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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. We played that Humakti Duels could use magic, except Sever Spirit, if the participants agreed. If the participants did not specify what could or could not be used, then anything could be used. If the specified, then they could ban all non-cult magic, all offensive magic, all magic or whatever combination they wanted. Purists might ban all magic, so that it is skill on skill. For non-Humakti duels, anything goes, as long as it has been agreed by the duellists. Shergar Sunhoof, Centaur Extraordinaire, My Yelmalian PC had a geas "Challenge all Zorak zorani on sight" and one of the other PCs was a Death lord of Zorak zoran with 200% Defense, so Shergar could not touch him in combat. he wasn;t of the mondest to challenge Derak to a game of chess, so it had to be combat. To have a chance of hitting him, he had to go Fanatical, but he could attack with two weapons and had a 4D6 damage bonus when tooled up, so Derak always hit first with a good Bludgeon, as if he didn't take me down I could probably have had a good chance of killing him. Dertak had a Troll Maul, SIX 26 or something and DEX 21, he also had an ability that he attacked on SR1. Shergar had SIZ 40 (+1 with a magical ability), DEX 29 tooled up and used a Long spear in combat, as we banned lances in duels, so he attacked just afterwards, he also had Jake's Amulet(Diddle-diddle-dum), so he had two kicks that he could use at SR5, so our combats usually lasted for 1 SR when Derak normally crushed and took out a limb or a vital location.
  2. Guide to Glorantha p128: Guide to Glorantha p131: Guide to Glorantha p191: It is buried in several areas, but that is the gist. My take was that the Dragonewt Curse was eaten by a True Dragon, but it allowed them to be enslaved by Nysalor.
  3. BRP is pretty much a toolkit of various subsystems that can be used. I like RuneQuest, so i use the RQ-like subsystems. However, there are a lot of people who like Stormbringer and use the Stormbringer-like subsystems. the beauty of BRP is that you can mix and match without too many issues. I like RQ-style Strike Ranks and Hit Locations, so I use those. I am not keen on a Wealth stat, although I have used it before. I also use the Spirit/Divine/Sorcery magic system rather than the ones in the BRP book. If you like Stormbringer-style rules, then magic World is a nice set of rules, with a lot of sub-systems pre-chosen. Welcome aboard and I hope you find the flavour of BRP that suits you.
  4. Yes, I agree. However, I have seen the RQ3 reprints of RQ2 material and the associated backlash. RQ Classic was the RQ2 material made available again and was very popular, by all accounts. Would the fans accept another lot of RQ2 material made available but with RQG stats? Maybe, maybe not. There is definitely a market for RQ3 material being reissued. I am not sure what benefit redoing RQ2/RQ3 stats for RQG would have, as it is an awful lot of work and fans are so picky when something isn't done exactly right. Personally, I am happy using RQ2/3 stats with RQG as they are and just accepting that they are slightly different.
  5. Some of us have lived through several such purges and await the next purge with interest.
  6. Harald was of Viking descent and had relatives in Kievan Rus and in the Varangian Guard. The lands of the Danelaw, Northern/western Scotland, some parts of Ireland, Scandinavia, Normandy, Kievan Rus, all were connected by blood, culture and trade.
  7. The beauty of making it online is that people from far away can join in and play. Also, we are not restricted by the venue size.
  8. Ah, seems like a pretty good analogue Yes, I would just use Manage Household to manage a caravan. After all, for a trader the caravan is the household, to a large degree.
  9. Don't forget that Nysalor cursed the Dragonewts at the same time he cursed the Trolls, but a True Dragon awoke and ate the curse. Since then, Nysalor had Dragonewt mercenaries. So, the Dragonewts of Ryzel might be the result of the failed curse, or the results of the curse once the True dragon ate it, or something else.
  10. Of course, having a 2D6 CHA speiit could mean a really good one of a really bad one. One Player in our last Gloranthan campaign rolled 2D6 POW for a spirit and rolled 5, so he spent a Hero Point to reroll and rolled 4, then spent another and rolled 3. Some spirits just aren't very good.
  11. I think you can teach Bound Spirits spells, you certainly could in RQ2, which is the Spiritual ancestor of RQG. Spirit Magic uses the CHA stat not INT, so if it has 2D6 CHA then is could learn points up to CHA. What spell does it have and what is its CHA? That might help determine if it is able to store more magic. Reading pother posts might answer my own questions. So, CHA 10 and Strength 2 mean that you have 8 points of spare CHA, so should be able to teach it 8 points of Spirit magic. Personally, I would say that you could teach a Bound spirit a new spell, in the same way that an Adventurer could be taught a new spell.
  12. I am not at the moment, but will when we start playing again. I think it is probably the best version of RQ, but has a lot of flaws, badly-designed rules and internally inconsistent parts. That would definitely help, with some clear examples of how things work. The Magic Points are spent when the spell is cast. If you fail your casting roll, the points are not lost, unless you fumble, I think. However, once you have succeeded in casting the spell then the points are spent. The POW vs POW roll happens after that, when the spell is in motion towards the target. Welcome aboard. We are generally a friendly bunch.
  13. Awaiting clearance. Hopefully I can run Jack o'Bear's Picnic, where the Lord Ralzakark has hand-picked a group from the cream of his forces to rescue someone very dear to him from that most dangerous foe in Dorastor, a group of Adventurers. All being well, I would be using Google's tools, with Google Keep as the meeting software, Google Chat for individual messaging, Google Drive for storing various things and Google Sheets for Character Sheets and Dice Rolling. I am desperately trying to reduce the amount of acid and overt horror, to make it a U or PG Scenario.
  14. I would model long distance trade in the same way that we model steads. So, you have Sacred Time activity modified by different events. The events would differ from farming events, so bad weather is not going to affect long-distance trade, but bandits might. You could work out the Income based on the Merchant's main skill, combined with how well Trading has gone. It abstracts things slightly but makes it easier to work out how well caravans do.
  15. She organised the people of the Empire against Sheng Seleris and had to create a new language to teach them what she wanted them to learn. I see her as standing for the common people, as opposed to the Red Emperor who stands for the nobles.
  16. When I did a quick scan, it looked as though that was new material, not in the Guide or previous supplements. I might be wrong, though, I often am.
  17. Yes, of course it is. You can't do a CTRL-F on a print book and you cannot whack errant players around the head with a PDF. So, they are different media and can be charged for separately.
  18. Reminds me of Victor Skakapopulis (Woody Allen) in What's new Pussycat: Michael James: Did you find a job? Victor Skakapopulis: Yeah, I got something at the striptease. I help the girls dress and undress. Michael James: Nice job. Victor Skakapopulis: Twenty francs a week. Michael James: Not very much. Victor Skakapopulis: It's all I can afford.
  19. Most of the time, I think that normal people do the tattooing. Cult tattoos would be done by the initiating Priests/Lords, clan tattoos would be done by clan elders, family tattoos by the head of household and so on. You could use Craft (Tattoo), but I would just use whatever overall skill applies. so, a Priest might use Cult Lore, a head of family might use Manage Household and so on. If you want a really special tattoo, then go to a specialist. magical tattoos might count as special ones, so a spell matrix might need to be done properly, or might just be several runes entwined.
  20. In my Glorantha, one of the things that Heroes do in the Hero wars is to restore that which has been lost. So, they bring back the Elder council that used to rule the Elder Wilds, they bring back the First Council that ruled Dragon Pass, they bring back the Only Old One, they bring back Arkat's Dark Empire and the Empire of the Wyrms Friends and so on. Of course, what they bring back is not the same as what was before. Perhaps they don't have the right regalia, the right rituals and don't know the right words, perhaps there are different people involved and so on. But, it works. Each comes back and establishes a small piece of harmony and peace in their respective areas.
  21. Talor was probably Illuminated, like his father, Arkat.
  22. Only evil if it affects your own people. Using strangers is fine, they are not real people anyway. That is what being a scapegoat means, you are tarnished by other people's sins.
  23. A Sacred Dance, with other elements to it. This would allow the dancers to create something new out of something old, to allow new members to come in and join the dance, to create new roles and positions that fit the dance and make the clan work in harmony. The dance might be based on the dances of the old clan, if a clan has split, or be the fusions of dances from several clans, or might be a brand new dance. Sometimes the dance will be led by a powerful person, the clan chief or shaman, but sometimes it is equal, with a new clan ring taking the lead together, or with everyone in the new clan dancing without anyone taking the lead. Some Earth tribe clans would have a similar dance to Orlanth's/Ernalda's, but some would be very different. Praxian Clans would have a dance based on Waha/Eiritha/Storm Bull, for example. Darkness Clans might be very different and might not even have a Clan-Making Dance in the same way. Uz clans tend to be descended from one or more powerful individuals and their families, bound by darkness and blood. Fire clans might claim descent from a Hero or Emperor.
  24. Yep, courtesy of Home of the Bold, I think.
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