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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. In Secrets of Dorastor, I have introduced the Beastling form, which is basically the "standing up partially transformed" stage. Telmori can be Wolflings, more like the "classic" wolman. Yes, I always play that the wolf companion has the same life expectancy as the human. Of course, in Dorastor that might only be a theoretical life expectancy.
  2. Absolutely agree. i was surprised by how much in the Sourcebook was not in the Guide, between 20% and 30% by a very rough calculation.
  3. I am stealing that for one of the Dorastor followups.
  4. The first Scenarios of Dorastor supplement will be a Risklands/Renekotling campaign, with a number of interlinked and standalone scenarios. it should also have rules and tips on running and playing in a low-level "start up your own stead" campaign. With acid, of course.
  5. Yes, the Westfaring is essentially a Magic Road. Interestingly, I have never thought of it like that, but it clearly is.
  6. Do we? Source? Arkat broke and smashed Dorastor. In my opinion, yes, much of Dorastor's chaotic nature is a direct result of Arkat. However, much isn't. It was the site of the Unholy Trinity being formed and the birth of Wakboth, for example, both would leave a trace. things like the Great Gorp were caused before Arkat, Hellwood's Chaotic nature was caused a long time after Arkat.
  7. Also, shades of the True Golden Horde is reverse or Sheng Seleris Conquers Peloria. You could even squeeze in the First Council Liberates Peloria, at a stretch. That was just a shrewd tactic in his power-play. If you look at what he does, it is designed to gain more and more power as he goes along. It might well be that the Lunar population then by and large had amassed chaos features and so had literally become an empire of monsters, krjalki. That is what happened to the Bright Empire. It did not generally accept alien powers until its very existence was threatened, then the people panicked and allowed Gbaji to influence them. The Lunar Empire is following a very similar path.
  8. Take you pick of several theories, there are probably many more: The earth exerts a pull on you Uleria/Gata/Glorantha loves us all and pulls us close Because we do I prefer Option 3.
  9. One way to model that is what I do in Secrets of Dorastor. You have an Illumination skill that can be increased by answering riddles, going around the Puzzle Canal in a certain way, watching certain Sacred Plays, studying the nature of Illumination or whatever,. Then, if you roll a Special or critical success at Sacred Time to get a new ability, or a current ability at a higher level.
  10. Who would win in a fight, Kitten or Hit Girl?
  11. I wasn't saying that Ralzakark isn't a Broo. I was saying that "Ralzakark is a Broo" is not necessarily missing the point. Broos can look like just about anything. If a broo buggers a unicorn, you get a unicorn broo. If a broo buggers a mold for a statue, you get a hollow human, and kudos for creativity. Not all Broo are born Broo. You can become a Broo by taking on too many Chaos Features, by being turned into a Broo or as a result of a HeroQuest. There are many more ways to become a Broo. In my Dorastor, there is an unspoken connection between Ralzakark, his daughter the Lady Darna and her unicorn Darnala. But, my Dorastor does vary. Sure, Ralzakark is a Broo. Similarly, the Only Old One proved himself to be both a Troll and Not a Troll. Ralzakark transcends many things and Brooness may well be one of them.
  12. “Having valuable lands close by”? That is precisely right. Both Skyburn and Moonburn were to blast Aldryami Forests and gain vast tracts of land.
  13. Yes, of course you can. The Moon Burn wasn't an atrocity? Ralzakark offered sanctuary to its refugee survivors. The rape of Dorasta wasn't an atrocity? Ralzakark healed Dorasta's wounds and reinvigorated a blasted land. Turning the Mad Sultan and his followers insane wasn't an atrocity? Ralzakark gave them refuge and stops them from harming anyone else. Far more atrocities were done to Ralzakark's followers than by them.
  14. It is and it isn't. The fact that Ralzakark is a Broo means that he has managed to transcend his bestial nature to become the god-King of Dorastor. Or has he? The bestial nature of Ralzakark has probably been long-debated. some say "Once a Broo, always a Broo", others point to his civilised ways, others point to him having fathered Send Valu. Having Ralzakark as a Broo challenges many of the stereotypes that Broo face, which is always a good thing. In my Dorastor, Ralzakark was not always a Broo, but returned from a HeroQuest as a Broo, shocking his friends and acquaintances. He has been a Broo for an awfully long time, though, over a thousand years.
  15. I have a chapter on Illumination in Secrets of Dorastor. It describes the various schools, in a short form. It also gives new kewl powerz, because I like kewl powerz.
  16. And that sage advice can be applied to most things in RuneQuest. Use rules that work for your gaming group.
  17. I use the same effect on other locations, of that is the intent. so, you can get winded from a blow to the abdomen or chest, can get a dead arm or dead leg from blows to those locations and stunned from such a blow to the head. However, it needs to be a stated aim, I think. There is a difference in technique between trying to hurt someone and giving then a stunning/winding/deadening blow.
  18. Echoing comments earlier, the Sourcebook is more suitable for people new to Glorantha. The Guide is excellent, but is so full of material that it can be daunting. It is a great reference, though.
  19. Option 1 for me, too. I have never understood the argument of "well, that makes it too easy to make rolls". My skill is higher and I can make rolls more easily? Good! As a GM, I go the other way and allow multiple augments, where reasonable. So, if someone has the Movement Rune then they can use it to deflect missiles, to run faster, for Climbing or dodging and so on. I also allow augments from other skills, so if someone has Animal Lore or the Beast Rune then they could use that to augment Track.
  20. A Chalana Arroy cultist could try to make a different kind of sacrifice, perhaps burning a votive offering, or giving money. If that does not work, then perhaps a HeroQuest is in order to make it work, where Chalana Arroy substitutes another kind of sacrifice for an animal sacrifice.
  21. Personally, I think that POWx5% rolls for Spirit Magic are tedious and don't normally use them. However, the idea of the "Official" Game Sessions being a showcase for RQG and should follow the rules makes some sense. A lot of people watch these videos in order to pick up how the rules work. If Chaosium GMs don't follow the rules then it is confusing to new Players and GMs who are simply trying to understand the rules.
  22. Yes, it appears in all planes. No point having a castle that doesn't exist.
  23. You can do that in QW by spending a hero point. At the end of our first Anmangarn Campaign we needed a ride back to Black Spear Village so when a duck boat passed by I asked to spend a hp to have the boat belong to the durulz who'd given us a ride out of Quackford. Using Hero Points as Plot Points is really good.
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