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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Of course they can ignore the Lightbringer Summons. Cowards and despicable folk ignore it all the while. It is the mark of a dishonorable person to refuse the Lightbringer Summons. All that happens is that the various Spirits of Retribution will visit them, as they have singularly failed to answer the most basic tenet of being a Lightbringer: Come to the aid of other Ligthbringers. I see what you did there!
  2. Osentalka was inherently both good and evil. he was split into Nysalor and Gbaji. Nysalor was inherently good, Gbaji was inherently evil. Nysalor tried to bright illumination and light to the world, in an Empire full of harmony and peace. Gbaji tried to bring evil to the world. When people attacked the empire, Nysalor tried to defend it the best that he could, but Gbaji whispered into people's ears and they turned to darker powers to strengthen the Empire. Gbaji was the Darkness Within and Nysalor was the Light Within. Unfortunately, they were both within each other.
  3. I swear my first thought was "post-modernist ritual, huh?". I read the "m" as "rn", which gave a very different meaning to the ritual.
  4. I think of a situation, put it in a location, flesh it out with NPCs and let the Players loose on it. There is nothing about RuneQuest or Glorantha that makes this any different from D&D or any other game, as regards scenario writing. I have played in monster-bashing dungeons in RuneQuest and they have been great fun. I have also played in scenarios where we have wiped out a temple full of chaotic initiates and Rune Levels, they were fun as well. RuneQuest works as well as anything for combat-based scenarios. It also works for investigative scenarios. It can be good as social scenarios as well. so, whetevr the type of scenario you want, RuneQuest should be OK with it.
  5. That is in Rashnoranic, Nysaloran, Arkati and Lunar Illumination. I thought you meant that is was specific to Rashoran.
  6. A dryad happens when a sacred grove awakens. This means that a grove matures enough until a dryad awakens. some groves never mature and are always without a dryad. I am sure that the gardeners have a way of forcing a Dryad to appear in a young sacred grove, but there are dangers to that. In my Glorantha, anything born from a Dryad actually appears among the roots of the sacred tree or beneath a bush in the Sacred Grove. Elves might be different and it may be that the female elf carries a soft seed within her that grows and expands. Or we could go down the official route, which is just as good.
  7. Nothing. No. No. No. never, not ever. If they want to guess then they can try. Yes. Hah! I got one right! If the Players really want to know and it was a one-off then i'll tell them. But, if it is part of a campaign then I'm not going to tell them anything. Let them find out next time.
  8. I am not the reviewer, just the passer-on of the review. However, fortunately, I am the author, so I can say what is in the section on High Level Gaming. Campaigns: Staying Alive, In-Game, Ransom, Run Away!, Healing and Resurrection, Magic Items, Out-of-Game, Dead and Back Again, Surprise Ally, Relaxed Rules Interpretation, Games Master Mistakes Campaign Ideas: Low Level Campaigns, Medium Level Campaigns, High Level Campaigns, Campaign Plots, Chaos is Nasty, Find the Lost …, Bring Back My …, Politics, Guards, Ducks, Ducks and More Ducks, Dragon Pass Games Masters: New/Amended Rules, Levels of Success, Failure Chance, Fumble Chance, Combat Resolution Chart, Dodge Resolution Chart, Tactics, In Combat, Multiple Attacks, Mob Attacks, Anti-Parry, Special Attacks, Chaos Features, Natural Defense, Demoralize, Multispell, Magic Point Stores, Allied Spirits, What is this "Dead" you speak of?, Healing is not just the Heal spell, Out of Combat, The Great Game, What an Opportunity I have for You, I am the Chosen One, Playing the Rulers Many of these have tactics used by higher-level NPCs and extra rules for higher-level gaming. Partly an essay but very rules-oriented. Almost everything after Tactics is a discussion about various rules tactics that can be used by High-Level PCs and NPCs.
  9. We would have if he could. Arkat is the Shadow of Nysalor - he would have achieved Nysaloran Illumination as it was understood at the end of the First Age. I agree. Does it? Rashoran Illuminated both Yelm and Humakt, neither of which is necessarily Chaotic. Now, you could argue that they are neutral to Chaos, due to Rashoran, I suppose. All the deities involved in the Compromise accepted Chaos, even Storm Bull and Zorak Zoran.
  10. Officially, this is "the fourth Chaosium edition" of RuneQuest. Oh, please, no, don't open that can of worms again!
  11. Don't think of all of Glorantha at once. That is like saying "I want to love Earth history" and then looking at every culture and time in earth. Do it in chunks. Start is one area and then build on that. In that area, focus on one clan/village/town/city/culture. Start very small. Don't have an hour session where you describe how all the clans link together,l what cults they worship and whose grandfather insulted who back in the day. Instead, have a few scenarios around the area you have chosen and introduce people, monsters and cults gradually. Tell by Showing, so don't give a history of Orlanth and Stormbull, instead have some Orlanthi Warriors turn up and some Stormbullers and show how they are different. I have been playing in Glorantha for nearly 40 years (Sob) and I know very little about the West, Kralorela and Pamaltela, as I am not that interested in them. So, not everyone knows about the whole of Glorantha. Pick an area and look at that. The beauty, strength and danger of Glorantha is that it has many layers and depths. You can look at an area and say that it has tribes of animal-riding humans, then you look deeper and deeper, uncovering more and more layers of myths, stories, locations and people. However, you can choose how deep you want to go. It can be. Many of the earlier scenarios are along the lines of Solve a mystery, Uncover the Bad Guys, Kill Monsters, avange our Folk and similar. They all fit in well with a Swords and Sorcery style. A lot of the later scenarios are along the lines of "You belong to a clan and do various things to protect and serve the clan", something that I call Farmer Giles Runequest. It can be good, but I prefer more adventurous scenarios when I am playing. Having said that, you can run whatever style of scenario you want using RuneQuest and Glorantha, Our RQ2 and RQ3 Campaigns were glorious, full-on, no holds barred romps through Glorantha, for example. Learn by playing. Choose an area and start there. I have a soft spot for Pavis/Prax and there used to be lots of scenarios for that, but Sartar is probably a good place to start nowadays. As for swords and Sorcery, as an example, I have fond memories of Soltak Stormspear going berserk with two Bastard Swords and cutting his way through a Thed Temple, or similar. We even climbed over the pile of corpses to get over a wall in a temple once and you can't get more S&S than that. Yes, RuneQuest does Swords & Sorcery really well. Yes, talking to the tribe really helps. some of us are helpful, have been around for a long time and still learn new things from talking to people who are encountering RuneQuest/Glorantha for the first time. These Forums are very helpful and very few people bite. Ask away and you won't be disappointed. And Rick is Mr Chausium in the same way that Jeff is Mr RuneQuest, or Mr Glorantha. Rick liked it so much that he bought the company.
  12. Have a look at http://www.soltakss.com/alternateearthrq/AESupplements.html for a list of the Alternate/Mythic Earth supplements that I am aware of. Although I don't think I have read the books, looking at Wikipedia, RQ3 Vikings and Mongoose's Vikings of Legend would be a good fit for The Broken Sword . Merrie England or Stupor Mundi might be a good fit for Merman's Children. A mix of the Vikings and Mythic Britain supplements might work for Three Hearts and Three Lions. What I would do is to use various sources as a general base of the campaign. They seem to be set earlier than many of those supplements, between Mythic Britain and Vikings, but they are similar enough that you should be able to use them as source material without any problems.
  13. Another review for Secrets of Dorastor. Don't forget that it is part of the DTRPG Sale. [5 Stars] I bought this book because I had discovered the authors website for Glorantha and because I was fascinated by his view of high power, no holds barred RuneQuest, I was not dissappointed! Secrets of Dorastor is deeply bonkers and shot through with pure gold! There is just so much great stuff in here with each baddie more deranged than the last but all making complete sense within the context of the living hell that is Dorastor! If you want to challenge (or just punish ;)) your players send them into Dorastor, they won't know what hit them, honorable broo Humakiti?! 150m tall giants! Evil Demi Gods! Micro Broo! (Not the drink) The magic items are great the organisations are excellent, there are really nice scenario hooks, on average 3 or 4 PER PAGE and there is even stuff for loads of areas surrounding Dorastor! Buy it ! [WARNING CONTAINS ADULT THEMES ;)]
  14. Another review for Secrets of Dorastor. Don't forget that it is part of the DTRPG Sale. [5 Stars] I bought this book because I had discovered the authors website for Glorantha and because I was fascinated by his view of high power, no holds barred RuneQuest, I was not dissappointed! Secrets of Dorastor is deeply bonkers and shot through with pure gold! There is just so much great stuff in here with each baddie more deranged than the last but all making complete sense within the context of the living hell that is Dorastor! If you want to challenge (or just punish ;)) your players send them into Dorastor, they won't know what hit them, honorable broo Humakiti?! 150m tall giants! Evil Demi Gods! Micro Broo! (Not the drink) The magic items are great the organisations are excellent, there are really nice scenario hooks, on average 3 or 4 PER PAGE and there is even stuff for loads of areas surrounding Dorastor! Buy it ! [WARNING CONTAINS ADULT THEMES ;)]
  15. Maybe you could have toned it down a bit as well. It comes across as aggressive and unpleasant.
  16. That is while they are not discorporate. When they discorporate, they can see the spirit world but not the mundane world.
  17. Yes. Good question. I guess the shaman could work out roughly where they were from the type of spirits around, then cast visibility at an appropriate point. Maybe a spirit Travel roll would be needed to get to about the right spot. That is easy. Discorporate, become Visible, walk through the wall, attack the enemy.
  18. I should be writing about Tada and his folk in Secrets of the Oasis Folk, but that might be a while coming.
  19. Cults can be a useful stepping stone, though. You can do what Arkat did and join different cults to learn their secrets, then blend them into something new.
  20. The Mundane World and Spirit World are separate, as they were separated during God Time, when Daka Fal separated the living from the dead. Most spirits cannot interact with the Mundane World, except in certain circumstances. That is why we are not bombarded with spirits wherever we go. To break through to the Mundane World, spirits need an ability, normally using a Visibility spell or effect. Without that, they are confined to the Spirit World. Ghosts and Wraiths are special cases, as they are usually bound to a certain place or object and can become Visible at will. Many temples have spirit places that hold cult spirits. These cannot always break through but can be easily summoned. Some areas have Spirit Places (RQG p 375) where the barrier between the Mundane and Spirit Worlds is thin, or where they overlap. Spirits here can become Visible at will, as they are effectively on both planes. This allows Adventurers to visit them and to bind spirits, or to contact spirits and ask them questions. Discorporate beings are entirely in the spirit world, even Shamans. They can see other spirits and interact with them, but are not in the Mundane World. A Shaman who wants to spy should use Visibility to interact with the Mundane World, then the Shaman appears as a ghost. Once Visible, the Shaman can be seen and can be targeted by spells. Of course, a shaman with a good Hide, or with special hiding magic, could become a reasonable spy.
  21. And we eagerly await your recollections and stories of what it was like in the beginning. Please post as many of those as you can. To a certain extent, it doesn't matter. Unless you are gearing up to do something on the Cradle, what benefit does it give you to know it is coming? Even then it is just an event in the future. I just run scenarios as they come and try to put them into some sort of timeline. It is always flexible and fits around what the Players/Adventurers are doing.
  22. That's why I house rule that Cult special spirit Magic is not commonly available to Shamans. I did ask the question in the Rules Clarification thread but have not had a response.
  23. I just can't play Pendragon for the very same reasons, also medieval knights in Dark Age Britain just doesn't work for me. It's a shame, as it looks like a really fun game.
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