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Everything posted by Raleel

  1. I like your ride and drive distinction. I think it hits my view as well, though in a less mechanical way. I have some small nits to pick with your pilot vs drive, in that power boats are pretty damn easy to pilot, require no course plotting, largely do change direction pretty immediate (at least as much as many larger cars/trucks). Planes can be quite easy to control as well. Maybe piloting is driving things outside if your normal medium? You can’t quite say 3d because boats and ships are really only traveling on the surface but the environment of all of these is outside your normal medium (water, air, space, etc)
  2. I am in the drive for machines, ride for animals camp. Part of it is for the reasons mentioned, and part of it is because I play Mythras and I like to change Drive to be based on something other than POW. I don’t feel like your car or motorcycle cares about your soul or inner drive, while a horse might be influenced by such.
  3. No, almost definitely not. Some are humans with no special powers at all really. Some are baby dragons that can rip apart tanks. Rifts is famous for its incredibly wide range of power levels.
  4. TheButcher and I are working on some conversion of Rifts to Mythras/M-Space Ofer on rpgpub.com right now, actually. https://www.rpgpub.com/threads/in-which-we-joust-at-the-windmill-of-rifts.2577/
  5. Just the rules straight from RQG on the PCs and Affinities?
  6. there is a setting begging to be written.
  7. I might argue that it's less about being tricky and deceiving and more about being outside of, and likely against, conventional societal norms. A lying CEO or a politician can be quite tricky and deceiving, having much in common con-artist, but no one is going to call them "punk". Making your way without conforming is the core of punk, IMO. Coincidentally I was thinking about this last might and thinking about cultures (to bring it back to Mythras). I had already decided on Street and Corp, but was not ever really happy with how Corp looked to me. Now I am seeing that it's not Corp, it's Ex-Corp - you've left the conformity. I'm reminded of Rush's Subdivisions on this
  8. We had been keeping a secret over on reddit
  9. I firmly support this, with the war being interrupted by a kaiju. Probably going to need some animated statue as well.
  10. Gifts and Blessings - just straight powers. You get something like Nightvision or burrowing or something else. Well, they won't be struggling off Wrack or Magic Missile or Fireball or Lightning Bolt Theism's Lightning because they don't get much armor against them. Wrack is half armor, magic missile is no armor no dodge, fireball is half armor and will set you on fire and no armor against that. Lightning Bolt offers no armor, and can set you on fire. Lighting offers very high damage AND no armor.
  11. Additionally, Luther Arkwright has a Psionics system that is single skill based and a little simpler than the core book ones. M-Space has one as well, and they are different. After the Vampire Wars has half-fae mutations, which are functionally powers. Mythras also has Gifts and chaos blessings which aren't really sorcery-like at all, but more powers. You could do something like Classic Fantasy for their traveling spells and Sorcery for rituals. Essentially, one for the tower one for the road. I would point out that no warrior is shrugging off Wrack or Magic Missile or Fireball or Lightning Bolt. Or frankly Theism's Lightning.
  12. Ah yes, I read that wrong, and you are correct. Thanks!
  13. side note, @Tywyll, burning hands at rank 3 is also pulling this trick for 1 mana and a 1 action casting time. Other ways to deal with this: Colour Cascade - 3+ targets to compare to the fireball. Quicker, often a bigger effect, willpowers are lower Lightning Bolt - no armor for you, and while half the width of the fireball, it is quite a bit longer. This one is a bit confusing because it says the targets (presumably within the area) take damage according to the spell damage table, yet then everything within 10' takes 1d6. @threedeesixthis might warrant a clarification if you are available. Lightning can also pull off the light on fire trick occasionally. Web - even a low grade web is pretty tough with 6 AP.
  14. In the case of fireball, I think there is two points that is being underweighed and one point that is being missed (and even by myself until a bit ago). Armor counting for half is a bigger deal than given credit for, and hit locations have far fewer hit points than in previous editions. Yes, you may be able to clear out rooms of orcs with 5d6 fireballs, but said orcs are probably also only rabble or underlings The missed point is that it takes very little fireball pumping to catch people on fire. Check p86 on fires, as referenced by fireball. A 1d6 fireball (mere intensity 3) has a 50% chance (1 on 1d2) to ignite any of the 1d4+1 locations as determined by intensity. On average, you are going to hit another couple locations for another 3.5 points, which has a very strong chance of dropping them (no armor here) or will force them to go prone putting it out. does that help? @threedeesixsince a fireball hits all locations, why doesn’t the chance to ignite affect all locations? My current guess is because that would be an average of 3.5 locations taking an average of 3.5 damage
  15. I ran a solid portion of t1-4. Frankly, some of the best fights I’ve had were in it. For whatever reason, it flowed extremely well. We had one where the party made a bunch of noise and got surrounded by ogres (1st level of the temple I think). They did some amazing damage and the ogre leader ran. They gave chase... through the nearby gnolls. Alarms went up, troops started prepping. It was fantastic.
  16. I got you Essentially, the mechanism is there to provide similarity to a limited number of spells per day. magic points recover at 1 per hour of resting or 2 per hour of sleep (p115) A spellcaster's rank lowers the amount of magic points a spell requires. See Magic Cost and Caster Rank, p122 Fireball goes through half armor, not full armor. Resisting is on p125. you oppose the casting roll. So, lets go through your scenario. You have at least a Rank 2 caster (equivalent to around a level 5-8 wizard in 1e or 2e) because he can cast fireball. that's largely 1-2 fireballs a day. He's got a 15 POW. He's fighting brigands, who are probably not wearing a lot of armor - I'm looking at the brigands in the moathouse with a leader wearing chain (5), an aide wearing ring (3), and most everyone else wearing leather (2). Armor is half here, so 3/2/1. He can toss a 1d4 fireball for 3 points. Yes, it's not necessarily going to drop everyone, but, on the other hand 5d6 fireballs are good, but they don't necessarily drop everyone either. Lets say you are talking that 5th level fireball. 5d6, that's his only one. He should dump some more magic into that kick it up to intensity 5. now he's talking out arms. Yes, he's spent a lot of magic points, but that's also how it would be for the 1e wizard - he's spent his big spell and has 4 level 1s and 2 level 2s. Your CF wizard is getting 2 free levels of intensity/2 less cost on his level 1s (rank affects), so maybe he uses Flaming hands or magic missile. he can do 2 magic missiles for 2 points and it does 1d6+1 per missile, no armor. short of it, don't blow all your mana like that. there are smarter ways with CF. Use those lower rank spells and get the free points for your rank. Your lower rank spells are viable for quite a long time. Rank 3 casting flaming hands for all of 1 mana and it doing 1d6 to 1d4+1 locations might be smarter. Rank 2 casting an intensity 7 flaming hands for 5 and doing 2d6, half armor is pretty darn stout
  17. Raleel

    New here

    As g33k says, it should be fine. If you get the QuickStart you can see the similarities and differences. You could, for example, leave out luck points if you want a pretty gritty experience or leave then in if you want a little more player agency. Passions can cover rune affinities, or you could port over the rune affinities directly. It should work just fine. BRP as a whole is extremely good for this sort of work
  18. As g33k mentions, not really in the core book. Loosely ancient world, though up to medieval should be no issue at all. Mythras Imperative, the free abbreviated set of rules, can handle modern and futuristic too, as weapons and armor are there, as well as some more modern professions and skills. There are separate settings books for Mythic Rome, Mythic Britain, Mythic Constantinople, Monster Island, Luther Arkwright, and a brief one on superheroes, as well as third party books for space, 1920’s weird sci-fi, and probably another I’m forgerting
  19. I don't know that it has been released. @threedeesix would be able to answer. He recently did up Classic Fantasy for Mythras and has been working on a second book for it.
  20. mostly it's just used as a framework in CF for leveling. In Mythras, they are more culturally focused, but certainly don't have to be. Just think of them as levels in CF. If you don't want to use levels, I'd like to hear about the choices in your campaign to better assist.
  21. Pretty much what classic fantasy does. It even has a level to rank conversion chart. I find CF’s repurposing of the Mythras cult and brotherhoods into classes to be quite clever.
  22. This has been something on my mind thinking about a campaign. The question of if I really want to portray that disparity with my group. Most of them don’t really want to look at that I think, but then again, there is a whole fight for what is right that is easy to set up there. Knights in pink Mohawks, as it were. Huh... that phrasing just came to me. That’s very catchy and apt. Maybe they aren’t super privileged but they are better enough, and there are people that are needing them.
  23. well, I would say a 50% in any skill is going to map to a 50% in the other system. it's a chance for success - so, yes, equivalent. For combat skills, I would do as you suggest. i might just kind of eyeball it even. the base in Mythras skills might be a bit higher - it's derived from stats and not as a flat percent to start with. Most of the skills that start at 05% in BRP are professional skills in Mythras, and you don't get a chance at all. as an example, Stealth in BRP starts at 10% - in mythras it's DEX+INT, which for humans is a minimum of 11 with the lowest INT and DEX possible, and human average would be more like a 24. iirc, one time I mapped out the character creation process, and Mythras got more points than CoC characters. Closer to Pulp Cthulhu, but without the powers. EDU doesn't exist in Mythras. I'm not sure how I would map that, or even if I would. Luck exists, but is different entirely. Magic points are the same I think. Hit points are going to change, so I would just use the mythras ones. it should be easy to calculate.
  24. Pretty sure I’m going to use this now as a signature somewhere.
  25. I don’t know if you are open for other options, but if this were my group I would use Mythras (a BRP family game) and it’s supplement Classic Fantasy. The latter is built to emulate OSR (and thus a little lower magic, a little grittier) D&D but using a d100 chassis. Not that BGB can’t do it, I’m sure. I just have less experience in that area. As a whole the deadlier combat in most of the d100 lines are going to give it quite a bit different flavor.
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