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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Welcome Andrew. BRP is so flexible that it can easily be adapted to different settings/play styles.
  2. In another thread, we had This reminds me of a discussion we had on the Gloranthan Digest, or in a dream, about "What Colour were Uleria's Panties?" illustrating that some things were sometimes important and sometimes not important. I think we should limit this to groin-covering underwear, rather than chest/abdomen-wearing underwear, to retain focus. So, what major cultures do we have? Orlanthi (Kilt-wearing): Clearly, they should not wear underwear, but some might cheat, if only to use the Devils in Skirts theme from Carry On Up the Khyber. Orlanthi (Trews-wearing): Probably wear woollen underwear, for both men and women, as trews chafe Orlanthi (Tunic-wearing): They might wear underwear, but tunics don't chafe like trews, so not essential. Also, they sometimes wear woollen hose, which does not need underwear, as it is so soft. Praxians: No underwear, or built-in underwear as a loincloth. They might also wear trews, as Orlanthi. Morocanth generally are naked, as are herd men, so neither wear underwear. Sun Domers: They wear the Girdle of Chastity, a heavily starched garment that protects their nether regions and chafes to remind them that Yelmalio resisted Inora at the Hill of Gold. Telmori: They don't wear underwear, as they have quick-removal clothing for when they wolf out. Dara Happans: They probably wear underwear, to protect them, but theirs are nice and soft, as opposed to Yelmalians' garments. Ernaldans: Same as Orlanthi, where they dress similarly, but Esrolians might change their clothing often and might have a mixture of wearing and not wearing underwear. Votanki: Brushed deerskin undergarments, really soft and having that Raquel Welch Million Years BC look Lunars: They wear togas a lot, so don't need underwear, but can wear if they want Gorgorma cultists: They wear underwear with little teeth in strategic places Anyone else?
  3. You could always have a Hero or demigoddess cult, perhaps a daughter of Hyraos, Donandor or Erlin. She could have exchanged her emotions to make temporary emotions in others, giving her emotions away.
  4. Some. Trolls eat their fallen without a problem. Mostali recycle corpses into canned food. The Cannibal Cult in Prax makes them the Eaters and everyone else the Eaten and they are not Chaotic.
  5. Secrets of Dorastor has a map if the sacred Mountains of Orlanth and you can clearly see a gap in the Mislari Mountains, a Mount Ramor. The gap also has Goat Hsunchen, so i think that this is the sacred Mountain of Ragnaglar.
  6. For me, the Orlanthi Ancestors are not the same as ancestors in Daka Fal. The ancestors in an Orlanthi Clan are a mass of spirits acting as a mob, a group. They lose all their individualism and simply conform to the Ancestors. They are the voice of conservatism, the ones who say "Don't do that, we have never done that" or "We are turning in our graves" when you do something they don't approve of. With Daka Fal, you honour individual ancestors, you give them a voice, you name them, you keep their memory alive, you allow them to retain their personality and individuality through worship. So, for me, worshipping certain orlanthi Ancestors through Daka Fal actually weakens the role of the ancestors in an Orlanthi clan, as you have taken those individual ancestors out of the Ancestors Pool, keeping them as individuals so they don't add to the collective voice of the Ancestors.
  7. As soon as you start a game, you are moving away from canon. Every NPC that you create is non-canonical. Every step the PCs take is non-canonical. I use canon as a guide, picking what I want from it and changing what does not fit my campaigns.
  8. Instead of quoting with the usual stuff, click the "+" button under the message (the button just left of the "Quote" link). This will accumulate multiple posts to quote, and that travels across pages. Once you're ready, click the "Quote messages" button that overlays the page on the bottom right. You should add that to the "It's magic innit" thread.
  9. That's more equivalent to how the combat spells work, yeah, and more like what I originally expected. Do you find they make much of a difference, or break things? They work really well. When used against PCs, it just looks as though the opponent is very skilful. When used by the PCs, they can use them with other things to augment skills. Home made. I have lots of spells not in the official RuneQuest rulebook. Well, both. I have played in and GMed campaigns where the PCs have become important and have to do things like negotiating treaties and coming to agreements. sometimes they have a Face to do it for them, but at other times they have to do it themselves. In the same campaigns, we have gone through Chaos temples and climbed on the pile of corpses to reach the next wave.
  10. It is far more fun when everyone is on different pages. That way you get the Arkati and Rashorans arguing, the Lunars looking down from their moral high-horse and the Gbajites just stirring up trouble.
  11. soltakss

    Building Gringles

    I thought that Pumpkins were created by Flamal and one of the minor Goddesses. One day, Eurmal was bored, so he wandered through Aldrya's Forests and came across a giant, bloated orange mass that was sucking the energy from the forest and growing bigger and bigger. Immediately spotting it an dangerous, he did was any self-respecting god would do and took out his trusty dagger, that he kept hidden from Humakt, and started to cut away at the great beast. He cut and cut until he was satisfied that it was no longer a danger, for now it had two eyes, a nose and a smiling mouth, so could not be a threat. as he walked away, the pumpkin called out to him not to go, for it wanted a friend. laughing, Eurmal went further away and the pumpkin called again, but more insistent this time. Drowned out by Eurmal's laughter, it called a third time, even more insistently, as Eurmal disappeared. However, other creatures heard its call and came to see it and be its friend. They weren't its friends, though, as they were not Eurmal. as they got closer, the beast realised that now it had a mouth it could sate its hunger a different way and gobbled them up. Since then, Hungry Jack has attracted those foolish enough to stray near to its lair. As it got bigger and bigger, Jack realised that it just had too much of itself within itself, so strained and strained until part of it burst, throwing small chunks out into the Forest. This took root and grew, becoming smaller versions of itself, called Jacklings. They also attracted people, as they were as lonely as their father. Eurmal wandered past and saw the Jacklings. Intrigued, he moved closer and recognised what they were. "Ah, aren't you cute?" he said to one of them, "Not like that bloated thing you call a father. I'd like to be your friend, but we can't stay here", so he took one of them and pulled it up, he pulled and pulled until its straggly roots came free with it. He put it under his arm and wandered off, but soon found that it was heavy and not great company. He put it down and scolded it, "Look, of you want to be my friend, you have to walk with me" and it got up on its roots and started to walk. Happier, he walked out of the Forest and happened upon one of the Dark Men who had recently appeared. The Dark Man rushed towards him and Eurmal cowered, until his friend roared and rushed the Dark Man, shocking it into stillness. "Wow, you were so scary, you looked like a bear", Eurmal said, "so that's what you are, a Jackling Bear", but that sounded odd, so he shortened it to Jack o'Bear. Eventually, he lost interested in his Jack o'Bear and they parted ways.
  12. I use a Silvertongue Spirit Magic spell that adds +5%to Communication skills per point and a Goldentongue Runespell that doubles Communication skills. Both are compatible with Glamour/Charisma.
  13. Yes, I have never heard of these. Were they stretch goals for the Guide to Glorantha?
  14. Yes, RQ2 or RQ3 Trollpack. Cliffhome is where Cragspider lives. she is the ruler of the area. The capital of Dagori Inkarth is the Castle of Lead.
  15. Write it yourself and stick it in the JC. Doesn't have to be big, some publications are just a few pages. Secrets of Dorastor has something similar. You can get higher levels of Illumination, i.e. Kewl Powerz, by meditating on you Illumination skill at Sacred Time. The first success Illuminates you, subsequent successes allow you to get more Powers. One thing I didn't do, and perhaps should have, is to assign typical Powers that are taught by each of the schools.
  16. If a PC tried that approach then i'd happily allow it. Then I would have every single NPC use the approach whenever the PCs tried to use Glamour, Charisma or similar spells. Players soon realise that they are more likely to buff themselves up than to be buffed against. Absolutely. One of the perks of belonging to a cult is to be able to use its magic. So, Issaries merchants are good at bargaining because they have magic, Eurmali and orlanthi are charismatic because they have magic. Humakti are good killers because they have magic. It reminds me of the scenes in True Grit, the remake rather than the original, although it is in the original as well, where the girl keeps going in to someone's office and basically rips him apart with her trading and politicking skills. at one point, she goes in and he just shies away, soghs and accepts defeat before she even opens her mouth. In Glorantha, that would be using magic.
  17. The Lunars have a history of this kind of thing. The Red Emperor gave Erigia to the Char-Un, even though it was not part of the Empire. The Char-Un did the Skyburn to clear it of forests and moved in. The Red Emperor gave Black Horse County to sir Ethilrist, although it wasn;t called that then, even though it was outside the Empire. He moved in and settled his Black Horse Troop there. The Red Emperor gave the Grantlands to a rebel Duke and his kin, to allow Lunar settlers to move there, although it is not part of the Empire. In this case, the Praxians are strong enough to take it back after a generation.
  18. Moonbroth is important to the Lunars. The sable riders have a Lunar connection. Lunars probably wanted to renew the connection between the Praxians and Dara Happa when they drove out the Horse Nomads in the First Age. Lunars would have loved to get their hands on old cradle artefacts and a Giant Cradle. Storm Bull's Storm in the Wastes would have been an important thing to control or suppress, especially when trying to suppress Orlanth, so being in Prax might have made that easier. The Book of Dale was mentioned as an add-on counter in Nomad Gods, with some Lunar connection. That was the normal rationale for the invasion, sure. Along the Pavis Road and down the Zola Fel to Corflu. But, there are other reasons as well.
  19. Don't worry, we don't hurt people here. We might, however, show them the Elder Gods or take them to Dorastor, but that is character-building, not hurting.
  20. Don't worry, we've got your back. A lot of us have seen various older editions. Lunar Magic, as such, has three general forms in the RQ2/RQ3 supplements: Rune Magic, as granted by the Seven Mothers, Etyries and various other Lunar deities. This works in the same way as any other Rune Magic, except that cults tied to the Moon rune can only cast certain spells on certain days and the strength and effect of the spell varies depending on the phase of the moon. Inside the Lunar Empire, the Red Moon is always full in RQ2/3, giving a boost to all Lunar Rune Magic, but that is changed in HeroQuest to being at Half Moon. I would keep it at Full Moon, to make Lunars scary and gross within the Glowline. Initiates of the Red Goddess, in RQ3, could manipulate Spirit Magic in a similar way to how sorcerers manipulated sorcery. so, a Lunar Magician could take Bladesharp 4 and boost it to become a Bladesharp 10, or could give a Disruption spell a longer range, or make Protection last longer. It was OK, it made a big difference for low-level campaigns but not a great deal of difference for high-level campaigns. Initiates of Lunar cults have access to the Young Elementals. This means that they can summon small Elementals from all the Elements except Air/Storm. This is something that can be very useful, as most cults in RQ2/3 have access to one type of Elemental at best. As they also have access to Lunes, they can get 5 types of Elementals, 6 with the Blue Moon Selenes. On the one hand, no, it is very simple. You need to give NPCs a Rune Pool and ignore the mentions of shield 4 and so on. I would count up the Rune spells, excluding Common Magic, and give that as a Rune Pool, or just make up a number. Some spells in RQ2 were Common magic, but became Cult Speical magic in RQ3. shield is the most obvious example and Players of Yelmalian PCs still complain to this day. You have to be careful about taking some NPCs from RQ2, as they might have a lot more Common Magic spells than they would have in RQG. On the other hand, it is problematic. Rune spells in RQG are rune-based, so need to be cast using a Rune. NPCs in RQ2/3 have no Rune skills, so in theory cannot cast Rune Magic. So, you have to give them Runes at between 80-100%. RQ2/3 NPCs did not have a Rune Pool and a lot of them had a lot of magic. Having a Rune Pool restricted to CHA means that they could only have 21 Rune spells, which seems a lot, but many things from Runemasters or Dorastor, for example, have more. I would keep the spells and just say that they have a special power, or something. A lot of spells from RQ2/3 have not been written up for RQG. That is OK, as you can use the spells as written in RQ2/3 without any real difficulties. Spirit Magic is essentially the same, but is limited by CHA not INT. Rune Magic is essentially the same, but uses Runes to cast, rather than having a 100% cast chance, is limited to CHA in points and uses a Rune Pool. Also, stackable spells are slightly different, you do not need to learn Shield 4, for example, in RQG you learn Shield and cast it with as many Rune Points as you want. Sorcery is substantially different. You can use RQ3 sorcery, but you might need to adapt it. You can use cults from RQ2/3 in RQG without any problems. Sometimes the spells granted as common Magic are no longer available in RQG, but that is easy to handle. Some of the spells from RQ2/3 are not available yet in RQG, so just use the RQ2/3 versions. The main problem you might have is that RQ2/3 cults are much richer than RQG cults, so are described with histories, mythology, SubCults and extra spells. Hopefully, the RQG Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha will have a similar amount of richness, but the RQG Rulebook cults don't. You may find that cults in RQ2/3 are different from those in HQG, which could cause you problems.
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