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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Paused running dark age Britons using a modified Revolution D100. Might start up again Online soon. When back to face to face, hopefully will be playing in a RQG campaign using RQG/JC Scenarios. It won't be in Dorastor, though, which is good, as I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
  2. I am up to 61 links for the Jonstown Compendium, but that includes maps and VTT Images.
  3. It looks to me as though someone saw it at the junction of two rivers and used the wrong junction. I might be annoyed, if I cared, but it's in the Holy Country, so just somewhere to visit.
  4. If you have a weak Emperor and he is deposed in a coup, the new Emperor could be seen as really strong, because he succeeded, or really weak as he isn't the proper Emperor. supporters of the old Emperor could arrange their own coup against the new Emperor. Pretty soon you have supporters of various ex-emperors arranging coup after coup until a strongman comes along and puts them all down very hard.
  5. For me, a Hellmouth is a literal gateway to Hell. Things can go in and things can come out. I would love for their to be perky vampire slayers in Glorantha, living near a Hellmouth, but maybe not. It probably is, or rather you can use a Magic Road to navigate through the Hellmouth and end up in different parts of Hell. For me, you can perform the Hellmouth HeroQuest at a cave entrance, a pit in the ground or an underground cellar. What it would do is to make that place a temporary Hellmouth, allowing you to enter Hell from almost anywhere. That has to be a good thing, right? nothing could come out, surely? There is virtually no chance of it becoming permanent, is there?
  6. Oh, I am disappointed. I thought that Gianni had produced Uruk in a new version. Google Translate does a good enough job. I read through it in French and then used Google Translate, which did not affect my overall understanding.
  7. soltakss


    Whitewall, obviously. The range looks to be similar to the range of the Orlanth Sacred Mountains, i.e. about a 500 mile radius. Makes me think ...
  8. Warlords of Alexander is very good and complete enough for a campaign.
  9. I have not well understood this. Writing them in HQG to use them in RQG? Sorry, it was a typo. It is better to write them up in RQG. Although, you could use the HQG ideas as a very rough template.
  10. It is well worth getting Sartar Kingdom of Heroes and Sartar Companion, if you can. The stats are for the HeroQuest system, but the background works for RQG. King of Sartar is good for the future history, or what might happen in the future, but Sartar and Sartar Companion go over a lot of similar material. HQ material works as background to RQG. If you want to use the NPCs, it is better to write them up in RQG.
  11. Yes, you should be able to use the Sartarite homeland for them, without too much trouble. Probably not by much. Some of the family history might be different, they might use different weapons, that kind of thing. They worship the same deities as the Sartarites, though. Presumably because the book was big enough as it is. They can be included in a future campaign pack.
  12. Which areas are you interested in? That is likely to reduce the materials to study more than what is canon. Have a look at the Gloranthan Sourcebook, see which areas you want to know more about, then look at those areas. For example, Borderlands is an excellent campaign pack, but is of no use if you want information on Sartar.
  13. So, you failed to become an Ogre? i have had two HeroQuesty dreams. In the first, which happened before I started playing RPGs, I was in a cave with glowing red stone walls. I was wearing a grey uniform of some kind. In front of me, on a red couch, was a woman. I walked up to her, as a conquering hero. In my hand was a spear made of ash, with the spearhead as a carved shape from the ash. I stabbed her with the spear and took her powers. In the second, I dreamed Yelorna's Unicorn Quest, in which Yelorna goes out to find a mount, tracks through the wilderness, avoid rapey storm worshippers, finds a unicorn, jumps on its back and rides it until they join in a moment of joy. However, I dreamed it as a series of black and white images, like the Red Goddess plates, which animated. I recently got Simon Bray to draw the plates for an upcoming Jonstown Compendium supplement.
  14. They have access to them immediately. You don't need to learn Common Magic, you can just cast it.
  15. Wow, this sounds to me like a dungeon crawl keeper running CoC. Different GMs, different games, same outcome. I once ran away from cultists, through a wood, fumbled my run-away roll and ended up impaled on a branch. I am lucky like that. OK, one Investigator survived, but he was shrivelled, or something, so had a useless arm and leg, so immediately retired.
  16. Me too, which is why I only every play CoC at conventions.
  17. Another 5* Review for Secrets of Dorastor (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807). Horrible, Heroic and Dreadful, what more could I ask for? The review is below: Horrible... Dreadfall... Heroic... Everything you wanted your Dorastor to be and much that you never new you needed. For my personal use it'll likely be more of a source book than a campaing setting, but Secrets of Dorastor is a great asset in both cases.
  18. Another 5* Review for Secrets of Dorastor (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807). Horrible, Heroic and Dreadful, what more could I ask for? The review is below: Horrible... Dreadfall... Heroic... Everything you wanted your Dorastor to be and much that you never new you needed. For my personal use it'll likely be more of a source book than a campaing setting, but Secrets of Dorastor is a great asset in both cases.
  19. It is probably a halfway house. Initiates get access to all Common Runemagic, without having to gain them specifically. They can gain a new Runespell every time they add to the Rune Pool, which gives them access to a named Runespell. It may be that giving worshippers access to all Runemagic means that there is little distinction between worshippers.
  20. I have never had an Investigator survive past 1 session in CoC.
  21. In that case, it should be a new product. a free upgrade is fine for slight revisions, but that is effective a new second edition.
  22. In the UK, pants are underwear, short for underpants, source of much amusement when Americans ask you to take off your pants. I thought that was the point of the thread?
  23. I really like HeroQuest as a game system and it is what I run at Conventions. I also really like RuneQuest, but would happily play HeroQuest again.
  24. Yes, Orlanthi were depicted as like Vikings/Anglo-Saxons/Celts in Hero Wars and onwards. Before that they were definitely more classical.
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