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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Secrets of HeroQuesting is now a Silver Seller, joining Secrets of Dorastor, hopefully not for long as it powers its way into Electrum.
  2. I'd be interested to know what you are not comfortable with. PM me if you don't want it in a public discussion.
  3. Holstein or Jersey cow? 😉 I resisted. It was difficult, but I managed.
  4. Knowing my luck, we'd get something that comes out in a couple of years with a low art budget. Anyway, crossing me and Jeff would probably be a bad idea. The only thing that keeps people sane around me is that I am quite reserved. Imagine me with Jeff's ability to project and talk! Nightmare.
  5. I think I saw his name in a fanzine, a long time ago, maybe Tales of the Reaching Moon or Tradetalk, or maybe I dreamt about him, I am not sure. Googling him tells me that he was in Nick Effingham's HeroQuestung rules, so maybe that's where I saw him first. Anyway, it is such a cool idea that it needs to be spread more widely. He is a Humakti Hero who lost both his hands, but gained a gift from Humakt to be able to wield a sword anyway. There was an NPC in Judges Guild's City of Lei tabor who lost an arm but gained a gift that he could use a 2H hammer one handed. George Missinghands does the same thing, but with no hands.
  6. Dismiss Magic is a Common Runespell that everyone gets and can knock down Sword Trance or Axe Trance quite easily, with just a POW vs POW roll.
  7. Well, luckily for you, there is a book called Secrets of HeroQuesting in the Jonstown Compendium that explains what a HeroQuest is and how HeroQuesting works, available for a bargain $10.
  8. Firearrow is a bit of a waste, as it only does 3D6 damage, as opposed to the cow's damage. In fact, this might be one for egregious munchkinnery. We have cast Firearrow on Ballista bolts in the past, just to reduce the damage. So, if a Ballista Bolt normally does 6D6 damage, casting a Firearrow on it reduces damage to 3D6.
  9. I have no idea what Jeff is working on, except for a few conversations at Conventions. However, the basic structure of HeroQuests and HeroQuesting is likely to be similar as the source material is common. Things like how I have interpreted the Hero Soul might be different in how they are implemented, but should be similar enough to use my material with whatever appears. However, Secrets of HeroQuesting is out now and can be used as the basis for HeroQuesting now. Whatever Jeff is working on might be out this year, next year or the year after.
  10. I suppose it depends on who the parents are. some relationships might be seen as being abnormal or odd.
  11. Of course they can. Cult allegiances might make some bits tricky, so Aldrya and Zorak Zoran might make things a bit trickier. Argan Argar seems a fairly neutral cult, so might be OK. In any case, you can still be friends and be members of hostile cuilts.
  12. The current rules are that DTRPG won't even think about looking at a Print on Demand version until it reaches Electrum (251) sales. Secrets of Dorastor is 9 sales away, Secrets of HeroQuesting is a lot more than 9 sales away, as it has not yet reached Bronze (51) sales, having only been out for 14 hours or so. If it reaches Electrum seller, I will try and put it out as a Print on Demand, probably only softcover though. Sure, it should be able to handle ascorbic acid or diluted acetic acid. Anything between PH 6.5 and 6.9 should be OK. No problem, Bill, I am aware that the initial presentation might have had issues. I split out the HeroQuests, for space reasons. They will be coming in future supplements, using the Secrets of HeroQuesting supplement as a framework.
  13. The outcast, shunned by their clan is a common theme. They might be accepted, to a certain extent, but treated as inferior, or taboo in some way.
  14. There is a lot to be said for this. Painting eyes on the ship so that it looks like another seagoing creature, for instance.
  15. Secrets of HeroQuesting is live at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807 All you wanted to know about HeroQuesting but were afraid to ask. No acid, poison or nastiness in this one. Well, minimal acid, one mention for the Baths of Nelat.
  16. Secrets of HeroQuesting is live at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807 All you wanted to know about HeroQuesting but were afraid to ask. No acid, poison or nastiness in this one. Well, minimal acid, one mention for the Baths of Nelat.
  17. And Pavis Pointers point to Pavis. We had a Pavis Pointer and a Tin Compass in our RQ2 game, so we could work out roughly where we were at any point.
  18. For me, some is explained in Strangers in Prax. Dormal seems to have come to an agreement with all the Guardians of the Closing, except one. He arranged agreements with each of them so they didn't attack him when he was on the open seas. He also agreed a safe refuge where creatures of the sea could come but where Dormal and his followers couldn't.
  19. Why would I go to a Convention if not to play games? I am not a social butterfly and it's hard enough for me to talk to people I know, so I wouldn't go to meet people. I have been to Conventions where there were no games to play and they have been absolutely awful, at least for me. I do better at Conventions where there are so many games that I don't have any free time at all. As someone who have GMed for years, I go to Conventions to play games instead of just running them.
  20. This came up for me too: exactly when do the phases switch over? You can narrate that the change is gradual, but you might want to establish a switchover time for rules purposes. I always play that a full calendar day lasts from Dawn to Dawn, with the day period from Dawn to Dusk and night from Dusk to Dawn.
  21. I'd say the tongues are at half chance. That's probably how I would play the eyes, but ... Now, that's how I am going to play it in future, probably a half-chance to hit, though, to be fair to the Adventurers.
  22. A culture whose magic is bent to fight the waves adversarially at every step needs a lot of restraint to make it a tame provider of propulsion. Orlanthi magic is emulating their god, and their god is the one who blew the seas out of the lands they claimed in the Great Flood. And the seas also conspired to create their most deadly waves to crash into the holdings of this deity. In my Glorantha, I have the cult of Orlanth Aquarius, the God of the Wind on the Waves. This basically holds the myths of the Storm Tribe on the waters, the fathering of the Cetoi Merfolk, Brastalos joining with Magasta and so on. It teaches wind control magic, as well as skills to help navigate on the seas and oceans. Originally, it started just to annoy one of our Players who complained that "Orlanth has a cult for everything" but then I realised more and more how much it made sense. Folk songs have to start somewhere. It will probably still be sung in a couple of hundred years by sailors and folk singers.
  23. I tend to use Google's advanced Search and specify the domain. That normally gets better results.
  24. ahem, he did not even produce the first one. But he announced it on this forum, for what very grateful. Oops! Sorry!
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