 original cult special spells.
  22. Firstly, make sure you aren't using an autocalc sheet. They cannot be easily changed. Most PDFs viewers allow some simple editing that you can save. Open it in Adobe Reader DC (free). Then select the comment tool. Now using the drawing tool, make a box with a white fill and white edges to cover the old text. Here's mine, i've left the edge red to show the box. then using the text tool, write on top of it. Adjust font and size to suit: I've skipped over the exact details on making the box, colours and text as you'll soon get the hang of it.
  23. In my games, everyone assumes that magic will always be used if available. Why have an advantage and not use it (unless of course the rules prevent it). The basic assumptions are (if available): Magic is always used (Rune, spirit, sorcery and prepare in advance if possible). Never name it. Everyone augments skills with skill / passion / rune
  24. There's a review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4OVP-9Lt1E
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