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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Sop, does that mean that you only allow +1 CHA, no matter how many flashy items the Adventurer has?
  2. You should have put spoilers around it!
  3. Ralzakark's Yelornan daughter ...
  4. In my opinion, you can create a new myth that stands together with the old myth, so both myths are there in God Time. HeroQuestors can perform either myth, and Initiates can experience either myth in their Holy Day ceremonies. They way that could happen is that a new version of the cult can be created. As it gains more and more worshippers it can outstrip the original cult and more worshippers experience the new myth than the old myth. Eventually, the old myth could be forgotten, or only known by a handful of heretics, ready to be rediscovered by HeroQuestors in the future. However, I don't think that changes the original myth, and definitely does not change history.
  5. An Initiate of a deity should be able to have Devotion (Deity). As a GM I'd give it to them as a freebie.
  6. Thanks, I do enjoy looking at family history generators
  7. I would allow them to have whatever traditions made sense. If it is a tradition from another island, perhaps they learned it from a travelling master.
  8. Don't think it's helpful to tell newcomers to look at out-of-print material. In any case the RQ3 spells referred to are pretty much the same spells given in the RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary p61. Ok, look at those then.
  9. I don't think that Yelm is the Emperor in the East Isles. However, I don't know what the sun is called in the East Isles. Maybe they have different names for the sun, or its aspects.
  10. They are mentioned in Secrets of HeroQuesting. However, any GM can give Adventurers heroic Abilities, as the result of HeroQuests, magical trials, eating special food, gaining Chaos Features or whatever. An early edition of Wyrms Footnotes, or Different Worlds, gave Adventurers a non-Chaotic Chaos Feature if they were born during Sacred Time, for example.
  11. Mostali are specialised. However, the Mostali that we see, the Dwarves, are all Clay Mostali, so are very much alike. Other Mostali are very different. Each of the True Mostali castes are different from the other castes, and have specialisms that help them in their tasks. Look at the RQ3 Mostali spells and make them abilities for the True Mostali.
  12. Maybe, maybe not. They are Yelmite Supremacists, for sure. But, I don't think they are racist. Agimori wield pikes in Phalanxes, Yelmalians wield pikes in Phalanxes. Agimori worship a major Fire Deity, Yelmalians worship a major Light Deity. They are more alike than you might imagine. I think that Agimori could worship Yelmalian, although they are naturally toed to the Fire Rune that Yelmalio lost. Agimori more naturally worship Lodril, as he is their ancestor and the source of their Fire Rune. As savage cousins. Agimori are Praxian in ways that the Sun Domers couldn't, and wouldn't want to, be. Sun Domers think of Lodrili as earthy peasants, more used to the sensual, dirty, wallowing in mud kind of stuff that Sun Domers remain aloof from. They are confused by Agimori, as Lodrili, as they are not earthy peasants, and do not wallow in the mud, are not sensual or dirty.
  13. That looks usable. As a Player, I would want to add some peculiarities to a starting character. As a GM, I'd probably say "fine, if you can justify them".
  14. The Three-Feathered Rivals are written up in Different Worlds 3, as a combined cult, similar to the structure of the Seven Mothers. Have a look at the spells and take the air ones for Thunderbird.
  15. I don't, but if an Adventurer loses important magic items, their CHA would go down.
  16. I went to a couple of family funerals this year and remarked to my cousin, who is a few years older then me, that I used to go to family occasions and look for the people with white hair, as that would be my Nan, Grandad, or later on my Aunts and Uncles, but now it is us.
  17. It might be useful, but the GM should stop it being used as a fix-all ability. Knowing about a nearby Alien culture would be an interesting and useful breakout. Animal handling would also make sense. I would have the alien species as a keyword, which also reflects the culture. Some aliens might have different cultures, maybe one per planet or group of planets. Humans could have different cultures, depending on where they came from or how they developed. Look at The Expanse, the Belters have a different culture to Earthers. I would have "Belter", "Earther", "Marser" as keywords that incorporate the culture and, perhaps, any adaptations to the environment. So, Belters might have Zero-G as a breakout.
  18. Sure, that could well be possible and I might even include it in a future supplement. However, it would protect until burned away, so is of limited use. An anti-acid enchantment, on the other hand, would be permanent. The Healer, Gavi-Scon is said to have perfected such an enchantment.
  19. Except for the scenario that introduces the River Voices.
  20. There are only 22 mentions of acid, some in the same sentence. Removing those, we only have 14 instances of acid. That's not a lot at all, really, is it? After all, it says:
  21. He might want the Dragons to be friends with Pavis, so Adventurers could rediscover the lost draconic secrets of Pavis, or discover new ones. They could help the Dragonewts of the Bug Rubble, maybe helping them establish draconic eggs in their temple, so they can be reborn there instead of having to trek back from Dragon Pass upon death. Dragon friendship, recovering lost knowledge, awakening the Inner Dragon, lots of things to be playing around with. There are lots of stories about what WindWhistler was doing. As a GM, take them and run with them to create a narrative. Not necessarily the Sun Dome. However, I had the Old Sun Dome Temple be a site where Yamsur's Chariot was trapped in a portal to the Dragonkill, allowing Adventurers to HeroQuest to the Dragonkill and to restore chariot-worship to the Sun Domers. That is WindWhistler. They are probably Associate Cults. Sun Dragon is written up on p132 of the Cult Compendium. It grants Magical Arms and Radiance. There is a Dragonewt Temple in the Big Rubble, but it's denizens are reborn in Dragon Pass and have to return to the Temple. They hunt in the Big Grazing, treating it like the Huntlands around Dragon's Eye in Dragon Pass. Sure, they sided with the Lunars against the Cradle. In my opinion, the Lunars are the heirs of Nysalor, who also had Dragonewt Mercenaries after Nysalor curse the Dragons. The Lunars know the same secrets, so hire Dragonewts. The Red Emperor also knows the secrets of the Dragon Emperor and uses those to control Dragonewts Mercenaries, again in my opinion. Probably not, as Joerg pointed out, WindWhistler has wings. That is from the Sun Dragon writeup, so you probably have seen the cult.
  22. Smiths use hammers for smithying. For combat, they use the best weapon available to them. In RQG, this is not hammers. You asked for a possible reason. Here are some others. Feel free to disregard those, too. True Mostali were once a lot bigger than Clay Mostali are now. So, they had a bigger Damage Bonus. Mostali are conservative, so they kept the same weapons. Mostali had magic that gave them damage bonuses when using hammers, but have lost that magic now. There is a specific foe of the Mostali that is damaged only by hammers, so Mostali still use them, just in case. If Mostali use black powder weapons, why do they bother with Crossbows? We can all nit-pick at various parts of the rules. What I do is to just change bits and bobs as I go along. Even though the sample from the Bestiary has Hammer 80% and Axe 60% that doesn't mean that all Mostali should have those.
  23. Just use normal weapon skills. There is no need to have an ability to use them with four arms. In my opinion, the spell lets you coordinate the arms appropriately. Having extra arms doesn't give you more HPs, or change the HPs of your current arms. You just get more arms. So, use the normal table. You could use a Wind Child Hit Location but change wings to arms. You could get Heroic Casting of the spell, using Magic Points instead of Rune Points to cast them. Maybe the arms could become permanent, then you could use Sprout Arms to get six arms. You could make the arms look confusing to gain some kind of penalty for opponents parrying them.
  24. Iron dwarfs are smiths, and smiths use hammers. If that doesn't suit, dwarfs should be able to use axes as well.
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